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Posts posted by fey

  1. Best plan, go down with a truck full of decent muscle. Not just thugs, but professionals.

    Get in, try the peaceful way first.

    Take the old fella far far away, to the nearest hospital, get him cleaned up mentally.

    Then go back with the best legal team he can find and regain the situation.

    I wish you well and hope the old fella makes it from this situation.

    any recommendations for professionals?

  2. if all else fails, another more direct option would be to jump the fence and knock on the door when shes not home. its not a crime if he agrees to a visit. if he wants to leave evac him. if stopped he tells police hes leaving voluntarily.

    another option stake out the house and follow them into town. approach and ask him to go with you. if the wife objects physically push her away. if police intervene he tells them hes leaving voluntarily.

    if hes on the fence about leaving, drugged or not real lucid, you have problems. i would attempt to speak with him first before evac to ensure your own safety. you dont want a kidnapping rap. male sure the wife cant put words in his mouth when you confront them in town or in public.

    possibly you can have a statement made out by a lawyer which he can sign. you can present this to police if stopped. the statement expresses his desire to leave.

    you also want someone with you for the evac who can serve as a witness so its not two against one if the wife becomes abusive or overbearing and he starts agreeing with her.

  3. Jaybird from just reading between the lines from your posts I feel you are asking the wrong forum for help.

    You appear to be a young health orientated guy. With lots of income. One who likes good wines and perhaps the arts.

    Most guys in this forum probably donot travel in the circles you are accustom too.Difficult to assist.

    The lifestyle you lead is rare. And to be honest sounds likeyou will only be in Thailand 4 to 6 months a year hardly retired, just more of one residence out of many.

    My suggestion to start is Pattaya. Get a rental with every thing you want. you will just have to learn to live for a few months a year in a place with no real culture stimulations, Just raw entertainment and beachs. Donot expect good wines and fine dining. You will have to be happy with mediocure at best.

    Your best bet is Singapore.

    or hong kong. that would be my alternative in this situation if money was not a top priority. many countries can get a 3 month visa free stay since its a special business zone.

    great nightlife, walkable stuff and nature, cultural stuff, it has it all. but you pay more to live there of course.

  4. i would bet the current problem is partially tied to the dealing with the past sale of the small tract.

    thats what happens is they sense something and will keep encroaching more and more depending on how you react. in the end you have nothing. does not matter how you respond, your screwed either way.

    thus my rule of thumb to leave the immediate neighbors alone. i even wait if i hear them around and avoid them. rule of the day is 'problem avoidance'.

    you can make those happy memories with ones that live a block away, plenty of those to do that with is what i always say.

    in my experience they will always feel you out before encroaching and rarely just take blindly. its like a dog sniffing anothers arse.

    so that hi and greeting stuff has some pretty primitive stuff attached to it underneath. pretty nasty primitive territorial stuff.

  5. my guess is that you wont end up "retiring" here at all

    you seem to be in the same situation i was in. traveling around every 3 months is in fact preferable at your age then digging in would be imo

    so you just visit a new location every 3 months, call it "home" and move on

    youll probably be drawn back to certain places for whatever reason, cost of living or a girl you know, whatever. most people end up staying in fewer locations as they get older.

    it is easy to get lazy and just sit in bkk. had a neighbor who was in the same flat for 15 years before going back to belgium. i really had to pull myself out of bkk, did not like it, but its easy to just sit there and watch the time fly by sleeping days and partying at night.

    had another neighbor who was into whoring and i left to travel the world, i returned about two years later (i stay in the same building each time), he was still sitting there like it was yesterday, single, getting older and whoring. man, kind of depressing really.

    he also had not shaved or waxed his back hair since when i left and it looked like a rug. bizarre, given all the spa services around.

  6. Nice photos of a couple in love taken in a rice field,, but really every couple in love has the same type of photos,,

    maybe not in a rice field, but on the beach, somewhere ???? so what's the fuss..

    Getting away from the photos, can anyone tell me what is the practical purpose of buffalos on a rice farm ??

    Do they pull the rice to trucks, or are they milked, or provide manure or are they a status symbol with no real purpose ?

    I guess there must be a reason for them, but I don't know what it is ???

    Can someone explain please ?

    fuss is that we have to look at them!

  7. have had a good deal of experience with this personally, its a common problem.

    my suggestion is dont get involved personally. dont go the nice neighbor route, dont show your face at all, dont ask nicely.

    hire a lawyer and follow up with a reputable construction crew (not locals)

    the lawyer expense is just something your going to have to pay to get the land back. it will not get solved any other way and they will never agree on a compromise with you or your wife and give the land back without being forced to. they wont say ok, that sounds fair, well be reasonable, heres some berries from our yard. they wont become suddenly reasonable when faced with a plan that clearly states yhe boundry, and say you win, lets be good neighbors and forget the lawyer, ok?

    once the boundry is secured have the construction crew build a tall solid fence so you can neither see through any cracks or over the top. then plant vines on your side of the fence so you can no longer see the fence.

    good luck with it.

  8. I also keep hearing all thai guys arent the same, you just have to look around everywhere, the entire country, almost every residence. Dude, clean up all the rubbish, the outside of the house hasnt been cleaned or painted since it was built, get your ass out of the hammock, take some pride in where you live,,,,,geesh

    thai dudes are some of the laziest ever. even the kids learn from a small age they dont have to help with cooking or home chores.

    later they bail on any girl that gets pregnant, maybe returning after the kid is grown.

    many of them dont or cant work and are ashamed at not being supportive financially so, they also have very small penises, they just leave when there is a problem. then they try driving a tuk-tuk or selling fake watches and take their anger and frustration out on random customers.

    just not all around stand up guys. ill make an exception for some better educated higher income families where i have seen a stable father figure around.

  9. very interesting, powerful and unique position

    translation is one thing, interpretation quite another

    interpretation requires much more skill and diplomacy then a mere translator, and should be compensated accordingly

    if it makes them angry, offering a solution requires even more...

  10. i tried classic burger because of this thread and It was really really good, however I'm always the only person eating there. When I ride by it's always empty. ??

    did you ask him about his work permit while you were there?

  11. What the F...How can you be lucky to get married to a porn star??? What kind of world are we living to? i am really disgusted by some people....

    What are you a mormon or something?

    I think he means who would want to marry somebody who has has 100's of strangers go through her and on film, you don't have to be religious to find that a little disgusting surely.

    thats what many guys dont get over here. often your dealing with sloppy seconds in no uncertain terms, even without showers or washing in between.

    thats why people make a big deal of showering before sex, or at least make the gesture

    bit after several beers you just tend to ignore it and 'thats life'

  12. why did this guy not stand up to the photographer and insist on wearing a respectible long sleeve or clean pressed short sleeve shirt?

    was it a need to 'fit in' somehow? be thai? to be like lower class rural thais who sit around drinking shirtless?

    he may want to wear a shirt do at the wedding meethinks

    pretty much sums it up in a nutshell for any country at an important occassion, unless your going tribal

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