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Posts posted by nikmar

  1. my 12 year old boy got a second hand Oppo for 3000 last year. he doesnt need to do fancy stuff - a couple of games and You tube.


    As stated above, worst thing we ever let him have, but we do make an effort to keep him occupied - muay thai classes, learning to cook with his Mum etc. but if he s been on it a while it can be a battle to seperate him from it. 


    "No phone for a week" does work well as a deterent / punishment though!

  2. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Some 15 areas that are reported have PM2.5 dust particles slightly above safety standards.

    Bang Na, where I live, is listed in the affected areas. This morning, walking to the bus, the air was toxic. I could practically taste it. "Slightly" is BS. My lungs feel like used tea bags this morning!

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