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Posts posted by phrisco17

  1. Nothing will happen as long as the army keeps checks on the red rabble rouses. Without payment and organisation the farmers won't do a thing, so making sure the rabble rouses get punished and don't get a chance to start trouble will make sure the farmers behave.

    That is why they are so tough with the reds, because if they get a chance they will start trouble and then we have fighting and deaths again. If they want to protest let them go to Chang Mai and bother their own.

    I might not support the junta 100% but i support them 100% in making sure that we don't get the same street protests as before.

    The Army should have stopped the street protests earlier to allow a democratic government the opportunity to complete it's elected term of office. Don't like those in power, vote them out next election!

  2. "If the Prayut regime wants to improve relations with the US, there is only one way: restore democracy soon. As long as elections continue to be postponed and freedom of expression and assembly remain restricted, the US is correct to maintain pressure while keeping its distance."

    Nothing to add, I can't improve upon the above.

    I second!

  3. Wow. Already 20 posts slamming the junta and not one "But, but, but....Thaksin" post! Of course, the junta isn't making it easy for the cheerleaders.

    Just sayin'......coffee1.gif

    Too true. It is not the same anymore. You miss the westerns who were for deposing popularly elected governments, freedom of speech and rule of law. Thaksin is no better or worse perhaps. The status quo in Thailand remains.


  4. r. PM I might suggest take some of your rice farmers to Williams California to learn how to grow rice and make a good profit. Oh Clifornia Has the highest yeild rice fields in the world. Just in case you didn't know. Also rice in US cheaper than in Asia.

    Also check the rice farmers in South Louisiana! Therice field seeding, fertilizing and weed control is done by crop duster airplanes. Harvesters (big tractors) cut the rice and seperate the grain.

  5. The most sensible alternative to reducing alcohol consumption by minors is the checking of ID's and refusing service/entry to minors.

    Seattle, Washington has the best preventive program. The bar owner is required to check the ID of each and every patron regardless of age and deny entry to minors. Should the Police enter the bar, club or resturant selling alcohol, to check ID's and someone cannot produce an ID (regardless of age) the bar owner will be fined. If an individual was allowed entry without an ID the supposition would be that the bar did not/does not check ID's and therefore may be serving minors and/or not conforming to the law. I have never visited a drinking establishment in Seattle that my ID was not checked! It works!

    Require the bar owner to enforce the underage drinking laws; Fine bar owners when minors are discovered in an establilshment selling alcohol. Problem logically and simply (oxymorons when refering to Thainess) solved with a lot less disruption to the economy.

  6. Its hardly surprising the country would be rich if most of the money is not stolen

    Stolen from who?

    A UN report on corruption mentioned that Thailand could be a 1st world country within 17 years if corruption stopped

    It will take more years than 17 years and more issues than just corruption resolved to even move up to 3rd world status!!

  7. Thailand has been slowly churning towards personal stagnation for a long time, the education system is in part the problem and we need it now the other part , Thai's want everything the west has, the problem is that Thailand isn't the west, but you can't deny them the trimmings of the west , so you have a slow drift towards a country that has become intolerant towards each other, locked to world economic situations, over loaded in personal dept , with a family unit that has little or no income , this causes more problems than Prayut - O section 44, mind the future looks bleak for quite a few in the West, but even more so in places like Thailand and despite good intentions it will continue while the present mindset of the Thai establishment continues on its ruling way, the Thai people need better leadership, direction and governance , this will not happen under the present system coffee1.gif

    You failed to mention that most Thai families are also distended and fragmented!

  8. I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

    Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

    Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


    Just because you put ten thousand dollars into a $5 machine don't guarantee you'll get back the % paid out over the $10 thousand dollar play, it's only over a very long time of play that the percentages are achieved which could mean that you play a lot more than $10,000 dollars.....

    You say you worked 3 years in a casino but it don't make you right in what you say.....

    You go play a 5 dollar slot and play $10,000 dollars on a machine and let us know what you actually got back....


    Even if you only get back 80% of the money you gambled, your money is now taxed and clean. It is still money laundering and I have watched it first hand.

    I'll give you some tips. Only play a slot machine you can afford to play the maximum bet on, feed the same machine at least $200 and you will come out ahead. Corner machines hit more often because everyone sees you win. Ask the floor-walker which machines are 'hot' and, if you are not too obvious about it, bend over and look up behind the glass at two sets of odometer type numbers; the longer row is how many times the game has been played and the shorter number is how many times it payed out. Look for a larger ratio to know which slot machine is ready to 'pop'. Since I can only speak from the experience of casinos in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi, that 99.5% payback rate on five dollar slots is common in all three of those states. Most people don't stay on the same machine long enough for it to begin 'giving back' so the casinos always win in the end.

    I was a Black Jack dealer my last six months and when I gambled, I only played Black Jack. I had friends who were slot techs and they gave me the tips. I won my first time playing and kept track (except for tips to dealers, servers, and comped meals). I played for longer than three years on the casino's money. Savvy players can earn money gambling. The casinos make their money off the saps and problem gamblers. They prey on he most vulnerable.

    Are you sure you worked in a casino? You don't sound like you have a clue. Your comments sound like you learned this from watching movies... 80%-99% return is absolute <deleted>.

    Common Casino advertising on the highways of Lousiana, USA refers to the "Multi Millions of Dollars" slot machines payout each month at a particuar casino. This is amount is the total recorded slot machine payouts for the month not the amount of monies taken home by gamblers as most put their winnings back into the slot machines. The State Gambling Commission sets the payout rates for various casino gambling venues which even if set as high as 90% or 95% most players put their winnings back into game and end up going home with less money than they came with.

  9. An efficiently-operated land-bridge, perhaps run by/with the help/expertise of the Port of Singapore, would be required. And their commercial involvement might ease their objection to this route bypassing Singapore itself ?

    I understand that in the USA container-trains a couple-of-miles long, with containers stacked two-high, are common these days ?

    And as I understand it, the only possible justification for the Canal-idea, is that the Straits-of-Molucca sea-route is close to its physical capacity, so an alternative-route has to be found ? Then ideas like a (surely cheaper) land-bridge or sea-to-sea canal must be contemplated.

    The relative delay of a land-bridge, or indeed the very-expensive Canal, would only be justified by the current longer sea-route being totally full, IMO.

    But in Thailand they would be stacked 4 or 5 high and the trains would topple off the tracks at the first turn!

  10. From April 30 to this morning the baht has taken a hammering.

    At the time of your posting the Baht hadn't been traded yet since 30 April.

    Edit: Just notice that the first round of exchange is 7am. Wonder how they do this as the financial markets in Thailand are still closed at that time.[/quote

    Currency is traded around the world 24 hours a day except on weekends. The Thai market may be closed but the baht is still being traded in the U.S. and the EU as an example.

  11. "The minister added that he was also disappointed with the assessment of the Civil Aviation Departments performance in the supervision of safety standards by the International Civil Aviation Organistion (ICAO)."

    They don't like hearing the truth......Do they?

    Well instead of complaining, do improve your safety standards and then you can moan.

    Seems Japan is right for their action.

    You don't wait for 3-4 months to rectify your faults that can have disastrous effects on people.

    You do it NOW.

    My guess is that it is already known for a long time and they waited already way longer than 3-4 month.

    The Thai DCA showed very poorly in previous ICAO audits. I suppose ICAO just got tired of hollow promises! USA and EU will soon follow!

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