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GR8fun in LOS

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Posts posted by GR8fun in LOS

  1. On 6/19/2021 at 3:42 AM, webfact said:

    Fully vaccinated with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Sinovac, and Sinopharm Covid vaccines (no less than 14 days earlier, but no more than one year) and has a Vaccine Certificate to prove it.

    Interesting will this slow down the Russian arrivals - No Sputnick 5 vaccine approved, by the Thai officialdum?

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    New South Wales has a few positives in quarantine. Heard it said today that daily testing of the populice is quite low at the moment. 6000 a day but they want it back up to >13,000. Population of New South Wales just over 8 million. Relate tests per population and even at the low standard of 6000 tests per day equates at a guess to around 42,000 tests a day in Thailand. Around 1.2-1.3 million a month. So far just over 8,000,000 since the beginning. Australia 16,000,000, UK 146,000,000 and USA 433,000,000. To see one must first look.

    If you can believe those Thai figures - total tests increased to 8,124,896 on 3rd of April - no change in 17 days. Previous change was 28 Mar 8,074,112 and prior to that 15 Mar 1.600,951 and previous to that 18 Dec'20 1,217,873 and then 2 months earlier 14 Oct'20 977,854 and that comes from the worldOmeters site, updated daily or as provided. As you say Thailand is 69.9m 11% tested on current figures; whilst Australia is 25.5m 64% tested.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/18/2020 at 12:56 PM, natway09 said:

    This protection racket should have been stopped years ago.

    They have had 2 or 3 chances of being a heavy aircraft major maintenance hub but this

    was the stumbling block, Where did they go 1, Singapore, 2 Malaysia 3 (cannot remember).

    They wanted to come here as labour is more availablle & diligent (Yes, employed a Malaysian recently ?)

    This needs to be extended to other businesses assoon as possible. I have been involved twice with 

    offshore Companies that really wanted to transfer some of their operations here & in the end did not for this very reason that their board was not convinced that if working by the book they had control.

    and what is the chance that the aviation industry of China, does consider the opportunity? They are starting to produce aircraft in some numbers now but looking to the future. They could get cheap government loans from PRC, obtain lots of Chinese workers and become another Chinese Hub hanging off the Belt & Braces and string of Pearls logistic program  Only thinking out-loud BUT....

  4. On 12/24/2019 at 6:06 PM, CharlieH said:

    In my  experience this is usually an over exaggeration by the girl to impress people back home and the reality is far from the story given. (saving face)

    However, I do know of instances where the girl does find a "diamond" and does marry a very wealthy guy too, but the latter is rare, the former is usually the case. 


    I also know of an instance where it went really badly and ended in being forced into working in a massage parlor etc etc passport with-held., but the story back home was of the handsome prince again.

    I would have to concur but beg a question:  I have heard for Thai girls, or any proposed immigrants to Germany,  they need to have a good control of the German language, including some certification, in order to get their Visas. So there could be some face saving involved.  Up to You.

  5. On 5/15/2019 at 9:28 PM, pookiki said:

    Yes, that's the first think I noticed.  Maybe 380,000 at the most.  Thirty-eight million would be over half of Thailand's current population!

    Yes I have to agree, how could the Farangs represent more than half the Thai population?
    Perhaps they should change the country name from Thailand to "Farangland" on those figures.

    It seems to suggest a long held feeling that Thai forward planning is what am I having for lunch?

    Blame anybody except yourself!

  6. It seems to me Palm Oil is a World Wide crop and not a God Send to greedy Thai farmers who want to win the lottery by Growing Palm Oil and making enormous profits for very little risk or planning.


    Does anybody consider what the requirements may be in 4 to 5 5 years when the trees will start producing? Does the Government get involved in Planning for the Economic Growth of Thailand or just try to Fire Fight when the problems arise later.  Typically as a friend of mine says "Thai Forward Planning is what am I having for Lunch".


    This is a Big Wide World - Thailand may be it's "Hub" but cannot control the Laws of Demand & Supply - just ask the Shins and their Rice Program.


    Some people or counties win and on the opposite side some lose. 


    How many Thai Lotteries have you won recently?

  7. I understood that this was an earlier project, about 4 years ago, which was not completed for similar reasons and the 2nd and FINAL (?) undergrounding was to be completed by the end of this year.
    I further understood that it was only the Power Lines / HT lines that were going underground and NOT the "hanger on cable TV, phone lines etc that were not part of that project, "only electric". 
    I understand that there are a lot of unused Cable TV cables that are not being used, as each installation is generally a new install rather than using the original cable or taking down the old unused lower level cables that are so unsightly all over Thailand.


  8. 15 hours ago, johnarth said:

    a giant step forward for Thailand providing they keep those money parasites out of it, what they suggest is true, it has to be kept with Thailand they have already proved they can make the medicines themselves. now to see what they will charge us when we need it,

    I think an interesting question will be Who will be authorised to grow the product and where will they be based?


    Will those approved "growers" be related to any government departments, and will there be any controls over these "Approved Growers"?


    It will be interesting to see, in this "Non Corrupt" and "Pure" country


  9. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I think there should be a place/places where street vendors can be accommodated and offer their wares to the public, in part to help maintain the historic retail flavor of Bangkok.


    But why these bozos think they're somehow entitled to conduct their businesses on the public sidewalks and obstruct the purpose of having sidewalks -- which is for people to walk on and stay out of the roads -- is a mystery to me.


    I think the better answer is for the local government to establish commercial sites for these kinds of vendors in central/accessible locations where they'd pay rent for their space, as presumably most were doing before either formally or informally on the sidewalks.


    Have to agree but it seems the basic Thai mode of thinking is "F" You!!!    I am more important than anybody else and I do what I want where and when I want  "I", "I",  "I" or perhaps "ME"  "ME"  "ME" not thinking of any body else.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Psimbo said:
    2 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    Can't see too many people paying the tolls and I can't see this bringing in an ROI for private investors over the investors lifetime.  Maybe their great grand kids will some a positive ROI.


    I'm sure though some baht changed hands to kick the idea around some more. Studies and planning are always good earners.

    B40m for the 'feasibility study' IIRC. Certain people will make tons of money off the land purchases then it will quietly fade away.


    This whole farce has been about lining pockets- it will never be built.

    I cannot but agree - GR8 plan to generate a regular cash flow for the few whilst doing nothing for the majority.  If these wonderful tunnels do appear, with the traffic entering and exiting on the correct sides of the road; where will the increased traffic flow go?
    The majority of the traffic going "over the hill" does not intend staying in Patong but go onto other beaches along the west coast. Why not direct traffic to those different locations and not create a new traffic congestion point in Patong rather than Kathu.
    Just another bonus for the BS spreading clowns who try to run "Patong City" another misnomer.

    • Like 1
  11. On 11/30/2017 at 8:22 PM, Sir Dude said:

    There is obviously no scamming margin in the tender for a company...or they are waiting till the price is upped and then corruption can commence forthwith.

    Sir Dude the tender was put out with 4 months extra work and less money than the last Contract. I understand all the hotels pay % for beach life guard service and there aint any. Nice little earner for someone - Guess Who?

  12. On 11/4/2017 at 8:20 AM, geovalin said:

    Revenue from ticket sales at the Angkor Archaeological Park reached $84 million during the first 10 months of the year, an increase of 71.54 percent compared with the same period last year, according to the latest report from Angkor Enterprise. “The revenue has sharply increased during the first 10 months of 2017, with the number of foreign tourists reaching 1.9 million, up 12.25 percent compared to the same period last year,” the report reads.


    In October alone, revenue from ticket sales to foreign tourists amounted to $8.51 million, an increase of 81.78 percent compared with the same month in 2016. Ho Vandy, the secretary-general of the Cambodia National Tourism Alliance, said the positive results owe much to governmental efforts to promote the iconic archeological park.


    “This shows that the government’s strategy is successful in attracting tourists. Even increasing the price of tickets has proven to be a wise decision,” Mr Vandy said. “The rising revenue is helping increase the budget allocated to the protection of the Angkor historical site,” he added.

    It seems that a 72% increase in revenue has been achieved with only a 12.25% increase in tourists; prices must have increased dramatically?
    Is the Revenue increase all going to "the protection of the Ankor historical site" I wonder?


  13. Joy's Cafe in Patong has been a popular US style eating place, usually with in excess of 6 different styles of cooking Turkey. They also do the Super Bowl. Up from the beach just near the Andaman Beach Suites set back from Hatpatong Soi, just before RatUthit. Good luck

  14. 6 hours ago, coops said:

    the Ookla speedtest will usually search and select one in Thailand for you.

    I have found and also read on this site that the "Ookla Speed Test" is a complete waste of time.


    I have found that it is recommended by Thai providers, as it overstates the speeds by 10 times and sometimes higher.


    Try some other speed test tests there are many free ones about and also look to testing outside of Thailand, is my suggestion. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Unbelievable! Why is this department seemingly totally incapable of training - and deploying - enough officers at BOTH airports?


    It cannot be budget restraints, because the Immigration Bureau earns literally hundreds of millions of baht each and every month from visa applications, visa extensions and re-entry permits alone. Secondly, they do get a certain share from the departure taxes, as well as taxiing and landing fees charged by Airports of Thailand and factored into every flight ticket sold.


    So it must be a human resources issue, I figure. But what exactly that entails, I cannot tell.


    Is there a lack of interest because service at the airports doesn't leave enough opportunity for collecting tea money?


    Is it that the Bureau cannot find enough people with a rudimentary command of English?


    Is the stumbling block the inability or unwillingness of officers to acquaint themselves and memorize the rather convoluted immigration procedures and rules that often differ between citizens of a huge number of foreign countries?


    Is the problem that they simply don't find people intelligent enough to be trained to operate the electronic equipment installed in the booths (as we all know, the local police force does not necessarily attract the brightest minds in the country).


    Or is it simply that the Immigration Bureau - alas, like so many other government departments - has absolutely no idea whatsoever of human resources planning and looking ahead further than just a few days?


    My hunch is that it might be a combination of all the above, though.          

    Mr Whisper I think you may find it relates to the Common Thai practice of forward planning - which rarely extends beyond "mmm what am I having for lunch"?

  16. 8 hours ago, Upnotover said:

    Saturday 8 and Sunday 9, hope your friend has a great weekend.

    I checked my calendar and it stated Sunday 9th "Buddhist Lent" and Monday 10th "Asalha Bucha Day". So Saturday 8th is OK.


    Is my Calendar Wrong?

  17. 7 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    And to think only a matter of months ago they failed several major international safety audits based on deficiencies with maintenance and inspection routines of aircraft.

    Yes have they satisfied the international requirements?

    Last I remember there was a threat from at least the US and Europe to prevent planes based or serviced in Thailand from flying into those international regions. There was a lot of Thai bluster but very little action from memory; has that situation changed so that a new "Hub" can be situated here?

  18. 3 hours ago, Bangna Betty said:

    Complete failure of any town planning priority for green areas in a growing city.  It's all about the money here and parks and outdoor areas don't make money. No prioritising of quality of life for residents.  Worse in Pattaya - opening up of area behind Jomtien Beach Road would have been a perfect opportunity for council to zone a park and leisure space on Jomtien 2nd Road but it is all going to be condos. Lost opportunity for a great beach, leisure zone for tourists and locals. Very shortsighted. 

    How can you "shortsighted" ?  

    Thai forward planning is "what will I have for Lunch today?"

  19. 10 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not sure if translation was the problem, but this is totally wrong.  From the MORI site:




    It would help if you quoted from the correct year your figures above are for 2015 and THailand does not even appear. See https://www.ipsos-mori.com/Assets/Docs/Polls/ipsos-mori-perils-of-perception-charts-2016.pdf 



  20. On 12/25/2016 at 11:18 AM, wayned said:

    The navy can use their new submarine and patrol at periscope depth and clandestinely search for illegal sand bed builders!  What a joke!

     The Navy are also responsible for all the Paragliding, at last count 7 operating on Patong Beach, numerous Jet Skis to many to count, various other boat rides just off the shoreline. Those stupid toys operate in the water which is a marine responsibility.

    Why don't the navy use their marine skill set and clear up the water and leave the land to the land lubbers.

    If they still have excess time available the could collect the rubbish and dead fish before they reach the waterline.

    We can but live in hope for surely TIT.

  21. I have to agree with the majority of posters above, the waste and rubbish lying around the beaches is amasing.


    10 days ago I went to the supposedly beautiful Patong Beach, what a cesspit!


    As you approach the water you have to avoid at least 7 paragliding groups who suggest that they own the beach and you should get out of their way. I must admit if the deck chairsarrow-10x10.png and umbrellas can only take up 10% of the beach because it is owned by the Royal Family and people should not profit from that strip of land; the paragliders and jet ski operators take-up or try to control the other 90% of the beach. 


    As you approach the water's edge there are numerous plastic bags and plastic containers, dead or dying fish of various sizes and colours, the odd glass beverage bottle, bottle caps and some vegetable matter. Not entirely enticing as you wade into the water.


    Once in the water you legs or torso are brushed by leaves, fronds and various other pieces of misplaced vegetation. Then come the plastic bags, plastic wrappers, plasticised paper wrappers and previously used condoms to name but a few . The water is far from crystal clear being pale greeny brown colour. I have heard of numerous people developing eye and ear infections after swimming in the beautiful Patong Bay


    Whilst in the water you need to take care of jet ski riders who zoom here there and every where with no obvious intention of avoiding the swimmers in the marked areas or outside those areas.


    It seems the jet ski and paragliding people are the ones responsible for laying out the Swimming flags Red / Yellow (safe to swim here) and the Water Sports (no swimming) Red Flags and these seem to suit the commercial needs of the flag layers rather than the swimmer's safety needs.


    Another day in Paradise ....   ????


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