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Posts posted by hansomman

  1. So if I am reading this correctly, they now have a 20 year visa for 1 million baht? The visa is for 5 years at a time then you renew it for a total of 20 years in country.





    Is it 1 million baht every 5 years or just a one time payment of 1 million and then you can stay for 20 years?

  2. If you have a valid motorcycle license from your home country along with an international licence can you skip the written and driving tests when going to get a drivers licence?


    I saw advertised on Facebook ( Pattaya ) a service where a lady brings you to the motor vehicle department and handles all the questions and forms for you. The payment to her is 3000 baht. She told me I will not have to take any tests. 

  3. I know Phnom Penh is/was a hard place to get a double entry visa, but what about single entry?

    They had not done 2 entry visas there for years prior to the METV.

    PP takes longer to get the visa and can be unpredictable as to what they will want. The latest info is that they are now wanting a ticket out of the country to get the visa.

    Good Info - thanks.

    From what I've read Hong Kong seems like a better bet than PP.

  4. I was wondering, in light of all the new law changes and crackdowns if a SINGLE entry TR visa ( so can stay in Thailand 90 days ) was still easy to get from the following places:

    Vientiane, Laos

    Savannakhet, Laos

    Penang, Malaysia

    ​Phom Penn, Cambodia

    Also assuming you can get a single entry TR in these places, could a person simply cycle these spots and ( eg: never go to the same spot two times in a row ) and stay in Thailand a long time?

  5. Yes I bought it from a dealer. I guess I should go back and ask about the plate?

    Also, when I bought the motorcycle they told me I had to pay 15K for "big insurance, same same big car". If I crash how do I use this "big insurance"? I don't have a insurance card or anything, just an envelope of papers the dealer gave me.

    Also, I was never given a "green book". I'm not sure how the motorcycle is registered or how I will ever sell it. Any advice?

  6. Except other foreigners.

    ...how exactly do they harm other foreigners? If you mean they should shut up and be quiet, I agree. But simply being here & working quietly at home or at a café & spending money here... I don't see the problem.

    It's too late now, but yes, by not shutting up and being quiet. They shone a spotlight on everyone IMO.

    I imagine people have worked like that in Thailand for many years on the down low, no issues. Suddenly there's this huge 'look at me!' digital nomad trend and everyone is flaunting it, the hammer comes down.

    I agree, all this "look at me I'm a cool hip digital nomad" bullshit is shining a bright light which the Thais ( and other countries ) will eventually recognize. Soon people will say "hey, these dudes are making cash and we aren't getting a cut... <deleted>". Then new laws and enforcement will come about. Both in the third world country the DM is residing in and the home country which they are from. If everyone just kept their mouth shut, worked in secret from their apartment or w/e and went about life I doubt anything would have ever come of it.

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  7. Is the single entry tourist visa ( 60 days + 30 day extension at immigration ) still able to be acquired from countries that neighbor Thailand, such a Laos ( Vientiane, Savanaket ) or Malaysia ( Peneng )?

    I know the METV ( 6 month multi entry ) has rules which it is only able to be obtained in your home country - you can't go to a neighboring SEA country to get one unless you are a resident of that country.

  8. I have a double entry TR visa. I used one of the entries when I entered Thailand on Sept 9th. I plan to use the other entry in December so I can extend my stay in Thailand all the way to February.

    My friend asked me to come with him on a trip to Singapore a few days from now which I'd like to go on, but I don't want to use my 2nd entry so soon.

    If I go to immigration and get a re-entry permit for 1000 baht, will that allow me to "save" my second entry? Anyone ever do this before? Will they use Thai logic and say "wtt, you got a second entry right here just use that!!!".


  9. I just got a double entry TR visa in Vientiane Laos. The Issue Date is 7 Spet 2015 and the Enter Before Date is Dec 7th 2015. I entered on Sept 8th and got my first entry activated. I'm wondering if my second entry will be valid.

    If I leave Thailand on Dec 4th and fly back in on Dec 6th will my second entry give me the full 60 days ( + 30 day extension ) or is it void since the enter before date is DEC 7th. Somebody told me when the date is past the ENTER BY date, the visa becomes invalid and you have to leave.

  10. I have to go to one of the local bike repair garages and get air in my tires. How do I ask for air in my tires in Thai? Something like "air in tire too low. want more air". I figure that would be easier than pointing to the tire and hoping they understand. lol

  11. I'm staying in Jomtien and my motorbike has low air pressure. Where can I go to put some air in the tires? I have never seen a gas station or place with an air machine in my travels around Pattaya so far. Do I have to go to one of the little garages where guys are working on bikes? I don't speak Thai so I'm worried they won't know <deleted> I'm talking about.

  12. UPDATE: I went back down to the DC consulate on Friday and the guy at the window said my letter and itinerary confused the visa officer. They didn't give me a visa. BUT.. they did give me back my money order. The guy at the window was very nice and explained I need to have tickets for each trip in and out of the country. Also, a 3 entry visa is very rare from the DC consulate.

    Anyone who reads this, avoid the DC consulate unless you just need a single entry visa and plan to only stay for less than 90 days.

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  13. whistling.gif The Thai embassy in DC is known as an "unfriendly" place.

    If you are looking for a triple entry tourist visa.....at least according to their web site the royal Thai Royal Thai honorary consulate in Portland , Oregon will give you a triple entry tourist visa with no tickets required.

    • Just a U.S. passport with at least 6 months validity left
    • Application form
    • Two photos
    • $40 for each entry, or $120 fee for 3 entry
    • make appointment if done in person at Thai consulate
    • can be done same day if appointment made
    • pay fee in cash or money order
    • check the list of holidays that they are closed for July and/or August before you call them for appointment.

    I am only giving you what is on their website.....I have never been there myself.

    I've seen other reports on here and another forum claiming the Portland consulate is very efficent and friendly. I will probably try them via mail next time I need a Visa.

    Even the application form is MUCH easier (attached to post) and nicer than the one from DC. On the form it even lists explicitly 60 days per entry - select 1,2,3. On the website it lists good news as well:


    I wish I could go back in time and use this one instead of DC. Live and learn. With my luck by the time I need to apply again the Portland consulate will be in "unfriendly" mode like DC.


  14. I have received many triple-entry tourist Thai visas in USA and have never been asked to produce anything but my passport and visa application: No flight ticket or reservation; no itinerary; no financial statement.

    See posts like this are very misleading.

    Please post where you got your Visa from in the USA and what year it was when you got it. Pre 2014 it seemed like getting one anywhere was super easy. Now in 2015 everything is different.

  15. I tried to get a triple entry TR visa in DC recently and found out that no matter how many entries you get the visa is only good for 90 days of stay maximum. You don't get more time on each entry like most people would expect because the entire visa itself expires after 90 days.

    Which embassy or consulates can you go to ( anywhere in the world, doesn't have to be USA ) where you can still obtain a triple entry TR that allows you to stay for 270 days ( 90x3 )? Are there any recent reports?

  16. I looked on the DC consulate website and it now does indeed say that the maximum validity of any TR visa, even triple entry, is 90 days.


    Period of stay:

    single entry ; not exceeding 60 days
    2 and 3 entries ; not exceeding 90 days

    Validity of a visa: The Validity of a visa is 3 months.

    I guess they changed this recently after the military junta. I have bookmarks of blogs where people applied and easily got triple entry visas good for 9 months of stay at the DC embassy.

    ​If I go to the website for the LA embassy it still lists the period of stay as 60 days for EACH entry. The way it should be. Why is DC being a hard ass and making all tourist visas pretty much useless? I can fly in with a US passport and get a automatic 30 days and then extend again for 30 days at immigration for 1900 baht.

    I will report on Friday if they even issue me a Visa or just keep my money.

    I really wish I knew DC was a worthless consulate before going. Any good story you read about it is probably very old and not relevant any more. I think on Friday after I get the final decision I'll write a report thread so it can go into the recent reports list. I would hate for any other people looking for long stay TR visa to waste their time messing with DC.

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