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  1. Should venture up to Chiang Mai. Beautiful clear blue skies last few days and cool crisp mornings . No smoke issues here
  2. Never happen . F1 requires organization of the highest level. Needless to say ....
  3. These comments on this topic are the funniest ever, and there is no surprise as to who is the most likely culprit , although I had heard that constipation had kept him at home recently .
  4. I think you need to fact check what you have posted as well as a grammar check mate.
  5. There are no costs to getting a Tax number from the TRD and it is a simple exercise which can be done in person or online . Took me 25 / 30 mine at an office in the outer Chiang Mai suburbs. All info is on their website in Thai and English including form # 91 which you must fill in to get registered ,
  6. I agree . NST is a great spot and has some beautiful beaches from Kha Nom to Sichon to Tha Sala district. The best seafood in Thailand and mountains and scenery to boot .. A fraction of the prices of Phuket and Krabi , but don't tell the others
  7. I think that is still the long term plan . Info is online. Starts just off the 1317 ang extends down towards Ban Thi in Lamphun province
  8. Scammers are about as low as corrupt officials. Hope you enoy your time in the clink you scum . I hear the food is morish ....
  9. Russia are currently trying to jump Thailand into first place presently ...although it would seem most in Russia have a bit o help
  10. great idea . comment of the week . you must be an aussie
  11. What about a ' Hello Kitty " statue on a small organic farm near Ban Thi.
  12. I think its a 'Sucksession' of Ladyboys
  13. awww come on .....no body else can be that slow lol
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