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Posts posted by lewy67

  1. Isn't it ironic that those that nobody voted for got to vote on someone that the people voted for by hook or buy crook. Charging and prosecuting politicians and public servants, including Army and Police generals, who can't justify unusual wealth would be the greatest thing that could ever happen to Thailand....... but don't think I'll ever see the day.

  2. As a result, many of them have refused to respond to the government policy calling on them to consider taking other jobs during the dry season, which started on November 1...

    Other jobs? Such as what? Cops, bank managers, prime ministers, bandits, forgers etc?

    Do your research, there have been several press reports explaining the wide variety of jobs available in this initiative.

    You mention: cops, bank managers ....... Just shows your out to exploit these folks to make a negative out of a serious situation.

    In reality, sadly many of the folks affected don't have the education or experience to take up more sophisticated jobs, the scheme quickly generated funds for local civil works, also meaning they don't have to necessarily leave home.

    Plenty of jobs on the fishing boats now that Prayuth has freed all the slaves and the EU are enforcing occupational health and safety standards.

  3. So any government official doing any sort of investigation into the rice pledging scheme has been granted an amnesty and can fabricate find against the accused without any risk of facing any kinds of checks and balances because of the, 'enabling act,' section 44. That's not a problem as we all know how honest and honourable Thai officials are. No matter how bad any previous administration was this current government is by definition of actions by far the most criminal and extreme.

    Been a long time since we have seen a decent show trial. Looking forward to seeing the civilised worlds reaction to it.

  4. Especially in Thailand there's good reason for Prayuth to take safety measures. He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place. Attempts to destabilise the country. There will be many that would love to see him killed. Don't make things easy for them.

    deleted post

    What an excellent post. Right from the horses mouth.

    This, ladies and gentleman, is the UDD. If anyone still has any doubts about who was behind the bloodbath in 2010 and who murdered the innocent men, women and children during the last protests then this should remove them.

    In some ways I hope they do start their communist revolution and charge head-on at the Army - Thailand will have a much brighter future without these medieval murderers, liars and thieves.

    John how do you know he's referring to the PTP - UDD, Reds? It could be he lives in Pattani and

    spends all his time with local muslims. It could be that he lives in Lopburi and spends all his

    time with soldiers from the first army who have been disenfranchised from the trough by the

    tiger's of the east -Prayuths faction and would be happy to see his demise. It could be that he

    spends his time with Thai coppers who have had their incomes crushed as the Army have replaced

    them at the trough. But maybe you are right - family members of those 80 odd democracy

    protesters cut down by army snipers in 2010 would logically have a reason to want to get even with the man who commanded the grisly operation and is responsible for the slaughter.

  5. So last week he was in the Merc and this week in the VW. Indeed was has happened in the last week? I

    reckon its because the government (Army) and the coppers really have no idea when the Erawan bombers may

    next decide to make some more headlines. The junta have the reds under control but have no idea what the

    largely unknown new enemy may do next. Hence the VW and the shambles around security.

  6. We're the Thai Army and one thing, maybe the only thing, we are very good at is staging coups.

    We don't need and help or encouragement from any outside source.

    There's something else they are pretty good at along with coups and that's mowing down their own citizens in great numbers and with extreme prejudice. So not just a one trick pony at all.

  7. The politicians are but small fish in this big pond or corruption. The top Army Officers, Police Officers and public servants from transport, education and agriculture leave the politicians for dead when it comes to unusual wealth obtained through corrupt means. They should be sacked, banned for life and jailed together with the politicians. Problem is they are good people and untouchablewhistling.gif

  8. This must be a field day for some Thais in Europe. If their names are on the list you hold a free ticket for asylum and welfare...

    Apparently the three individuals named - a Thammasat academic, a former civil rights commissioner and an LGBT student activist have already received political asylum from the French based on what were adjudged to have been legitimate claims for refugee status.

  9. Why would anyone on the electoral side of Thai politics want to have anything to do with the anti election, criminal, bed mates Prayuth and Abhisit? Wait until an election is called, present yourself and your policies to the electorate and win the election - that's the only road the red - udd movement needs to go down. Don't touch or deal with coup makers and election non-starters like Prayuth and Abhisit......that road is far below you.

  10. Thailand's Sino -Thai business elite need to recoup from their investment in Suthep's whistle blowing mob. This is part of the payback. Less than 2% of the Thai workforce is unionised so they will just cop it sweet. If Thai workers don't get organised and take action continued exploitation from the rich will be their lot.

  11. The military have never let democracy evolve. Justice and power at the end of the barrel of a gun is the only thing that Prayuth and his lackeys care about or understand. He knows zero about democracy. The democratic will of the Thai people runs counter to what the military and elite desire. Therefore no democracy or justice for Thailand unless the military some how have the guns turned on them.

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