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Everything posted by micmichd

  1. Why should Thailand (a neutral country) get involved in a war that isn't even theirs?
  2. Good to see you off to nirvana and leave us males alone ????
  3. Maybe it's easier for them in an English-speaking country than in France.
  4. Who cares about a German health minister in Thailand?
  5. Guess not. That's not the Public Health Ministry's business. The Public Health Ministry's business is to check the medical bills are getting paid.
  6. For the tourism industry there'll be an impact, and that's where many Thais work.
  7. Russia (not Putin) was the only one that granted Edward Snowden asylum when he was chased. I would call this friendship.
  8. Why should the local council pay if you're unable to protect yourself from soi dog bites and not see a doctor like stated in the OP?
  9. Yes, he shouldn't have intruded the conflict field. A conflict between two parties never turns out very well if a third party turns up for unsolicited help. That's probably why police was invented.
  10. Don't you have a private health insurance in Thailand to pay the bill? 7
  11. I've got no prejudices against Russians. And the road deaths in Thailand have nothing to do with the theme in question.
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