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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. ATM transfers to another account are easy, unfortunately there is a limit on how much you can transfer in one transaction, Siam Commercial Bank is 20,000 baht. Certainly no where near enough to pay for a car.

    Take the dealer invoice to your bank and have the check made out to the dealer. Safe, easy, cheap and you have a receipt.

    I use SCB as well. Easy to up the limit to 250000. Just call them and ask them to increase your daily limit. 20k is pitifully low, can't even pay for the rent with that limit!!

    For buying a car I used a cashiers cheque, cost 20 Baht from SCB last time I did it.

  2. And the reason for there complete uselessness?

    Whats displayed is manually controlled by the traffic cops, so they just press a button to change the colour according to what they think the traffic is like.......fine when its not busy, but when they leave the police box to make the traffic worse they don't bother going back to update it.

    Would be a whole lot better if they had a proper traffic monitoring system on the main roads....something like trafficmaster in the UK that uses a combination of under road sensors and sensors attached to bridges to monitor traffic flow :o

  3. I'm just downloading Vista now (not a dodgy copy, I have an MSDN Subscription :D). Its a huge download, nearly 3Gb as a DVD or comes on 5 CDs'

    Can't wait to give it a try though, can't be any worse than XP :o

    That said now that OSX runs on intel kit, I wish Apple would make a general release of it. I really liked it when I had my powerbook and preferred it to XP. Seems unfair that Apple users can run both OSX and Windows :D

  4. I went to MBK yesterday, intending to buy a 20Gb PS3. Best price I found was 25k but.......

    The same shop offered me an XBox 360 for 15k. Decided this was by far a better deal, bought a few "backup" games, an extra controller and an intercooler thing on top and all came to less than 20k

    Have to say having seen the PS3 being demoed was what changed my mind, didn't look that superior to the 360 and less software available at the moment. I'll probably still get a PS3 but maybe in a couple of years time :D

    Couldn't find the Wii anywhere :o

  5. Hi

    Can you tell me what the fine is for failing to file a 90 Day report? I tried searching on the forum but can't find the information.

    Today is the last day for me to file the report (5 days after the actual report date), its not possible for me to go home to pick it up and get back to immigration before they close, so just want to know the fine and if there are any consequences. This isn't an overstay btw my visa is valid until Feb 2007

  6. Jaidee,

    Had found that site before, unfortunately it is a single page of info, all of the supposed links to further info will not be available until Oct. :D:D and my calendar seems to not coincide with the Thai calendar :o Don't know what info is available with a 'press' login, I send all my shirts out.

    Was hoping to find out how big the show was and if it was worth taking a day to visit.

    Check out this website.

    Its at the Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Muang Thong Thani... from 30th November to 11th December.

    I went last year, they actually sell cars at this show, unlike most other motor shows. The most interesting thing about it for me was the accessories section. Loads of shops showing off there wares. For the cars...last year Ford had the new GT40 on show...that was about it for interesting motors :D plenty of totty though :D

  7. Friend and I popped down to Bangkok for a couple of days. Festivities complete wanted a taxi to bus Station - T-Driver's said don't know where you wish to go to or on a yes hop in refused to turn on the meter cost stated 500 baht. Spoke to tourist police - reply not their concern?????

    I do not believe that haggling comes under the jurisdiction of the Tourist Police.

    Next time you go to Bangkok, perhaps you should ensure you are in the company of an adult... :D

    What kind of rubbish is that? Its not about haggling its about the fact he refused the turn on the meter and demanded 500 baht....which is illegal btw.

    Still like everyone else when that happens to me I just get out and find another one. Did have a laugh one time when the guy told me the meter was faulty and tried to demonstrate by not pressing the "Start" button on the meter properly. I pressed it for him and low and behold it came on :o Then I got out and found another taxi

  8. And Plus, certainly it is a myth that Toyota are any more reliable than other brands, so it can't be that. For Thailand I just think that Thais' know Toyotas' have good resale and thats the reason they buy, not because they like them

    It's difficult to sustain a myth for a long time. Toyota Tiger is what, ten years old? And about 40% of all trucks are Toyotas, so if there was a myth, it was tested by reality.

    I will agree to turn around the question - it's a myth that other trucks are not as reliable as Toyotas as historically they never had big enough sales to change this public perception. I'd accept this explanations for recent batch of Kias, for example.

    Or maybe it's just a myth.

    I don't disagree that Toyotas are reliable, but there is evidence to show that whilst other manufacturers have upped there game Toyota have slipped behind. Tiger was built when Toyota was on top of there game, now in order for them to reduce costs and get vehicles to market quicker many platforms are shared amongst differant vehicles (IMV platform for the Vigo/Innova/Fortuner) for instance. This has caused problems for Toyota with the number of recalls they have had to make increasing drastically as now instead of a fault affecting just one model it could affect 4 or 5. The Chief Exec of Toyota has taken a hammering over this by the board and shareholders in the not too distant past, I beleive the link to the information exists in another thread in the motoring forum.

  9. Moonoi we just had a Saab Club of Thailand meeting this past weekend... We have lots of beauties in the club, you're invited to come to the next meeting if you would like to. Lots of nice cars on hand, many tuned by Abbott, Maptun, Nordic, and Hirsch (all of the tuners have a Thai distributor, some cars are tuned a little bit by all hihi)... last month they met for a race at the Pattaya Pira Circuit... bring on the TypeR! We have Swedish TypeR killers in disguise... :D

    Sure I'll try and come along if I can :D let me know when and where.

    Of course this would be the ultimate Saab :o Saab JA-37 Viggen


    Should certainly see off any Camrys' :D hehehe (just to keep it on topic :D)

  10. "Actually I'd prefer to buy a Saab"

    Best statement in the Motor forum to date (even if there was a hint of sarcasm). I heart Saab. :o

    As for the Camry... maybe when I stop driving for the experience of it all... zzzzzzz :D

    EDIT: apparently I don't know how to use quote function...

    Actually I was serious.....I've always loved Saabs ever since I drove my uncles 900 turbo 12 years ago. Don't so keen on the old 9000 or the newer 9-5, but the 900 or a 9-3 is the one to have for me! My family in Finland has a classic Saab 96V4, absolutely in perfect as new condidition....really nice car :D

  11. If you're gonna pay the money, may as well pay a bit more a go for a Toyota.

    Why? Whats your justification for paying more for the same (or perhaps inferior) product?

    Better resale value for a start, hard to shift are new Fords let alone used ones, limited dealer networks, but not too bad. Higher insurance costs, maintenance costs, to name a couple. I'd say the Toyota would last a lot longer in the long long long run.

    Regardless of what you say you can't beat Toyota in Thailand.

    You can....Its called an Isuzu :D

    But to get back to your points, when I was hunting around I found that insurance, maintenance costs were negligable between all the manufacturers. Not very much differance at all.

    At the end of the day I'm one of those people that doesn't buy based on resale / maintenance or whatever. I buy what I buy because I like it and I want it.

    And Plus, certainly it is a myth that Toyota are any more reliable than other brands, so it can't be that. For Thailand I just think that Thais' know Toyotas' have good resale and thats the reason they buy, not because they like them :o

  12. To answer your queries a little more clearly:

    Can she now drive in the UK now for the same 1 year period and what cc motorbike can she ride?.

    She drive any car or motorbike on her licence for 1 year only

    Does this 1 year licence simply enable her to just get a provisional over her?.

    What it allows her to do is to drive a car in the UK without L plates, she should then pass the UK test within that year (that means obtaining a provisional license). If after 1 year she hasn't passed the UK test yet then its back to accompanied driving with L plates until she does.

    Does she need it translated into english?.

    Go to the Driver Licencing centre where she got her licence and get an international driving permit, think its about 1000/1500 baht not to sure, but it contains a translation of her driving entitlements in several languages including english and is valid for 1 year from date issue (its not actually required for the UK but can help)

    A friend told us that she needed to have a licence for 5 years in Thailand at which point she could convert it to an international one and then automatically have a full licence in the UK, is this true?.

    No, complete <deleted> :o The only people who can convert with no test are members of the EU with a full driving licence and I believe some, but not all US states (the reason I say believe is because I'm not sure if for the US I'm confusing UK/French regulations). The period you have been driving is not relevant

    A lot of ramdom questions I know but if anyone can advise I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance


  13. I just need to add some comments here.

    2) A lot of discussion about the Camry being the most boring car or not. Let's have a look at the facts. The Camry is the best selling car in the world for years now. This car is just the best compromise between price, quality, strength and efficiency.

    I just need to correct your comment :D

    The Camry is not and never has been the best selling car in the world even for 1 year. Your getting your facts mixed up, the best selling car in the world is a Toyota, but its the Corolla that takes the prize with over 30million sold since its launch in 1966 (pointless trivia I know :D).

    Maybe your confusing America with the World :D :D as Camry is the best selling passenger car in the US

    and yes Camry is boring, even the new one. Although it is 10 times better than the outgoing model. as for a Camry at 3million, I for one wouldn't buy one...the badge isn't prestigous enough even if the quality is as good as a Merc/BMW etc etc. Actually I'd prefer to buy a Saab :D

    oh and before anyone complains about my comment about the US......its a joke :o ......or is it :D

  14. Guys, do you know what the air pressure should be in the wheels of Mazda3? I added to 32 and its feels jumpy too much. Any idea?

    Open the drivers door and there is a sticker on the bottom left (on the car body not the door) that tells you what the pressures should be....32 sounds about right though.

  15. 27k isn't too outragous though. I keep seeing some cars (like a wrx) getting hit by that nice tax. Why are the 3's not getting the hike like a miata?

    (sorry for my ignorance, looking at cars in the LOS is something I am new at)

    Its because the 3 is built in the Phillipines and under the ASEAN trade agreement can be imported into thailand at a much lower rate than cars manufactured outside of ASEAN. The only exception is Malaysia because theres a big spat between them and Thailand at the moment so there are punitive taxes applied against any cars manufactured in Malaysia and imported here.

  16. I used to have the 2 litre 4 door model, sold it 2 months ago now.

    Nice car to drive but it is quite heavy on the fuel consumption..best I got driving around bkk was 9km/litre but most of the time its was about 7km/litre.....on the open road it would return about 12km/litre. Drop about 20% off those figures if you use gasohol....I stopped using it in the end because the engine ran rough and the crappy economy it returned.

  17. Re. Ford - they've been selliing it for seven months now, since March. Here, in Bangkok, I've seen one Ford already. Maybe they haven't seen them in Pattaya yet.

    They promised a new D-Max back in September. Instead they only got new cartoonish headlights - if you watch Japanese cartoons, you'll know. There's also unspecified power increase, and the word "new" all over their ads.

    Now I'm waiting for Vigo update - it's been two years already. The problem might be that this IMV project is so big that introducing any changes is a VERY big deal and involves hundreds of little companies on all five continents. Mitsubishi has an advantage here.

    Yes I wouldn't call it new either, just a minor change over the previous model. have to say though the interior is a big improvement over the previous model though. For the power output its an increase of 15bhp and approx 50nm torque. Haven't got the exact figures coz there in my brochure back at home....at least assuming that the new DMax has the same engine as the new MU7 (can't think why it wouldn't). Intrestingly enough for the new MU7 if you buy the 4wd manual version you get more torque over a wider rev-range than if you buy the auto.....seems odd as both have the new 4JJ1-TCX engine.......

    I got the outgoing model in the end....prefer the looks externally and can upgrade the interior to the same as the new one as and when I feel like it :o Got 100k discount and 100k of accesories with free insurance and government tax payed by the dealer......pretty good deal I think :D

  18. Well I looked at every pickup in the market and settled on the Mitsubishi Triton as I liked the quirky look and it the test drive convinced me. I disounted Toyota as I had one and the aftersales service in pattaya was nothing short of abysmal and I would not buy a spare lamp from them. They took three months to fix a fault on warranty, failed t calll me on numerous occasions and when I did finally get it in they left me stranded out on sukhumvit with no means of getting home.

    I felt all the other models , chevvy, issuzi, etc were just copies of each other with no style or character. I also wanted to look at the new narvana as I have always liked Nissan but again they didnt even know what the narvanna was! similarly Issuzi and Ford said they had new models due soon but had no details. A car (or truck) is like a house its a personal choice what one person finds attractive another will find repulsive so basically its horses for courses and as I intend to keep this oen for around five years the resale value does not worry me. I had a mitsubishi in the uk and it was one of the best cars I ever had. So watch this space and if I have any problems you can be sure I will post them here!! :o

    Well you must have really crappy dealers in Pattaya then coz the new Ford Ranger has been out for about 6 months now and the new Isuzu Dmax and MU7 was launched in the beginning of September!

  19. Why the hel_l would I care what happens in the Midlands when I live in Bangkok?

    Goddamn brummies :D

    To each his own, moonoi.

    But we must assume this is how you want to be treated.

    Not quite sure what you mean by that

    it was a tongue in cheek comment.....hence the smilie, me being from further up north than my Black Country and Brummie cousins' :D but not a lot further :o

  20. I like the Z71 suspension and the cosmetic differences make the Chevy look better to me.

    So whats the difference on the Z71 suspension from the Dmax? I remember another poster mentioning that they have a Z71 which there really happy with but all the suspension components have Isuzu all over them.......

    I don't have a Dmax myself in the end I bought a MU7.......I would be interested to know if the Diff lock option on the Chevy could be fitted to the MU7?

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