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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. try your local Tesco Lotus for cheap bicycles. Ride on the road until your path becomes blocked then ride on the footpath, just as a motorcycle does. Basically, anywhere a motorcycle goes, so can you. You need to be aware that bicycle riders are treated with only slightly more respect than pedestrians by other road users, whether on the footpath or not. No problem taking your bicycle on the skytrain. Not sure about the BTS. Buy a good helmet and good luck.

    As BTS and Skytrain are the same thing, shouldn't be a problem. Guess you meant your not sure about the MRT (Metro/Underground).

  2. Yes I have seen a blue one and a red one. The previous generation model.

    My gf told me if we call Honda with the reg, you get a fee for reporting the use of one of there cars as a taxi.....dunno how true that actually is. Didn't call as I don't care :o

  3. Quite unbelievable

    The 41-year-old cabbie Worapol Sirichai - charged with attempted murder and armed robbery - was at first handed a life sentence plus a Bt100 in fine. But during his confession, he claimed he needed Bt20,000 to repay a footballing debt or he would be assaulted by debt collectors

    So that makes it ok then? Half the sentence and fine for stabbing an innocent passenger just because debt collectors might beat him up!!!!

    Even the original fine is pitifully low

  4. Work is translated in the Thai language as ngan. The word is associated with a lot of activities; ngan boon (merit), ngan pee mai (new year celebration), ngan sob (funeral), ngan kathin (a kind of group merit-making), ngan tang ngan (marriage) etc. Most of ngan would be associated with fun. You will see Thais work very hard but also laugh and smile at the same time. However, many foreigners take the view that Thais are not serious or concentrated and were careless about their work.

    The thais are doing what most forigenrs have forgoten. they work to live and not live to work as so many people in weastern countries.

    Thats the biggest load of twaddle I've read in a long time. Thais' are exactly the same as the rest of the world when it comes to wanting money, things etc etc. In fact in some ways they are worse.

    What also contradicts your post is that back in europe most people work 9-6...occassionally some extra overtime. Here they do a minimum 10 hours a day, even when they don't have to.

    Probably differant out in the sticks, but in BKK what you state just doesn't hold true.

    please reads again.

    i never said thais are not like others by working hard. they want things the same as every one.

    I did say that in the Thai mentality work is associated even by the verbal term as something that they enjoy doing and they do so while smiling However, many foreigners take the view that Thais are not serious or concentrated and were careless about their work or presumed lazy.

    Yes because its true :o and if you ask then about it they'll tell you the same! Its nothing to do with the word thats used to describe work

  5. Work is translated in the Thai language as ngan. The word is associated with a lot of activities; ngan boon (merit), ngan pee mai (new year celebration), ngan sob (funeral), ngan kathin (a kind of group merit-making), ngan tang ngan (marriage) etc. Most of ngan would be associated with fun. You will see Thais work very hard but also laugh and smile at the same time. However, many foreigners take the view that Thais are not serious or concentrated and were careless about their work.

    The thais are doing what most forigenrs have forgoten. they work to live and not live to work as so many people in weastern countries.

    Thats the biggest load of twaddle I've read in a long time. Thais' are exactly the same as the rest of the world when it comes to wanting money, things etc etc. In fact in some ways they are worse.

    What also contradicts your post is that back in europe most people work 9-6...occassionally some extra overtime. Here they do a minimum 10 hours a day, even when they don't have to.

    Probably differant out in the sticks, but in BKK what you state just doesn't hold true.

  6. That's easy, its just factored into the price of the finished product, which for you "the consumer" or "the ignornant socialist crusader" ends up being more expensive than without all those benefits. :D

    This thread was started to point out how hard Thai workers work, & I'm refuting that (as a generalisation), by saying whilst they work long hours, they aren't necessarliy working hard or being productive.



    Headline from somewhere else :


    In a Thai border town, Burmese workers toil in penury

    well thats life isnt it?? all them people in the rest of the world work for peanuts so we can have cheap goods at wallmart or its brit version tesco.....

    why do you think bananas are $0.50 a pound??? if everyone in the world would get fair wages we could not afford opur life style in the West... no more trip to the sun and your thai gals would cost you ... well the same as you pay home !!!!!! that would at leat end the perverts from preying on poverty !!!! :o

    Actually Wallmart is in the UK.....its called Asda :D

    Anyway my opinion having worked here for the last 2 1/2 years it that while Thais' work long hours, they do not work efficiently. On top of that you have a culture in the office where if one person stays late others will too..when I asked about this the reason I was given is because they thought that person might get a promotion before them because they do longer hours!!! I don't care how many hours they work. We have the same size team here as we had back in europe, however back in europe before the group was off-shored the work got done within a 9-6 working day. Here most people are putting 10 hours a day in and still not getting through as much work.

    So for those of you that claim Thais' have better work ethics and work harder than westerners. In my experience this is not true.

    On a positive note, they are getting much much better now :D

  7. Just had the spare on my MU7 stolen whilst parked outside my house last night in my alledgedly secure moobaan.

    Thing is I even had a lock on it, yet they still managed to remove it. Has anyone else experienced this and managed to solve the problem? I found one place that sells a stainless steel cage that bolts underneath the car and the wheel then goes in there......but at 10k Baht its a bit expensive!

  8. Thanks for the replies :D sorry I couldn't respond sooner, crappy TOT internet been down all day....again!

    Well for me the problem is I want the position offered in Japan...but in Thailand :D with regards to salary, in Thailand it would be around 110-120k THB per month (I'm on local terms here). For Japan it almost 190k THB per month, plus housing allowance, transport etc etc

    So finacially I think they would both offer a similar standard of living in each country. The positions themselves although completely differant have the same level of seniority in the company. Basically is project management (Japan) vs people manager (Thailand).

    As for my gf coming to visit if I went to Tokyo, visa shouldn't be an issue...shes' already been once on a business visa so I guess that would make any subsequent visa application easier. The problem is her parents won't allow her to travel to see me on her own (and they don't want to go with her). So most likely I would be heading back here every month or so for a long weekend.

    Don't think theres any chance of securing a return to BKK in 2-3 years...they are reducing the foreign headcount here, in fact they've already stopped any expansion here and sent work that was originally destined for BKK to our shiny new office in Shanghai.

    As for what my gf thinks, she wants me to stay here. Even though she understands my arguments for leaving (better prospects mainly), she would prefer that I wait until we're married and then look for another opportunity elsewhere in the world and leave together :D

    I'm probably leaning towards Japan at the moment, thinking that it could be good for our relationship and make her more independant from me (we do everything together at the moment). At the same time I have a house here and friends, and staying here obviously is the easy option....and no relationship issues (at least for now :o).

    Not an easy choice at all, but thanks again for your replies

  9. I've just been offered a transfer to Tokyo with my company...actually don't know much about the place but seems nice enough :o At the same time I may have the opportunity to take a role at the same level here.

    I'm fairly young and I'm aware that Thailand doesn't look that great on your CV, but I have a Thai fiance. She works at the same company as me and is also studying an MBA, so can't come with me initially.

    After drawing a list of negatives and positives, I'm still non the wiser which to go for so appreciate some of your views :D

  10. Man .... I'd kill for a moosehead right now .... a bit too sweet for me normally but!

    <deleted> is a moosehead?

    Is it the same as a black and tan?

    Canadian beer ... nowhere NEAR as good as a black and tan

    Moosehead is good...but I prefer La Fin du Monde :o

  11. Just bought a new Isuzu 3.0L D-Max Highlander and am wondering if there is anything I should be aware of before the initial 5000km service ?

    I would have initially sent it in for a look over at 1000km but is this really warranted ?

    Also, what about oil for this motor - any suggestions ?

    Basically any help appreciated.

    Sell it, buy a Ford, Isuzu's are crap.

    Yes of course the most popular pickup manufacturer (only just) is crap.

    I could easily say Fords' are crap, and back that up by saying they have the lowest monthly sales figures of all truck manufacturers'.







    Isuzu and Toyota regularlly swap places at the top. That said the sales for 1 and 2 placed manufacturers are almost identical, with the 3rd placed manufacturer selling less than 1/3 of the top 2 (individually btw, not combined). The last report I saw showed that Ford and Mazda combined sold less than 1000 trucks (think these were the figures for April) with Toyota and Isuzu around the 45000 mark each.

    So I challenge you, what makes Isuzu crap and Ford so great? Because on sales evidence alone the majority disagree with you.

    Sorry I can't provide a link to the sales info, I seem to remember reading it in the BKK post about 2 weeks ago.

  12. why oh why dont one of or all of the big 4 make a trail bike ? its beyond me, if i were the marketing manger id jump right on it,.bizzare,.

    I'm with you 100% on that. With all the dirt roads and farms around, a trail bike is the ideal type of bike.

    BTW 20 years ago Honda had a trail bike on the market here in Thailand called MT-X 125cc. They were a watercooled ( if memory serves me correct ) 2 stroke , heaps of fun to ride, but they stopped selling them for some reason.

    Don't know why there isn't a 4 stroke version around now.


    Yeah that was the machine I past my test on way back when :D lovely machine and great for wheelies :o wasn't my bike though, had to rent it to pass my test (being a penniless student I only had a Suzuki DR50 which didn't have a large enough engine to get me my full bike license)

    Ahh memories, have to agree for me a dirt/trail bike or supermoto would be perfect.....I'd love to have a KTM Duke II 640 (to ride around BKK on :D

  13. Gasohol no fun for Ferrari

    source: The Nation

    A German businessman based in Pattaya is believed to be seeking Bt24 million in damages from a petrol station attendant who allegedly filled the tank of his Ferrari with the wrong type of petrol on Sunday night.

    Bruno ######, 43, a contractor for a luxury condominium project in Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district, yesterday claimed that he clearly said to the unidentified attendant to fill up his Bt24 million Ferrari with unleaded 95 petrol, but instead he filled it with gasohol 95.

    ###### lodged a complaint with Muang Chon Buri police yesterday morning when his car broke down last night after travelling 10km from an Esso gas station in Bang Saen.

    Isn't it normal for Ferraris' to break down every 10km? :o

    Besides this guy is equally responsible if not moreso than the fuel station attendant, he should have been checking the right fuel went in..........clearly he know they put Gasohol in the tank so he must have realised at somepoint before leaving the fuel station. What he should have done is not drive it and got the tank drained.

    He said the wrong petrol had damaged his Ferrari's engine and a computer unit controlling the car's functions.

    And as for this statement? Hes' a qualified mechanic is he? Highly doubtful the wrong fuel would have damaged the ECU (although more knowledgable types feel free to correct me :D) More likely the computer detected that the fuel wasn't within the parameters it expected and shut the engine down into a "safety mode".....more than likely again, draining the 'sohol from the tank and fuel system and then filling up with 95 will probably have it right as rain again. Still have to admire him for trying to get his Ferrari for free :D

  14. I have often bragged and gotten into arguments about my 2004 Nissan 3.0 liter non turbo diesel. It is a King cab two wheel drive and I regularly get 15 kilometers per liter on the highway and not much worse on short trips. My Toyota was a 4X4 and I was lucky to get 10 1/2 on the highway.

    Yes I remember those arguments :D I have no reason to disbelieve what you say though!

    I might add that both MU7s' in this case are RWD ones, not the 4WD which I would expect to be even worse again!!!!

    Its the only thing that I'm disappointed about in my car, strange also that every quarter I get an MU7 VIP Club newsletter and theres always some report on an 'economy rally' where people with the same car as me get upto 22km/ltr.....how is it possible? (I know they probably drive at 30km hour, being a danger to themselves and other road users :o)

  15. I dunno about that. My MU7 gets around 10km/ltr around the city and the best I ever got on a good run was 14km/ltr. Not that impressed as its nothing like what the book says (not that I expected it to be the same, but didn't expect it to be so radically differant either). Mines got 18000 Km on it now and is 10 months old.

    Had the garage look at it, but they claim nothing is wrong. Strangely it doesn't seem to make much differance if I drive economically or with a heavy foot....may a differance of about .5km/ltr

    My gfs' father also has a MU7, but the newer generation one with the VGS Turbo and thats even worse!

  16. '2005-04-25 00:33:43']Just read that the current Jazz is due for replacement worldwide in 6 months. New model will be slightly larger. New Civic is also due soon perhaps you might want to wait for that instead.

    The current Civic came out last year so not due for a new model for at least 2-3 years.

    PS. Try the Altos, then try the Civic, then decide for yourself :D

    If you'd been paying attention :o you'd notice this thread is 2 years old :D

  17. When I was in Thailand in April, I took one morning and went down and got a drivers license for auto and another for motorcycle. (If I could only figure out which is which??)

    Thats easy :D Motorcycle one is the license that has so many thai characters on the top righthand side of it they had to reduce the font size to make it fit :o The car license has a lot less characters and larger type :D

  18. I would say that generally because of the aggresive way people drive there Fortuners and also those Fortuner owners always going on about how good and how much better there truck is than anyone elses' :o

    That said, I find that the worst drivers on the road are Camry owners...I really hate them....10 x worse than any Fortuner owner :D

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