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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. I'm in the same predicament myself at the moment... gotta buy a new car for the missus.

    Checked out Toyota, Honda, Chevrolet, Ford, Nissan, and Mazda.

    I'm leaning towards the Honda Jazz at the moment... :o

    I understand that Nissan Tiida is about to launched in Thailand.

    How reliable are Nissan cars?


    Well its really a Renault Megane with a facelift :D You can even see the Renault styling still remaining on the front end, replace the Nissan badge with the Renault diamond and you'll see what I mean :D

    That said Nissan are just as reliable as Toyota/Honda......cheaper to buy new but with higher depreciation than the leading 2 manufacturers here in Thailand.

    Good thing for Tiida and some of the lower models of Focus is that the price overlaps with the high end Yaris/Jazz so you can get a bigger car for same money if you want (but less toys of course :D)

    Choose between the Jazz/Yaris...6 months ago I would have said Jazz, in fact you can probably find several posts I've made in here recommending Jazz over Yaris. But now I have to say the look of the Yaris has grown on me and I would me more inclinded to choose that...especially with the aftermarket parts now available for it......looks really nice. But then, the Jazz is more pratical and better screwed together......hmm see your point now...don't envy your migrane!!!!! Glad I don't have to make that choice :D

  2. I am picking up a new Honda Jazz next week and was wondering about the tint for the windows. Having done a search 3M and Lamina seem to be quite good tints. Does anyone here have any comments on the standard tint that Honda provides?

    What are the differences between the standard tint from Honda and upgrading to one of these tints. I have been told by Honda if I upgrade to Star Koo that would be about 3000 THB does that sound about right? Any comments on this tint or the foregoing would be helpful.

    Interesting! When I bought my Civic last year they fitted Lamina film all round for free as part of the deal (I've since sold that and bought a Mazda 3, Mazda offered exactly the same deal....free Lamina film). I have 40% tint on front window and 60% on the sides/rear.

  3. Just browsing the various mobile service providers trying to find a good deal on unlimited GPRS internet access.

    TrueMove seems to have the best deal at the moment, 350 baht per month for unlimited access (postpay only) however I came across this statement related to the service:

    All SMS/MMS/GPRS Unlimited Packages are valid for Post Pay customers who are natural person only

    Anyone know what a "natural person" is exactly? :o

    As opposed to a "juristic person". In other words, an individual, not a company.

    Thanks that makes sense now. Although surely it would be better to write " ....are valid for individual post pay customers only" :D

  4. Just browsing the various mobile service providers trying to find a good deal on unlimited GPRS internet access.

    TrueMove seems to have the best deal at the moment, 350 baht per month for unlimited access (postpay only) however I came across this statement related to the service:

    All SMS/MMS/GPRS Unlimited Packages are valid for Post Pay customers who are natural person only

    Anyone know what a "natural person" is exactly? :o

  5. Futuristice electric vehicle pointless?

    Bicycles better?

    That's like saying the stairs are better than elevators.

    A bicycle is faster and cheaper to run. more environmentally friendly too (how do you think the electricity generated to charge you Segway is made? vs human power for the bike :o)

    If your lazy and you want electric power, then there are many electrically powered bicycles or even attachements for you existing bike you can use. None of them involves the expense of the Segway and are more pratically......the Segway is quite big and very heavy.

  6. Another video clip.

    The future of transportation?

    The Segway Human Transporter is an overpriced, pointless pile of crap. Not a prototype, been around since 2003/2003 I think. If you want to try one there is a Segway tour organised in BKK nr to Queen Sirikit Park/Convention Centre I believe.

    These things are such a failure that the inventor has been trying to punt them to the US military :D

    Heres a pointless story about one group of people who decided to trek across the US on one :D

    This one made me laugh too:

    Segway owners beat each other with homemade mallets

    The only thing worse than paying $4,000 for a scooter has to be using said scooter for a game of polo.

    Yes, friends, it has come to that. A small band of Bay Area Segway owners have set a new low for the device - an almost impossible feat when you consider that "IT" was meant to have revolutionized cities by now but has actually ended up being little more than a poor selling toy. About ten of the Segway grunts recently gathered for a disturbing go at scooter polo.

    The Segway owners created homemade mallets out of PVC pipe, foam and duct tape. The mallet building instructions are here [PDF], although Segway LLC has surely started production on a more refined version of this essential accessory.

    A video of the polo battle shows a collection of fairly uncoordinated bloggers on wheels, running into each other and falling down. Did you expect any less?

    "We had a great time playing polo on the Segway," says on member of the Bay Area Segway Enthusiasts Group. "Not a huge turnout but the game was fun and pretty competitive. It's also harder than it looks. Who says that riding the Segway isn't exercise?"

    That's the spirit!

    Inspired by the Segway enthusiasts' passion for exercise, your reporter left the office this morning with a six-pack in hand, hailed a cab, drank the six-pack, returned to The Vulture Compound and then waved his arms wildly while riding the elevator back up to the office. This feat did not cost $4,000, and it left us with a shred of dignity.

    We're still waiting for Chicago officials to begin redesigning the "second city" to accommodate the myriad Segways here. It may, however, take a few thousand more arse-feeds, BPEL services and reality altering blogs to pull off this lifestyle revolution

    The police in California use them and the police down under also wanted too but found a problem in there plan:

    Aussie coppers crushed to discover Segways are illegal

    By Ashlee Vance in Mountain View, Published Friday 13th January 2006 21:43 GMT

    Some Australian police officers hoping to embarrass themselves by riding around on Segways have run into a problem - the law.

    Police in Victoria looked to prop their squadrons up on the Segway scooters. The over-hyped device has become a favorite mode of transport for coppers here in the US, as it opens up a whole new realm of excuses for "the one who biked, skateboarded or jogged away." The Aussie police officers apparently wanted the same excuse luxury but were denied.

    "After announcing last year that they hoped to buy several of the two-wheeled electric devices for city patrols, senior police were told by VicRoads that it is illegal to ride Segways, which are designed for footpaths, in public spaces in Victoria," reported The Age.

    "VicRoads considers the devices, which can be ridden on private property, to be the legal equivalent of miniature 'monkey bikes,' outlawed by the State Government last year."

    Besides the obvious shame, riding a Segway in public carries a $115 fine in Victoria. Local police and a Segway importer have vowed to fight this policy. "Let all our officers look like spoiled losers" might be the refrain.

    A whopping 100 Segways have been sold Down Under, according to the paper, making the scooter about as popular as the 1996 Peanut Butter Enema Engage. (Thanks for pointing that out, Nathan.)

    Given the meager consumer embrace of the Segway, it's no surprise to see how the scooter's inventor has been spending his time. Dean Kamen has created a product that allows him to drink his own pee. ®

    and another interesting story involving this device :D

    North Carolina paves the way for drunk Segwaying

    Published Wednesday 21st December 2005 23:55 GMT

    The Segway scooter has a purpose after all. It'll help you get home after an all night boozer without a DUI charge.

    That seems to be the major lesson learned from the case of Kevin Crow - a North Carolina scooter aficionado. A sheriff's deputy charged Crow with scooting while intoxicated, noting that he scooted past a stop sign and weaved in his scooting lane. After testing, the sheriff's office discovered Crow's blood alcohol level to be .13 - well over the .08 limit.

    Crow, 27, was then convicted and appealed the verdict, citing what is now to be known as the Segway Defense.

    Crow argued that scooters deserve the same protection as bicycles, horses, lawnmowers and even the lowly Segway. Such items are not considered "vehicles" under state law, but the scooter is.

    Despite Crow's best efforts, the appeals panel upheld the ruling.

    One judge noted that close to 100 people were near Crow's scooter, adding that the "defendant's behavior subjected these pedestrians and motorists to a high degree of danger".

    Crow could end up serving 14 days in jail and have his license taken away for two years.

    So, that's a lesson to you all. When in North Carolina, make sure you drink and Segway. You won't get a ticket, but you may get shot.

    The future of transport? Lets hope not :o

    They do look like geeks, especially that guy, second from the left, Steve Wozniac.


    O yea, the guy that drank his own pee, invented a futuristic device that changes sewage into drinking water. A real slacker, eh?


    Hey I never said he was a slacker, just he comes up with some "interesting concepts" :D

    I did a couple of tours in Paris on a Segway, spent about 8 hours on one in total. to be honest it doesn't really do anything better than a bicycle, thats why I think its pointless. especially with a $4000 price tag (expensive because of the gyros inside to help it balance on 2 wheels).

    I'm all for reducing congestion in cities and improving the air quality. Especially here in Bangkok, personally I think this particular technology isn't going to be much help. Thinking about BKK first we need to have a proper intergrated public transport system (including lanes for buses only etc etc), when thats in place you'll find number of cars on the roads decreases as people find it more convienent than using there car (this has been the experience of several cities in the UK) although a key thing to this is to keep it cheap. As long as its cheaper to run a car then people will use that rather than public transport.

    Forgot to add :D did you know George Bush Jr fell off a Segway the first time he tried one (even more funny because the inventor claimed it was almost impossible to fall off one!!!) :D

  7. Another video clip.

    The future of transportation?

    The Segway Human Transporter is an overpriced, pointless pile of crap. Not a prototype, been around since 2003/2003 I think. If you want to try one there is a Segway tour organised in BKK nr to Queen Sirikit Park/Convention Centre I believe.

    These things are such a failure that the inventor has been trying to punt them to the US military :D

    Heres a pointless story about one group of people who decided to trek across the US on one :D

    This one made me laugh too:

    Segway owners beat each other with homemade mallets

    The only thing worse than paying $4,000 for a scooter has to be using said scooter for a game of polo.

    Yes, friends, it has come to that. A small band of Bay Area Segway owners have set a new low for the device - an almost impossible feat when you consider that "IT" was meant to have revolutionized cities by now but has actually ended up being little more than a poor selling toy. About ten of the Segway grunts recently gathered for a disturbing go at scooter polo.

    The Segway owners created homemade mallets out of PVC pipe, foam and duct tape. The mallet building instructions are here [PDF], although Segway LLC has surely started production on a more refined version of this essential accessory.

    A video of the polo battle shows a collection of fairly uncoordinated bloggers on wheels, running into each other and falling down. Did you expect any less?

    "We had a great time playing polo on the Segway," says on member of the Bay Area Segway Enthusiasts Group. "Not a huge turnout but the game was fun and pretty competitive. It's also harder than it looks. Who says that riding the Segway isn't exercise?"

    That's the spirit!

    Inspired by the Segway enthusiasts' passion for exercise, your reporter left the office this morning with a six-pack in hand, hailed a cab, drank the six-pack, returned to The Vulture Compound and then waved his arms wildly while riding the elevator back up to the office. This feat did not cost $4,000, and it left us with a shred of dignity.

    We're still waiting for Chicago officials to begin redesigning the "second city" to accommodate the myriad Segways here. It may, however, take a few thousand more arse-feeds, BPEL services and reality altering blogs to pull off this lifestyle revolution

    The police in California use them and the police down under also wanted too but found a problem in there plan:

    Aussie coppers crushed to discover Segways are illegal

    By Ashlee Vance in Mountain View, Published Friday 13th January 2006 21:43 GMT

    Some Australian police officers hoping to embarrass themselves by riding around on Segways have run into a problem - the law.

    Police in Victoria looked to prop their squadrons up on the Segway scooters. The over-hyped device has become a favorite mode of transport for coppers here in the US, as it opens up a whole new realm of excuses for "the one who biked, skateboarded or jogged away." The Aussie police officers apparently wanted the same excuse luxury but were denied.

    "After announcing last year that they hoped to buy several of the two-wheeled electric devices for city patrols, senior police were told by VicRoads that it is illegal to ride Segways, which are designed for footpaths, in public spaces in Victoria," reported The Age.

    "VicRoads considers the devices, which can be ridden on private property, to be the legal equivalent of miniature 'monkey bikes,' outlawed by the State Government last year."

    Besides the obvious shame, riding a Segway in public carries a $115 fine in Victoria. Local police and a Segway importer have vowed to fight this policy. "Let all our officers look like spoiled losers" might be the refrain.

    A whopping 100 Segways have been sold Down Under, according to the paper, making the scooter about as popular as the 1996 Peanut Butter Enema Engage. (Thanks for pointing that out, Nathan.)

    Given the meager consumer embrace of the Segway, it's no surprise to see how the scooter's inventor has been spending his time. Dean Kamen has created a product that allows him to drink his own pee. ®

    and another interesting story involving this device :D

    North Carolina paves the way for drunk Segwaying

    Published Wednesday 21st December 2005 23:55 GMT

    The Segway scooter has a purpose after all. It'll help you get home after an all night boozer without a DUI charge.

    That seems to be the major lesson learned from the case of Kevin Crow - a North Carolina scooter aficionado. A sheriff's deputy charged Crow with scooting while intoxicated, noting that he scooted past a stop sign and weaved in his scooting lane. After testing, the sheriff's office discovered Crow's blood alcohol level to be .13 - well over the .08 limit.

    Crow, 27, was then convicted and appealed the verdict, citing what is now to be known as the Segway Defense.

    Crow argued that scooters deserve the same protection as bicycles, horses, lawnmowers and even the lowly Segway. Such items are not considered "vehicles" under state law, but the scooter is.

    Despite Crow's best efforts, the appeals panel upheld the ruling.

    One judge noted that close to 100 people were near Crow's scooter, adding that the "defendant's behavior subjected these pedestrians and motorists to a high degree of danger".

    Crow could end up serving 14 days in jail and have his license taken away for two years.

    So, that's a lesson to you all. When in North Carolina, make sure you drink and Segway. You won't get a ticket, but you may get shot.

    The future of transport? Lets hope not :o

  8. I guess this is the article you are referring too.....originally reported by the BBC quoted here from theregister.co.uk:

    Warning: mobiles and lightning don't mix

    Conversation killer

    By Lester HainesPublished Friday 23rd June 2006 08:55 GMT

    UK doctors are advising mobile-addicted Brit youth to lay off the chat during thunderstorms - or risk the consequences.

    According to the BBC, the British Medical Journal cites the case of a 15-year-old girl who was struck by lightning in a London park while talking on her phone. She suffered a burst eardrum and cardiac arrest and, a year later, "has severe physical difficulties as well as brain damage which has led to emotional and cognitive problems".

    What the kids of today don't understand, apparently, is that when you're struck by lightning, your skin's high resistance will cause most of the charge to pass over the body in a process called "external flashover". If, however, you have metal objects or liquids in contact with the skin, these can provoke the charge to enter and pass through your body where it can wreak havoc with your internals.

    The Northwick Park Hospital doctors who treated the unfortunate London victim discovered three fatal cases of mobile phone chat lightning strike - in China, Korea and Malaysia. Swinda Esprit, of the ear, nose and throat department said: "It is obvious really, but we all carry mobile phones and we don't think about it. Children particularly won't realise the risk."

    It's not, however, simply a matter of not making calls during tempests. The mere presence of your phone about your person increases the risk of lightning-induced internal injury, as Met Office boffin Paul Taylor noted: "It is well known within the thunderstorm detection community that wearing or carrying metallic objects can increase the likelihood of injury.

    "It certainly adds to the intensity of the skin damage and the article certainly amplifies that here. I would treat a mobile phone as yet another piece of metal that people tend to carry on their persons like coins and rings." ®

    and to quote a response to that article :D


    Everyone at El-Reg is fired. Yes. Everyone. Even the Lettuce bloke and the guy who made rather a mess of the "database" last week. hel_l, sack the cleaner and the unforetunate who serves the danish and coffee during brunch.

    It's like the lovely Mr Blaater (or is it Blatter, I can't be bothered to go and find out) says: Someone should have run on to the pitch (ok, rushed around the cupboard that is El-Reg HQ) shouting "Stop! Stop!"

    Hang on ... It's my tablets ... You haven't really run with the Lightening Kills People on Mobiles "news" have you ... ONLY the BBC is going to run with that load of old cobblers, surely?!

    THREE PEOPLE in the whole wide world have been found dead after using their mobile phone in a thunderstorm (and one person is badly injured).

    It appears that's ever; not this week, not last year, not even back in the 1990s. Nope. Ever. Three people.

    So the El-Reg headline should read "Using mobile phones in a storm is LESS dangerous than blowing your nose!"

    I know it's Friday, I know the footie kicks off in an hour or so ... But there is no excuse. So yer all fired for being a bunch of bed-wetting, paranoid, happy-to-parrot-fear-mongering-nonsense wazzocks!

    (And where are the bl00dy Letters? Hmmm? Lunch-time has come and gone already ... tap tap tap ...)


    Andy Harrison

    Editors Comment:

    Listen, Andy, we're not sure you're taking this mobile electrocution threat seriously. You try telling the bloke from China who was struck by lightning while gabbing away that it's not matter of life or death. And as for blowing your nose, well, a recent British Medical Journal exposé revealed that between 1560 and 2005, seventeen people were struck by meteorites while expelling the contents of their nasal passages. The reason? They simply had not been alerted to the possible risk. We rest our case. ®

    I don't really need to add anything :o

  9. I have a Hyperpro CDI, a racing can and kevelar look front mudguard on my Tiger Ozone.

    It pops wheelies now and can do a burn out in the wet.

    I only needed a new zorst but 3 month wait for one from the factory was a bit much so I left it at my friends shop and it came back souped up.

    hehe funny "can do a burnout in the wet"

    Its hardly a burnout if the road is wet...wheres' the burning rubber :D

    the teenies must love your machine......how long before you fit neon? :o

  10. OK so whats the most stupid mod you've seen someone make to there scooter (not CBR/NSR/Phantom)

    Today I saw a Honda Sonic with a Steering Damper and Clip-ons....I mean <deleted>? :o why do you need a steering damper on a 125cc scooter? Mad!!!

  11. I notice that a diesel turbo engine that is fitted to most pickups can get a good power boost by fitting an intercooler. In fact the Mazda/Ford 2500cc model being promoted at the moment gets most of its impressive horsepower boost because it has an intercooler. My questions, if anyone has any experience, is: how easy is it to fit an intercooler, are kits readily available, and what adaptions are need to the engine (eg the control unit). Was just wondering if I can get one fitted to a current model common rail diesel for more power/better fuel economy.

    I believe in another thread you said that you just bought a new pickup (Triton I think it was). Bear in mind that if you want to modify the engine you will invalidate the manufacturers warranty.

  12. Wilko et al

    Many thanks for your advice, which I will take.

    I have taken the point and will try to afford to keep my top of the range Skoda with A/C,cruise control, leather upholstery 1.9 TDI 110bhp diesel hatchback. It is 15 months old and my second Skoda which I simply enjoy driving in the UK

    That is unless you know someone who will give it a good home?

    Which model of Skoda is it....the only one officially imported into Thailand at the moment is the Octavia TDi and comes in at a cool 2 million baht (roughly 25000 GBP). And I've only ever seen 2 on the roads of Bangkok in over a year.

    I think your making a big mistake to try and import it. Remember the duty (200%ish) you will pay if you can get an import licence will mean it costs more than buying a new Skoda here. Just to re-emphasise the point previously made, the duty will be payable on the NEW price of the car, not the second hand value regardless of the fact it is 15 months old.

  13. I am lloking to buy a new Toyota Vigo and would like to spec it on the interent first so i know what extras I are available and what price etc. Does anyone know of a website that is in English that you can check prices etc


    I'm sorry to have to tell you that your gonna have to do a lot of legwork yourself visiting the dealers and playing them off against each other to get what you want.

    The only prices you'll find on t'internet are the manufacturers list price, if your lucky.....

  14. I have seen shoe shops in Pratunam with signs saying "Made to order".

    Yes, you can go to Pratunam. Very good place with a new shopping mall. Was there already, but no more shure the new shopping Mall name - soemthing about TITANIUM or what.

    Say to the Taxidriver: "Pra-tu-nam" shopping center.

    I guess your referring to the new "Platinum Fashion Mall" next to Pantip Plaza?

  15. Does anyone know which restaurants are closest to the Royal Orchid Sheraton? Which ones are closest to Siam centre? Preferably the better tasting ones without being more expensive than $1500 baht per person.

    Is there a set menu for fathers day?

    Thank you so much!

    Methavalai sorndaeng

    krua rakhang thong

    mango tree


    mahanaga: 2 sukhumvit

    Sala Thip: shangrila

    Spring and Summer: 199 soi promsri 2

    Yok Yor

    The navy Club


    Silom Village


    Well done on your forward planning, what with father's day being in December and all - you might want this moved to the Bangkok forum - it's not really relevant to motoring now is it?

    Hmmm.....I've never known fathers day to be in December in the UK its on the 18th June....not that much forward planning going on :D

    Still quite why this is in the motoring forum is beyond me! :o

    OH! I know...maybe its because all of us this forum clearly all drive top end Mercs. Lexus and BMWs' so therefore we're more likely to dine out in these restaurants showing off our flashy motors :D

    Been to Silom Village.....its crap and overpriced :D

  16. If you want finance for your car it is not necessary to have a Thai guarantor.

    What you do need is a WP, Non-imm visa and 50% downpayment. There are people that have been able to put less down, but the general rule of thumb is 50% down, finance in your own name without a guarantor is no problem.

    I used GE Capital to finance my new car (with no guarantor)

  17. I've also had issues with apparently 'bad' tanks of Gasohol giving really awful fuel consumption (about 20% worse than normal). Anyone else had similar experiences?

    I've come across the same thing. Driving around BKK on Full strength 95 I average around 420km per tank. On fat free (ok gasohol :o) about 390km. But on occasion I can get as little as 320km.....with no change in traffic etc to explain the extra fuel burn.......weird and annoying

  18. As pointed out by taxexile, why should a British citizen be deported from the UK at the end of her sentence?

    I didn't read anywhere that they intended to deport her from the UK at the end of her sentence. What I did read is that she would be deported (extredited) to the UK from Thailand to serve her sentence.

    However theres nothing to stop the Home Office from stripping her of British Nationality and then deporting her should they choose to do so as she didn't renounce her Thai Nationality. The only time that they can't strip someone of British Nationality is if that would leave them without a Nationality :o

  19. Am I the only one though who has known about this holiday for the last three months?? Eveyone at my Uni was awrae of it!

    People have known about the ceremonies and the official celebration for sometime. The actual holiday was announced by the government only this week.

    Hi anuaaron, I have the same experience my company knew about these holidays since the beginning of this year. Announced by the BOT (our company follows there announcements as we work in the finance field)

  20. Do you have an official source for that information? I'm more inclined to believe our immigration lawyer than this link.

    Yes, the source is ThaiVisa.com...... Maybe one of the legal eagles can clear up this confusion. Thank you.

    I know its thaivisa.com :o just meant that was is there a link to an official source like the immigration bureau :D

  21. Guess it must be different across the country then. I got this from my legal advisors as a reminder:

    Our record shows that your 90-day report will be due on May 31, 2006. Please send your passport and the signed 90-day report form to us on or before May 31, 2006 and we can submit it to the Immigration Bureau. The report must be submitted during a period from 5 days before to 5 days after the due date. The scanned application form for 90-day report is attached for your use.

    In the case that you leave for overseas before the due date, please advise what was your latest entry date. We will thus be able to advise you of your next 90-day report due.

    Any further required information, please advise

    Dej-Udom & Associates Ltd.

    Tel. (66 2) 233-0055, Fax (66 2) 236-6681

    So it seems in Bangkok its ok up 5 days after the reporting date

    Have a look at this ... 90-Day Reporting

    Do you have an official source for that information? I'm more inclined to believe our immigration lawyer than this link.

    The email they send to me every 90 days always contains exactly the same information (can report for 5 days before to 5 days after) since I started working here 18 months ago

  22. Lest you shouldn’t know yet: the 90-day report can be made up to seven days before or after the due date, the latter without a fine.

    This isn't true. If you do not report in time, and you are caught, there is a 5,000 baht fine plus another 200 baht/day. If you do report, but late, the fine is 2,000 baht, although 2-days grace is given if you do report late.....at least that's what happens in Pattaya.

    Guess it must be differant across the country then. I got this from my legal advisors as a reminder:

    Our record shows that your 90-day report will be due on May 31, 2006. Please send your passport and the signed 90-day report form to us on or before May 31, 2006 and we can submit it to the Immigration Bureau. The report must be submitted during a period from 5 days before to 5 days after the due date. The scanned application form for 90-day report is attached for your use.

    In the case that you leave for overseas before the due date, please advise what was your latest entry date. We will thus be able to advise you of your next 90-day report due.

    Any further required information, please advise

    Dej-Udom & Associates Ltd.

    Tel. (66 2) 233-0055, Fax (66 2) 236-6681

    So it seems in Bangkok its ok up 5 days after the reporting date

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