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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. It has to be a joke :D Very amusing read

    If its not then shes' sadly a very deluded person :o

    Although I did read the book 1634, The year China dicovered the World. There is compelling evidence to say that the Chinese did invent things, have major international trade routes across the region and explore many places before the western world. But then the next Emperor (sorry can't remember who been a while since I read the book) decided that China need to concentrate on itself and destroyed many documents proving this becoming very insular.

  2. I am getting realy pissed off with this, for the last month or so i have not been able to make calls in the evening usually at around 5 or 6pm until about 9 or 10 pm. NETWORK BUSY redial?

    Same for me too, I also have trouble trying to send sms messages during that time as well :o

  3. The Pattaya one is a Daewoo dealer as well, or used to be

    oppostie the CholChan hotel, just north of Pattaya on the Sukhumvit Highway.

    Probably not Daewoo anymore seeing as they went tits up a few years back. The car business was bought by GM and the relaunched the Daewoo models under the Chevy brand.....so maybe they've dumped Suzuki and turn themselves in to a Chevy shop :o

  4. But according to my gf and her mates it just means more than friend but not bf/gf and definately no sex involved. Its kind of the testing the water stage before hooking up more "officially"

    Thats contrary to what I've heard from Thai's... they all told me sex can be involved..and I got the impression it normally is...

    totster :D

    Hmmm perhaps it has a differant meaning to differant classes of people? Don't know, but most Thai people in my office take the same view as my gf.......there are a couple that also say sex can be involved..but then that started a mass debate on which no one agreed :o

  5. "Gig" isn't shocking to younger people ... but it would be to older folks .... Less than a bf/gf but significantly more than a friend ... "friends with benefits" or in US slang "fukc-buddies" so shocking? ... sure .. most people anywhere wouldn't talk about that in front of strangers/parents/etc

    I think even "Gig" has differant meanings amongst Thai

    For instance "Steven" mentioned it was slang for casual sex partner and jds' comment was similar.

    But according to my gf and her mates it just means more than friend but not bf/gf and definately no sex involved. Its kind of the testing the water stage before hooking up more "officially"

  6. Thank you MooNoi,

    That's what I thought it was but I wasn't sure. The main reason why I wanted a comparism is that I live in Pattaya, and the test drives do not allow you to take the car out on the highway. I've rented the Vios which has no pick up whay so ever. When passing a truck on the highway you have to be very careful. Also with the lower exchange rates from the U.DS. the altis G model ends up costing $5000.00 more than the City.


    Well Barry one other idea for you :D

    If your other half is set on a Toyota.....how about the Vios Turbo.....that has plenty of pick up and its coupled to a manual box as well. They list at 799,000 baht.

    But being sensible :o you can get the City in 2 flavours i-DSi and VTEC. Both are excellant motors and have a stronger low down pull than the Vios' VVT-i. It also helps that its coupled to a "7 speed" CVT transmission which works much better than the standard auto transmission in the Toyota. Not sure you know what CVT is so forgive me if I'm telling something you already know........CVT is Constant Variable Transmission, in effect meaning that it has an unlimited amount of gear ratios to choose from to get the best from the engine. In reality Honda have programmed it with 7 preset ratios which work really well to get the best out of either engine.

    The City ZX is a good car (although I think the Jazz is a more practical and better looking car), just as reliable as a Toyota and has better build quality than Vios/Yaris.

    At the end of the day the choice is yours.....and its going to be a difficult one. Just focusing on the City ZX/Jazz the VTEC has more power and torque than the i-DSI, the disadvantage is it comes in higher in the rev range (VTEC 110bhp 131NM@4400, i-DSI 88bhp 119NM@2800) and isn't quite as economical.

    Oh and seeing as I told you about VTEC :D i-DSI mean intelligent Dual and Sequential Ignition....the engine runs quite a high compression ration and has 2 spark plugs per cylinder which fire at different intervals depending on engine rpm and load. The combination gives a suprising amount of power and torque for a small displacement engine which is very economical. Drive it and although it "only" has 88bhp it feels much quicker than you think it should be :D

    If you want anymore info don't hestitate to ask :D

  7. I remember my gf telling me about a person who kept calling her mobile asking for her husband. When she was still studying at Uni.

    Fist conversation sth like:

    my gf: "Hello"

    caller: "Wheres' my husband?"

    my gf: "Sorry I think you have wrong number"

    caller: "No I don't I know his number what have you done with him?"

    She hangs up

    calls back again but this time my gf decides to string her along :o Told her that he was busy in the shower etc etc. She carried this on for several months...even her mum and friends decided to wind this woman up. They tried to tell her lots of times they were only teasing her and that she had the wrong number but the crazy caller was having non of it...she knew the number was correct. In the end the crazy woman wanted to meet her, so she arranged the time and place, my gf got her Dad to go instead and gave this woman a piece of his mind for wasting his daughters time and for making threats her :D

    Can't imagine the hel_l that womans husband must have gone through for those months....still find it funny though...all because the woman couldn't accept she dialled wrong!

    Obviously I've condensed the story a fair bit because I can't be bothered to write down all the details

  8. Nothing against you, Moonoi, it's just people plug in that "Power of Vtec" at every opportunity like it's something special and then somebody has to explain why all the fuss.

    Any extra-power in Vtec engines comes near redline, something you'll never see in everyday driving. Low and mid range power is far more important, and Honda doesn't have any clear advantage over Toyota there.

    I actually want to know if there are any numbers to show how fast the engine picks up speed - how responsive it is to the gas pedal.

    Sorry if it appears I'm plugging VTEC/VVTL-i/MIVEC etc. I didn't intend to come across like that, just merely explaining to Barry what VTEC is :D As I think I have an resonable understanding of the technology.

    It terms of comparing VTEC/VVT-i performance then its simple enough to compare the relevant Honda/Toyota models. The problem is there are differant variants of both VTEV and VVT-i depending on application :D so its not as easy as it might sound

    For example take City vs Vios: I did mention in my earlier post that the VTEC-E is designed with economy in mind not power, in the first stage the engine runs lean therefore decreasing fuel consumption. It means for instance a 1.5 VTEC-E returns around 54mpg on the highway...not bad for a petrol motor.......Toyota isn't quite as efficient as this with the VVT-i but its not far off.

    Personally I'm a fan of forced induction :D The extra power is available lower down. My favourite car having been a Lancia Delta HF Intergrale way back in the early 90's (already an old car by then, but my god it was fun if a little tempermental....which is like all Italians I guess :o)

  9. All the Hondas with Vtec are great performers in my opinion.Some engines have a 2stage Vtec which cuts in at different RPMs to allow more torque at low revs and higher top end at high RPMs.I have the old B16A Vtec from the Japanese SiR and its great fun!

    Well all VTEC engines have 2 Stages....but the implementation is differant depending on the application (VTEC-E for instance is designed for economy). The B16A is designed for raw top end power :D Civic SiR isn't a japanese variant btw, thats a North American model....Japan its the Type-R not that it really matters.....its the same car!

    EDIT: Need a spell checker :o

  10. Meaning Honda's VTec and Toyota's VVT-i are essentally the same, and have been essentially the same for the past decade.

    Honda's being first was dutifully recorded in history of last century inventions.

    Indeed I thought thats what I said :o

    You missed off MIVEC as also being the same :D

  11. I'm going to look at them both, but my wife likes Toyota. Moo Noi, what do you mean when you say the corolla's are boring to drive? Also can you explain what vtec stands for? Thanks


    Hi Barry

    What I mean is that there isn't much feedback from the steering, it doesn't respond well if you want to push it a little.....I guess its quite hard to explain. But you can try it yourself and see if you agree.........you should find that the steering is more direct (quicker) and responsive in the City ZX compared to the Corolla....also you should "feel" more what the car is upto from feedback through the steering......the corolla gives what some people might call a more "safe" feeling in that the feedback from the steering is more damped its harder to tell what the wheels are upto.

    VTEC stands for Variable valve Timing Electronic Control. VTEC's purpose can be more or less summarized as: extracting high RPM performance while maintaining smooth low RPM operation. It works by keeping the valves open wide at high RPMs' for more power and narrows them at lower RPMs'. This improved breathing allows the engine to sustain its torque output as RPM rises, resulting in higher power output.

    There are about 5 variants of VTEC engine: the original SOHC VTEC, SOHC VTEC-E, DOHC VTEC and DOHC VTEC-i I won't go into the technicalities because its probably boring to all but the most diehard petrol head :o

    Honda was also the first company to introduce this technology into mainstream roadcars.

    Toyotas version is called VVT-i (Variable Valve Timing - intelligent) they also have VVTL-i (Variable Valve Timing and Lift - intelligent) but thats not available over here which is a shame because its a nice engine...normally found fitted to Toyota Celica and Corolla T-Sport.

    EDIT: I thought I would also add the same system in Mitsubishi cars is called MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing and lift Electronic Control) :D

  12. I don't find Thai people to have more 'sanook' than other countries really. Except German people and eastern europeans. I am Irish and i think people here have 'sanook makk makk', altough my defintion of it means getting pissed drunk with your friends and having a good laugh.

    This shows clearly that you've never been to Germany or Eastern Europe to make such a ridculous comment. (do you even speak German or any other language?) If you have been there then a few days at the Oktoberfest doesn't count.

    But then I guess if getting pissed drunk is your idea of sanuk then it's not surprising. Possibly staying on the Emerald Isle is your best bet so you can pickle your organs and think you're having fun.

    Ja ich spreche ein bischen Deutsch. I have been to germany and eastern europe and i think the people there look miserable. Especially Germans. The most boring race on earth bar none. I know this is a late reply but i am not on this board much. I have a life you see.

    Clearly the life you have doesn't include education . . . So, 80 million Germans are boring, several hundred million east Europeans are boring and you are the harbinger of happiness.

    Well, I've lived in Germany and speak German fluently, not just a little like you, and find them to be quite as happy and humourous as any other European. Ever been to Scandinavia? Try Finland.

    What happened? A few Germans dumped you?

    Every nation has it's own sense of humour, some travel well, others don't, some translate well, others don't.

    Possibly you are simply better off living in your own four walls - - -

    Hey whats wrong with Finland? Less boring than the Germans and I speak German (ok not fluently but well enough and Finnish to about the same level) :D

    btw I'd like to add that Finland although a Nordic country is not part of Scandinavia, that pleasure belongs to Norway, Denmark and Sweden :o

    I'm an Anglo-Finn btw :D

  13. No problem Barry

    I've also owned a corolla in the past (196bhp T-Sport) which the engine was great on, well screwed together and reliable....but somehow it was boring to drive! All the ingredients were there for a great car to take on the great Civic Type-R (Si in the US) and beat it.....but for some reason it just didn't work.

    In Thailand most people buy Toyota not necessarily because they like it, but because they can be assured of low depreciation and excellant reliability. They almost never consider the driving experience!

    For me the problem with Toyota is they are too conservative, and whereas this has got them to the number 1 car manufacturer position I don't think its enough to keep them there.....they need to be more innovative with there mainstream cars like Corolla. I think the new Civic, Mazda 3 and Focus have woken Toyota up to this and we'll start to see some really nice cars which I hope give you a driving experience to remember whilst retaining that excellant reliability they have. The new Yaris is a good example of this, it almost beats the Jazz but not quite......I have them on an equal pegging mainly because the build quality of these earliy Yaris' isn't upto Toyotas normal standard and is worse than the Jazz.....hopefully they'll sort that out soon.

    In the meantime if you decide to go with the Altis I don't think you'll be disappointed. It is a great A-B car, just not fun and engaging if you understand what I mean :D You'd get more "smiles per mile" from the City ZX :o

  14. Depends what you want from the car

    Essentially it is identical to the Honda Jazz, its just the saloon version without the practicalities offered by the Jazz hatchback.

    Jazz / City ZX are a fun car to drive (especially the VTEC) and very cheap to run. That said if your only going to be using it around town you might find the i-DSi engined models better, they have more torque low down in the rev range than the VTEC which is more useful in the city than highend power you get from the VTEC.

    Both are great but personally I would go for a Jazz over the City ZX, because it looks better, is more practical and easier to sell when the time comes :D

    Whichever you choose I don't think you'll be disappointed.

    As for a comparison against the Corollla, they are in differant classes (you should really compare the Civic with the Corrolla). However the Jazz/City ZX is a much more dynamic drive than the Corrolla which is quite boring (sorry Barry, but its true! Just because its a very popular car doesn't mean its the best :o)

  15. Charge vehicles for going into CBD as what Singapore and London did, these were definitely ease the traffics.

    Thats quite a stupid idea

    Singapore and London have far better integrated public transport systems than here

    However I can't comment on Singapore but London I can

    Congestion Charging has solved nothing. All it has done is moved the traffic elsewhere (hence they want to increase the size of the zone) and created extra revenue for Red Ken and the GMC (ok I know that doesn't exist anymore but its not that disimmilar :o)

    What TfL and Local Government should have done is to improve the mass transit system, make sure it could handle the extra passenger numbers and made it affordable to those using it. Before CC came in the LU was already overpriced, overcrowded and the Bus network inadequate to say the least. The buses have been improved but its still not enough.....basically in the UK CC is just a way to tax motorists more without solving the reasons the problem exists in the first place. But don't think I'm against charging...I think it can be used effectively as part as an overall traffic/transportation plan, but the London implementation is not one to shout about and has caused more problems than it was supposed to solve.

    You should research CC in more detail, most cities in the UK have rejected it because there is no current alternative for people to use so they are currently in the process of building integrated public transport systems......some of those cities also believe that once these are complete there will still be no need to introduce CC.

    For London....they should look more closely at Paris as a model for a closely intergrated mass public transport system that is cheap and affordable :D

  16. ...

    yes, it is true that lust and such viles don't have particular national or racila identification. and yet, somehow in Asia so far it has been much less such things than in the West. looks like things gonna change soon, and already are changing.

    Rape is widely spread in Asia. I used to find it rather old fashioned, the way the teenage girls in particular are guarded, but I've come to understand more of the background to this over the years. Maybe you don't read about it so often in the media.

    "Lust and such viles" have little to do with a public gang-rape. It's mostly about power, intimidation, violence and violation. - think about it: if you were 'lusting' after sex, is this what you would get into?

    Spot-on. Incidentally, I live on Phracha-Uthit Road which the OP refers to. And the road which is particularly long is plagued, particularly after dark, with scores of teenage motorcyclists - who seem to spend most of their free-time (which is most of the day and night) buzzing round on their fizzies with nothing better to do. There are a lot of gangs in this area. And I think a lot of attacks go unreported.

    Off topic - but hey - zzap - we look similar!


    OK I know off topic, but just wanted to know coz I've never seen any.......can you get fizzies here? The old Yama FS1E (hence fizzie)? or are you just referring to low cc scooters?

    Back on topic, very informative thread. I agree with Kats' analysis of thai cultural behaviour appearing to condone these crimes. To blame the victims for being out at 4am is not a excuse for what happened and allows the purpotrators (spelling?) to get away without a guilty consceience "Well she shouldn't have been out that late at night so its not my fault" and the lack of punishment by law for this crime doesn't help where is the deterant?

    If it was culturally unacceptable then those committing the crimes would be punished and rejected by society, if not by law but they are not (the victims are). I even find it strange that Thai soaps/dramas quite often trivialise rape even making jokes about it.

  17. It was open tonight when I drove past

    I work at U Chu Liang building (HSBC) opposite Lumpini Park, so been watching it built with interest....my gf really wants to go on it......should get a nice view of the new Fitness First gym at Q House on the other side of Rama IV rd when your at the top :D

    That's a nice place (with a view) to work. Have you been to that new gym? My membership at my current one just expired.

    Yeah its not bad :D My office used to be on the 31st floor which had great views but now I've been relocated to the 22nd still isn't bad but not as good :D

    For the gym, I haven't although I keep meaning to go take a look around...although have to say I find gyms quite boring, trying to find the motivation to go and keep fit / loose weight (I posted another thread in the Health section about this). If I do join one I'm interested in FF mainly because they have another gym at Fashion Island near my home so I don't have to trek all the way into bkk at the weekends if I'm feeling motivated enough to work out :o That said my company offers a really amazing discount at California Wow years membership works out at 2000 baht for the top level (although it has a restriction that you can't use the new gym at Siam Paragon). Decision, decisions!

  18. It is correct that the Foreign Business Act of 2542 requires 3,000,000 baht in REGISTERED capital in order for a company to be eligible to apply for an Alien Business License - the reference is the second paragraph in Section 14 at http://www.thailawforum.com/database1/foreign2.html.

    That's REGISTERED capital. At present, there is no pressure on a foreigner to pay up capital. Thailand's Civil and Commercial Code states that ALL companies (including thsoe started entirely by Thais) are supposed to pay up a minumum of 25% of registered capital within 90 days of registering that capital - but there is no active enforcement mechanism for even this requirement.

    And - foreigners are welcome to start a completely foreign-owned manufacturing company, or exporting company - or a hotel management business - without any restrictions at all - these activities are not restricted by the Foreign Business Act (see list of activities that are restricted at http://www.thailawforum.com/database1/foreign5.html).

    And - if you will invest just 1,000,000 baht in qualifying capital investment - and pursue any of the 130 categories of activities that are eligible for BOI promotion (see http://www.boi.go.th/english/about/eligible_activities.asp), then your company can be 100% foreign owned. But - you must have (and present) a well-thought-out business plan - so "pretend" businessmen aren't going to get very far.

    So - this thread is whining about nothing.

    I think Thailand has evaluated the trade-offs between the likelihood that a foreign company start-up with a shoestring level of initial capitalization is going to create significant Thai employment, and the liklihood that a low threshhold of entry is going to attract all the foreign bums of the world to come here and create minimal companies for their own exclusive benefit -and has correctly decided to set the bar at a level that discourages bums, and attracts more substantial creators of Thai employment.

    In case anyone is wondering, Thailand is pulling in PLENTY of direct foreign investment - and I'm talking about major employers - the type who pay $75,000 just for the professional assistance to get their "$50 million plus" businesses set up here. And I do not see the trend declining. It is an absolute joke to think that Thailand is scaring away importannt investment by requiring a modest level of initial capitalization.


    Steve Sykes

    Managing Director

    Indo-Siam Group


    [email protected]


    I just took a quick look through the 2 lists and notice that there seems to be some contradictions...for instance aviation maintenance is in the BOI promotion list but it is also in the list of business that foreign businesses are not allowed to operate in due to national security and safety.

    Or have I misunderstood something?

    I only ask because I intend to start my own business here sometime over the next year. I'm currently working on a business plan and hope to get things together within the next year or so (I'm in no hurry want to make sure everything is correct). Btw as a side note I already have a work permit and during the setup and startup phase I intend to continue working for my exisiting company to (they are aware of my plans), as I already have work permit does that make things any easier or no differant?

  19. Take into account the muscle weight you will gain to counter balance any losses.

    Go on how you look and how you feel for the final outcome rather than weight loss, full stop.

    marshbags :o:D:D

    thats very value information: muscle is heavyer than fat and when after training it stocks for a short time more sugar and water, that might be very disappointing on the beginning if you only check the weight, because it seems nothing changes but in fact it does.

    Hmm didn't think of that....but then if I think more about it I don't mind as long as my belly disappears so I can fit in the Kart more comfortably :D I also know that from my past racing experience that being heavy can be an advantage (loose in accelaration, but gain with higher cornering speeds possible due high mechanical grip)

    That also might explain why I don't appear to have lost anymore than the 2 kilos so far (my weight seems to have steadied over the last week) hoping that an increase in activity now will help kickstart another weight loss round.

    But I'm not an expert on diet or anything so not sure on that side of things as I said before I now eat less and only 3 times a day. All of it thai food (mainly rice/noodles/pork/chicken).

    Oh and to respond to another poster I get a annual fitness and health check every year at Samitjev hospital provided by my company. General fitness is excellant they said I could loose some weight and I should sleep more but they were suprised at how healthy I was given my weight!!

  20. Actually I carry my weight pretty well and I'm not exactly unfit (always regularly play badminton or Tennis). Just for some reason in the last 4 months I've somehow put 10 kilos on (ok lost a couple already) and want to get rid of it.......although quite puzzled as to why my weight increased...didn't change my diet or exercise regime at all.

    But I remember a few years ago I was around 90 Kg, not exactly slim but no huge belly :o I'd be happy to get back to that stage again.

    I think I'm being realistic and my target is just that.....I'm not going to cry if I don't make it...but if I set it then at least I have something to achieve and now that I have a reason to (the race) it means I'm notivated to try

    Thanks for the advice, maybe I'll come back to this thread and let you know my experiences and how close I get to my target with the timescale I set (I still try to continue to loose weight afterwards of course)

    Thanks again :D

  21. Robin had one as did little red riding.

    hmmm but they aren't cars

    EDIT: I tell a lie...there was a three wheeler called a Reliant Robin in the UK....like a motorised wheelbarrow :D

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    :o I know but just brought back the memories......

    now back to the topic seriously what is a hood?

  22. Sometimes I pay, sometimes she does. Often it depends which one of us remembered to hit the ATM that day. In my mind being weak is when your sense of manhood is dependant on something so superficial as money when there are so many more aspects of a persons' personality that are more important than the size of their bank account.


    Agreed cv, my gf quite often won't allow me to pay even though I earn more...in reality though it works out about 50/50. Although I do pay the mortgage (that alone is more than her monthly take home).

    Eventually I fully expect her to earn more than me though (she is 7 years younger than me). I have no degree, just life experience which doesn't count for much here in Thailand whereas she has her bachelors and is currently studying part-time for her MBA as well as working.

    Ultimately its a partnership of equals :o it doesn't matter who pays

  23. It was open tonight when I drove past

    I work at U Chu Liang building (HSBC) opposite Lumpini Park, so been watching it built with interest....my gf really wants to go on it......should get a nice view of the new Fitness First gym at Q House on the other side of Rama IV rd when your at the top :o

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