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Posts posted by z42

  1. Kicking a handcuffed, seated man hardly smacks of valour does it. @Mrtoad I totally agree with you. His behaviour was not an excuse because in his position he was defenceless.
    The cops could make an example here, the evidence is clear cut. my guess is that there'll be a delay and under the carpet it'll go in due course

  2. In the school I teach there are some genuinely amazing students who obviously have been born with the silver spoon in their mouths. They strive for the best and don't cut corners. But sadly these students are out numbered probably 10 fold by students who rally don't give a rats ass & who when given the proverbial inch try and take about 10 miles.
    It's sad really, some posters have basically hit the nail on the head when they say that by en large there are no consequences for negative actions. While this is the case Thailand will simply regress. With no carrot and no stick to speak of the only tangible external motivations are money and power. This is unhealthy to put it mildly

  3. If the defence counsel assigned to the 2 Burmese chaps are actually switched on and dedicated to defending them in court (if it even gets to that stage) then there are so many holes and inconsistencies they can highlight to prove their innocence.
    An iffy judge obviously can over ride anything that said. I honestly don't think these lads have done what they're accused of & the evidence that is known seem to support that theory. The UK inquest will hopefully clear things up a lot. i hope so. It would be a tragedy for patsies to take the fall

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  4. Good on them I say. A government can't be threatened with defamation etc. Long may the people power motion continue to turn the screw and hopefully get some of these issues clarified & dealt with in a proper way.
    I doubt it'll be taken heed of but it is great to see the Burmese authorities are actually looking after their own. They must know a hell of a lot and have a whole heap of documents stashed away to make such a bold move. Let's hope they push a little more for the truth to come out

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Strange how one minute they claim the investigation is complete and in the hands of the prosecutors, the next they claim the investigation is 'ongoing'. Obviously when it suits them.

    My advice for the NHCR is to go to every international human rights agencies such as the UN, Amnesty International etc and get it put on the record.

    I would also be promoting the 'fully independent' retesting of the two suspects, using pressure from these international agencies, the British government and the UN.... Really turn the screws on Prayuth. Possibly push the UNHRC to request they carry it out.

    Prayuth is probably terrified it will get to that stage. he really doesn't need the heat.

    "I would also be promoting the 'fully independent' retesting of the two suspects"

    and the other suspects,too

    The original sample is dubious in what it could show because of the personnel who collected it at source. Concerns were raised by Pornthip among others about why forensic pathologists weren't called on scene to collect DNA.
    DNA at this point poses more questions than it does give answers at this point. Any investigation should moce towards witness testimony and CCTV now. Unsurprisingly the AC bar is legally entitled to withold any CCTV from the bar that night. It can only be requested and can't be demanded. The snippets of CCTV surely can have their contents cleaned up as part of the "ongoing" investigation. oh sorry i was dreaming theer for a minute

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