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Posts posted by phusingpete

  1. I got an English manual when I bought my Vigo and it came in a bag with a part number on it!

    They are being lazy! Get up 'em, you paid a lot of money for your car and they can get you one just the same as any part, I wish I could give you the part number but I threw it out....

    Looks like customer services at Toyota did the trick,have emailed them and phoned re the problems some farang are experiencing.Later had a call from the dealer to say he had been on to head office and ordered an English handbook for me,was that not thoughtful of him.Obviously head office had been on to the dealer.Anyhow my handbook is on it's way.Will post the customer relations Email address and phone number when I find it again.Cheers :o

  2. phusingpete

    If you have problems with registration - mai pen rai - I will have a room for you anyway.

    (Try to get some help on the Pc, I don't know any short cuts without beeing there)

    I've made a roomreservation for Lampard, thaibites. sezzo, phibunmike, oceanrover, chiefbem, phusingpete! - Please confirm/ or cancel.

    I still have a few rooms, so be quick if you want to stay for free! :D


    So far I have more than 10(maybe 15) new farangs with Gfs from my area. That meens if the aboves are confirmed, we are already more then 40 people.

    I'm still waiting for a reply from 6 FC U members.And of course I sincerly hope that more tv members would like to join the gathering?

    Marco - do you have any bookings, what about the norwegians - or any others??

    Wake up guys and give me a yes, maybe, or no.

    Come on - let's get together - make new connections - and have some fun.

    Choke Dii

    Trond :o

    Trond, I shall be there with the wife .Looking forward to it.

  3. Any dates on this Marco/Bergen? If the dates are right I'll be there with the wife.

    You got a tour of the temple organised for the next day? How many people can you cover Bergen?

    The last get together was 46+ - can you put up 20 couples?

    Thaibites - and others

    Marco have asked me to organize next gathering. :o

    My (wife's) place Suan Loong Daeng Farm Stay , is a quiet place located in a tropical garden, surrounded by trees and flowers. The restaurant/bar can seat more than 50 people, and in addition extra tables/chairs can be provided if necessary. You do'nt have to worry about loud music, or other distractions as we are completely in charge of the events. We have both Thai and western food on the menu, and various kinds of beverages. :D

    I have 5 rooms with aircon, and 3 with fan, (Before Songkhran + 2 more rooms with fan), and I will sponsor all my rooms!!!!! so you stay the night free. I know this will only accommodate 20 grown ups, but for the adventurous ones - mosguitonets and tents can be arranged, and for single guys - I hope you can share room!

    In Nam Yun, 13 km away - are a few new shorttime places (transp. to and from can be fixed). I looked at one today with 5 rooms (1 air) price 250/450 - quality = OK. In Khantharalak - 30 min away, there is a nice guesthouse (made by an Aussie), and the The Grand Palace hotel.

    For those who want/need to go back home and will not stay over, we can start the gathering early(at lunchtime?),and for those who want to drink - one option is to share a miniwan with driver.

    If we start the gathering at lunchtime, we have more time to move around and talk with everyone.

    For those who want to go to Khao Phra Wihan next morning, a tour will be organized!

    We are fast running out of time in March, so we better find a Friday or Saturday in April.

    Comments so far suggests after Songkhran, so what about Saturday 22 to Sunday 23.?

    Please give me respons on the dates (and others matters). Marco will also try to make appointment with Tv/radio/magasin, so the inkognito 1s are hereby warned!! And remember - when we've settled the date, rooms go to the first one's booking. FC Ubon members have priority!

    Hope 2 hear from you soon! :D


    Hallo Trond,I did try to gain membership of this new Ubon tribe a week or so back but too many boxes on the mns thingy,I confess to being computor illiterate. I would be very interested in the next meet,could not make the last one.As I live some two hour drive from Ubon would need a place to stay.How do I become a member without going through all those boxes??????? chers

  4. But there is no evidence that upcountry voters "are gradually changing to see the truth", pure wish fulfilment I'm afraid.

    I'm afraid that there is some evidence. I live, work and play with upcountry people. I meet hundreds of rural farmers every week through my work. I believe what I see and hear, not what I read in The Financial Times. :D

    I agree that people in the rural area where I am are beginning to see through the Taxin myth,BUT and it is a big but they have seen major improvements in their lives.Since I have lived here(four years now) we have seen the health service develop beyond belief.The area is developing and prospering,new businesses cropping up on a weekly basis.New roads and houses being built, old dirt roads being paved.The volume of new cars grows daily,owned by Thais,no doubt on credit but so it is in the west.The place is changing fast.I do not know if this down to Taxin ,but I do know the villagers are enjoying their new found prosperity(sp).... :o

  5. BTW How's the Fortuna? Thinking of changing my Escape for a Fortuna - maybe next year. :o

    I think Fortunas are great , excellent value, powerful, spacious, Hi riding, smooth and pretty quiet for a diesel, neat leather interior, good stock sound system.

    I had a Toyota Tiger 4WD before the Fortuner, I was always thinking about buying a Fortuner someday, then I test drove one in Khon Kaen, wow, what a difference, I was hooked, I picked up a brand new one the very next day.

    Mobi, I don't think you can get a test drive in Pattaya, might be worth keeping an eye open for Toyota dealers that do have a test drive Fortuner.

    Go for it mate, great value motors. :D

    I agree ..Fantastic car really enjoying it.Have been on to Toyota customer services re handbook and hopefully will now get some results.Will keep you posted..cheers

  6. My car insurance needs renewing this month. As the renewal would cost Baht 39000.- (last year just 26000 ((no reported accidents)) I was a bit shocked about the hight of the price. Any Ideas where to get it done cheaper.

    Hi,I have just bought a new Toyota Fortuna.I got a quote from IAG for 26000 baht,they were also going to give me 50% no claims bonus based on my uk insurance so premium around 13,000 baht.Unfortunately I am in Issan and they operate more around Bangkok,so they did not have agreements with Toyota garages and not sure if they could inspect the scene of any accident.This meant I had to pay up front for any repairs and they would refund me after.I did not want to complicate matters so went for toyota insurance 28000 baht, any driver. Chaps name at IAG is Benjawan Panyarchun at www.contact iag.co.th.Worth trying.

    cheers :o

  7. Donz

    The Donz



    Sir Don

    Machine Don

    Killer Don

    i have a nice list of name when i name my children, just hope i dont get 2 girls coz i cant think of any more then donna

    Kebab :o

  8. My car is 7 years old and i got 1st class IAG insurance www.iag.co.th but you have to e-mail them or phone as you cant get a quot online. I hope that will help you.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will talk to them.

    However what are the limits of your cover if deemed your fault and repairs to the other car are expensive..say a new merc wrecked..thats a few million.

    Hi john45 well it looks like third party/property damage is 2.5 mil and car is covered up to 280k with a bail bond of 200k does this help you any.

    Thanks..I have just e-mailed IAG for info. In normal circumstances 2.5million is sufficent. If it isnt and you cant pay then its... jail or leave the country for ever and quick. yes?

    Hi,I am also after car insurance.I cannot seem to send Email to www.iag.co.th for some reason. Any ideas why.....................cheers

    The e-mail address is [email protected] I hope that will help you. The web site is new and not finished so a lot of it does not work.

    Thanks,I will try it again :o

  9. My car is 7 years old and i got 1st class IAG insurance www.iag.co.th but you have to e-mail them or phone as you cant get a quot online. I hope that will help you.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will talk to them.

    However what are the limits of your cover if deemed your fault and repairs to the other car are expensive..say a new merc wrecked..thats a few million.

    Hi john45 well it looks like third party/property damage is 2.5 mil and car is covered up to 280k with a bail bond of 200k does this help you any.

    Thanks..I have just e-mailed IAG for info. In normal circumstances 2.5million is sufficent. If it isnt and you cant pay then its... jail or leave the country for ever and quick. yes?

    Hi,I am also after car insurance.I cannot seem to send Email to www.iag.co.th for some reason. Any ideas why.....................cheers

  10. Nice to see this thread back up top again. After 6 months of not being able to visit the the gf's hometown we both have a bit of time and are popping up there for a few days and I can't wait. Go chill out playing with a kite over the fields with some friends there, swim in the river, get that motorbike zooming about the countryside, tons of great food from morning til night, and of course the evening drinking and card games. :D

    Actually taking my brother and his gf up there this time so that'll be cool since he's never been off the tourist track in Thailand. I think village life is one of the best parts of Thailand life and loads of expats here miss out on it. Think it'll be 10 days up there for Songkran as well! :D

    I agree.Village life is one of the best aspects of living in Thailand.I live in a small village between SriSa Ket and Surin.A few Farang around to chat to if required but mostly Thais who speak Cambodian.Only ever had one problem with relatives and money when the wifes sister pocketed 20,000 baht which was meant to pay bills while we were in the uk.She later asked to borrow some money to buy land,which we declined.Sure I lend money to various people on occasion and have always been paid back.

    At first we stayed in my wifes sisters house(different sister) with the open eaves(never new birds could create so much mess) and the squat loo out back.Not comfortable,so I decided to build a house,great project,designed it myself had construction drawings made up by a Thai friend (who refused payment) he also managed the project as it was being built by a talented builder.Could not have done this in England.Now I am really comfortable have frequent visitors who do not help themselves to my things or raid my fridge.Rarely see the wifes family unless they are invited although they are always welcome.

    Yes I have built a wall around the house,I want a garden and need to keep the cows,buffy's dogs and chickens out.This has not created any ill will and I do not feel I am a social pariah.I have brought some things over from UK,such as cd's,art books and materials and really feel I have made a home here not just built a house.

    I am now having a small bungalow built for mil in place of her delapidated wooden shack.I suggested she has some nice coloured roof tiles,but she wants corrugated iron.I suggest she have an electric shower for those cold mornings,no she just wants cold water and a plastic ladel..When we are away mil and family move in to look after the house,never had a problem and the house is always clean on our return.recently stayed in Srisaket overnight on our return the two bottles of

    chang were still in place!!!!!!

    Mabe I'm just lucky...I love it here...

    Nam kao, great story.I understand how you could make that mistake,many of the houses (shacks)round here have sun shades hanging at the front which are actually large advertising banners for beer or soft drinks.My wife enjoyed it to.......cheers :o

  11. Why don't you post a Poll listing the nationalities and let people vote

    to show you where they come from.

    The results will be easier for everyone to read,

    rather than ploughing through hundeds of posts

    If you do, can we have real nationalities and avoid including 'Provinces', for example Scotland would come under 'British'.

    As would our other provinces, such as Australia.

    I guess that makes me British then .....do I qualify for an EU passport? :o

    I am a true Brit,but I can yodel and ski.In fact I can yodel and ski down hill backwards wearing only a thong (also worn backwards) all at the same time.They call me Eric the downhill pendulum.<deleted> maybe I am SWiss!!!!!Nah surely Eric was aViking,they used to wear their thongs backwards...... :D

  12. I don't find Thai people to have more 'sanook' than other countries really. Except German people and eastern europeans. I am Irish and i think people here have 'sanook makk makk', altough my defintion of it means getting pissed drunk with your friends and having a good laugh.

    This shows clearly that you've never been to Germany or Eastern Europe to make such a ridculous comment. (do you even speak German or any other language?) If you have been there then a few days at the Oktoberfest doesn't count.

    But then I guess if getting pissed drunk is your idea of sanuk then it's not surprising. Possibly staying on the Emerald Isle is your best bet so you can pickle your organs and think you're having fun.

    Of course people in all countries have 'sanook' but here in Thailand it seems to be part of all aspects of their lives.I remember when I first came to Thailand I used to eat my breakfast watching builders working on a site opposite the cafe. Backbreaking work, labouring in blistering heat many of them women ,they were constantly chatting and laughing.Now I live in the sticks in Issan I see :o exactly the same thing when the Thais are harvesting the rice.Hours of backbreaking work in the searing heat to the sound of constant chatter and laughter.If you are sitting out front of your house it won't be long before you have company with mango or other goodies and before you know it a party is in full swing,no booze neccessary.Never saw this in England.

  13. Hi all,I need some advice re-infertility.Had the snip eons ago and now find myself with a young Thai wife for the past four years.Naturally she would like to have a child and I would love to make this possible.Most of the information I get is about ivf treatment.Anyone out there have info on decent clinics where I can get advice and help on this matter and the options available.An important factor to me is that it does not HURT!!!!! :o Have looked through this topic area but see nothing relating to my problem.Am I the only one?. Many thanks

    phusingpete :D

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