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Posts posted by Dustdevil

  1. just to goes to show you what an idiot looks like === he could have gone to any american city and started deaingl drugs and in one year be set and 3 never work again , if he was caught he is a white guy the justice system in america is so lenient on white first offenders he would have gotten probation.

    Not when it's about drug trafficking as opposed to simple possession. Sometimes you can get indicted just for being in the same house as a dealer with a stash, even if you were clueless about it. The U.S. drug laws are actually too harsh except for weed.

    • Like 1
  2. You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

    When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

    Thai military combined is one-fourth of the U.S.? You must be referring to the number of infantry soldiers. Otherwise, how many aircraft carriers, F-22s, F-35s, Trident subs, etc etc etc does Thailand have?

  3. Way to easy to obtain guns in the US.

    I'm sure this sick individual would have found another way to vent his jealous rage, had he been denied the purchase of the gun. A beautiful and smart woman snuffed out by an emotional, immature <deleted>.
    No, these things do happen but are very rare in countries where there are stricter gun laws.

    Excuse me? Murders are very rare in Thailand? And in South and Central America??

  4. For those of you yammering about U.S.murder rates, the top ten murder capitals in the world are all in South and Central America. I've met many of those people as esl students in Houston. Believe me, they're so relieved to be there.

    During the peak of NYC's crime wave, around 1990, there were about 2000 murders a year. Now there are about 275 according to FBI stats. That's reasonable for a city of 8 million with constant and fluid influx of immigrants.

    By the way, another FBI stat for you: two-thirds of nationwide gun deaths are accidents and suicides.

  5. Way to easy to obtain guns in the US.

    I'm sure this sick individual would have found another way to vent his jealous rage, had he been denied the purchase of the gun. A beautiful and smart woman snuffed out by an emotional, immature <deleted> .
    No, these things do happen but are very rare in countries where there are stricter gun laws.

    I agree.

    I don't care what the gun lobbyists say.... Countries with tighter gun laws have only a tiny fraction of murders per capita.

    Murder rates tend to match the availability of guns quite consistently.

    It is undeniable.

    Two-thirds of U.S. gun deaths are accidents and suicides. Those are FBI statistics.

  6. Have you considered somewhere cheaper such as Chiang Mai or perhaps Pattaya?

    Well, just how much cheaper is CM and Pattaya? Food in Bangkok was dirt cheap. So only other to consider is rent prices.

    How much will a decent clean studio or 1 bedroom apartment with internet cost in in Bangkok compared to those other locations? (assuming it is decently located and not desolate and far from central locations)

    In safe and prime Chiang Rai location, you can get a small well furnished studio, no kitchen, on new buildings with free cable TV and WiFi, for less than 2500 THB with free parking. Surrounded with markets, restaurants and universities, and close to city's main attractions. Just one month rent and one month deposit in advance, on a month by month contract. All that in the best city and weather of North Thailand. Most info, just let me know.

    Chiang Rai might be too sleepy for me. Chiang Mai seems like a doable option.

    Chiang Mai is wonderful and I've never seen so many beautiful girls in one smallish place...and I've lived in Malaysia, Japan, Africa, Europe, USA and visited a million other places over 40 years. Chiang Mai is simply IT!

    • Like 1
  7. Bars are open again boys. Put this hypothetical nonsense thread to rest...

    Agree. What a bunch of sheeps TV members are, responding to something that will never happen. Why not ask what will happen if the US and EU goes to war? How about China and Japan? Or Samsung and Apple? Or men and women? So many gullible rubes on TV.

    This is a forum guys.

    An open discussion on what WE would like to talk about.

    If you are more interested in the trend of bar girls currently getting heaver and less attractive...go to that thread.

    Why even bother to click on a thread that yau sre not interested in, just to criticize it?

    Now, go find something you care about and think you know something about and bless those posters with you wisdom and judgement.

    Maybe you could go start a thread about "What a bunch of Sheeps TV members are" ( hint....it is sheep, not "sheeps" )

    or maybe a thread about" what poor grammar some TV members use"

    Thanks for the constructive input guys!

    Get it???

    Willy, willy, willy, as an American, you should know better. So you think a war between China/Russia and the US is a possibility? Well let's see, you do know the extent of America's nuclear capability. That the US has enough nukes to wipe out all life on this planet. And more than once. So if an actual "war" was to occur and a country, say, China, Russia, France, or any other nuclear capable country were to send just one nuke America's way, what do you think would happen to said country? They would be incinerated. And we're not talking months, weeks, or even days. We're talking a matter of minutes. So do you understand the stupidity of this conversation? China is not stupid. Nor are the Russians. Which is more than I can say about the folks on this forum who are even discussing this possibility.

    Certainly, should N Korea or Iran ever lob a nuclear warhead into the reachable U.S., they will be incinerated. Well, if not "certainly," I think we can safely say that all bets are off.

  8. I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

    No doubt they wouldn't want this place.

    Other conspiration theories are, they want that the Muslim South with the oil split away from Thailand. This new small country would allow them to easily get the oil cheap.

    That is more probable, but still not probable enough to waste a second about it.

    In the recent years USA just forced regime changes to get their way, that is a lot cheaper than occupy a country.

    It's always about oil with the conspiracy nuts. The U.S. is already the world's third-largest oil producer and counting. We could easily divest ourselves of Arab oil now if needed. No more 1974 embargoes, that's for sure. More plausible: invade Thailand to steal the beautiful Thai women to replace the ugly white American ones.

    • Like 2
  9. I have an account with SCB and make a wire transfer all the time......small fee. Why not just hang on to the cash and take it back with you????

    Just a sidebar....I have my accounts linked so transfer money all the time via the Internet route....?

    Yes. As far as entering the U.S.is concerned, there's no penalty or customs excise for bringing $5000 into the country. You'd probably just have to declare it. Not sure about other countries.

  10. The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

    Who needs Thailand?

    Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

    What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

    The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

    If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

    That's what Japan thought in WWII.

    Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

    The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

    China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

    These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


    I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

    If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

    Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

    As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

    One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

    Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

    My goodness, this is the most childish and biased tirade of knee-jerk bigotry I've seen here yet. You don't even know history. The U.S. won the war against Japan in a bloody campaign island by island, all the way a across the Pacific...not because of two nuclear bombs. Those were only to avoid a final invasion of the Japanese mainland. As for Vietnam, you've been listening to too much popular wisdom. Fact is, the Tet Offensive broke the back of the North Vietnamese capabilities, and the only reason the U.S. army didn't pursue them up north was because the American people would no longer stand for it. Street riots were throwing LBJ into disarray. And if all you want to talk about is military ineffectiveness, please try to remember that your precious Commonwealth empire is long dead and gone, broke after WWII. Britain further needed IMF cash infusion in 1976. Oh-- and "your lot" as you so rudely put it love to fantasize that Britain in the War of 1812 succeeded in all its objectives. Here you need yet another history lesson: The Battle of New Orleans was the worst defeat in British military history. Also the British Admiralty ordered British ships not to engage with American frigates. They were too solid and cannon balls bounced off them.

    To denigrate the US military as ineffective against the superior Chinese?! To underestimate them, no. To be sensible, yes. You asked for it.

    • Like 1
  11. The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

    Who needs Thailand?

    Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

    What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

    The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

    If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

    That's what Japan thought in WWII.

    Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

    The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

    China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

    These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


    I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

    If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

    Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

    As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

    One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

    Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

  12. I guess the Japanesse will be the first to "discover Thainess" upon landing in Thailand

    Stupid, racist and ignorant

    Well Japan is a highly racist country, more than Thailand. I know because I lived there for four years. And they do look down on less-developed nations. In fact they look down on everybody, no matter how outwardly courteous and humble they seem to be. That's all BS.

  13. a friend of mine tried entering Thailand on a new Passport with a Visa, but due to him being blacklisted before he was refused entry and sent back to the UK.


    Now that everything is on computer getting a "new" passport does NOT "clear your history".

    Not all border immigration posts have total access to your computer records, but there is usually at least a supervisor who does have some access.

    Nowadays your records are all available on a computer database.

    If you were once blacklisted, they will have access to your record, a new passport won't help you evade the computer database.

    To the people who are authorized access, everything is keyed on your name, and if they are allowed access also on that picture they routinely take now as you enter the country.

    You can also attach your old passport to the new one. At least with US passports you can.

  14. If you only have 10% of the smartness that Jack Bauer have, then you will be fine.

    "If you only have 10% of the smartness that Jack Bauer have, then you will be fine." - and if he had only 1% of the money the guy who plays Jack Bauer has - he would not be riding a motorbike. biggrin.png

    I'll bet I have 100% of the correct grammar that Jack Bauer has.

  15. Was at one time! not sure now.

    IL ranks Malaysia above Thailand and furthermore ranks it as the best place in Asia! Oh, please. Give me a break. I've lived in Malaysia, and was married to a Malaysian-Chinese for 15 years. Malaysia is an appalling place to live, with its truly fascist Islamic government, and many other problems including the unfriendly locals. Thailand has problems but it's ten times better than Malaysia, especially if you live in Chiang Mai or other desirable location.

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  16. Tough, they only have themselves to blame - well Putin and his idiotic invasion of Ukraine

    Putin didnt invade Ukraine. What do watch? Fox News the BBC perhaps. The US and EU where behind a coup that overthrew a democraticly elected government (not the first time). And then lie as if Russia was the bad guy. Its the reverse. Crimea is 90% Ethnic Russian and voted to remain part of Russia. I hope Russia stand up to these bullies and that there economy turns round.

    Regardless of the rights and wrongs, this short term pain for Russia will be longer term gain: the shift to China for trade, freeing itself from USD ties with a greater focus on RMB denominated activity= backfire on US and Europe. It may take a while but the Russians will be back.

    They won't be back as your Euro-masters as they once were, because they don't have anything to sell except oil and gas. They don't make or create anything.

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