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Everything posted by Dustdevil

  1. And then there's always the death penalty for possessing more than a couple of grams of any illicit recreational drug.
  2. You got that right. If you want a lunch without a ton of sugar in it, you have to either make it yourself from western-imported goods or else dine at a five-star hotel.
  3. But throwing tons and tons of plastic bags into Thailand's waters is acceptable if done so by locals.
  4. Hoi An might be nice to live in, although I personally haven't been there yet. Saigon--forget it. Extremely difficult getting around, and overcrowded.
  5. Good to know, thanks. I might be shifting my retirement to Cebu after the pandemic settles down into a routine allowing some normalcy.
  6. I've lived in Malaysia for two years and subsequently had to visit many times. I wouldn't wish that place on anyone--well, maybe just my worst enemies. Overall, don't forget it's officially and majority a Muslim country with the mindset that goes along with that. The 25-30% Chinese population are in a weird mind bubble and the only thing they care about and talk about is food. What I had for breakfast and what I'm going to have for lunch and dinner, and of course Malaysia has the best food in the world and Westerners only eat cheese and steaks. They even use food as a greeting. And with bad English. "Have you taken your breakfast?" is confusing at first and wears very thin soon after. Money, of course, is extremely relevant to them but they only talk about food, and maybe their new Honda Accord, which to them says "you've arrived." The so-called English they speak is obnoxious and often unintelligible. They have weird and warped ideas about the West. (Singaporeans are more sophisticated; I wouldn't mind living there if I could afford it.) They hear of or know of one instance of something in another country or group and they immediately generalize it across the board. Yes, I know. others do that too to some extent, but not to the extreme that Malaysians do. It is NOT a friendly country. Don't be fooled by the gracious hosts in your 4 or 5-star hotel! Women are incredibly beautiful, yes, but so are women across Asia. I prefer the smiles of Thailand. Not to mention the Rimping supermarkets in Chiang Mai! Nothing like that in Malaysia, stocked to the rafters with European and American goods. And American breakfast for 35 baht. Okay, maybe 50 baht by now. And wonderful Thai dinners for 50 baht.
  7. Japan?! Only if you speak fluent Japanese and are not white.
  8. She's hot. I like her pretty face which is so much more "real" than all the Thai model wannabes. Nice smooth legs too, smooth but strong.
  9. I've had three Moderna shots in the U.S. The third one was half-dose. Zero side effects from any of them, and I'm 71. Side effects are rare here, and I wonder what's going on in SE Asia, as i also hear a lot of Filipinos getting sick from Pfizer. Moderna not much available there.
  10. Because some people type countries instead of counties, and 52 v. 5.2 together looks like sloppy writing. But Saul Goodman (it's all good, man) because if you're typing on a phone, those mistakes can be overlooked.
  11. I don't know what you're yammering about the U.S. homicide rate. In your link it's 5.2, not 52. If you want to select Detroit or South Chicago, then compare that to the worst towns in other countries.
  12. Pet cats don't suddenly turn on you if you treat them well. Some, like my young cat, don't know how to play with you without their claws (but some do), but they don't know they're being a bit rough, because they could really tear into your skin if they wanted to.
  13. No, I'll admit I'm not a fan of dogs; grew up with cats. So I especially dislike pit bulls. They are dangerous and many owners are clueless. Tigers are majestic and it's painfully said to see video footage of them shot or otherwise harmed.
  14. There was one in the States, in the family's back yard, playing with the little girl. The damned thing suddenly turned on her and ripped her to shreds.
  15. I hate pit bulls. In the US there are at least two horror stories I know about--a little girl killed and a woman killed outside her apartment door because the idiot owners let two of them out.
  16. If I were on the cusp of a Swedish winter I'd be rushing out for tickets to Thailand as well.
  17. Oh, come on, used surgical gloves are not sold in the United States.
  18. Much as I like Chiang Mai and Thai women in general, they do tend to think of themselves as God's Chosen and have little tolerance for cultural mistakes on the part of farang. Well then, time to look at themselves in the bloody mirrior.
  19. No one has mentioned "irony," which is often the better descriptor of satirical passages.
  20. I feel raped by your comments. I'm running to a campus safe space where I can hug teddy bears.
  21. Yes--the vax certificate is CDC-issued. Forging a federal document is a federal offense.
  22. Very loosely "Miami"-inspired. The place will never approach the look of Miami South Beach.
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