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  1. Isn't the coral on the sea floor? How is people bobbing around on the surface causing damage, but the boat is not.
  2. Yes I guess cost was a major factor in the decision. Rather than what thai stated "In aviation, prompt and safe decisions are vital. Thai Airways' handling of the situation underscores their unwavering commitment to maintaining high safety standards"
  3. "Travellers were swiftly transferred to an alternative aircraft." Only 11 hours later. I've had budget flights with swifter transfers.
  4. Government will discount the public opinion and proceed with their plans. Public opinion vs big trough to get their snouts in.
  5. Didn't he get a royal pardon? That's the end of it. None is above that. I'm surprised these groups are not arrested for les majest offences.
  6. Doesn't the air inside come from outside?
  7. Maybe can be then moved to the police hospital and Paroled / pardoned a week later.
  8. Port Hedland WA 10 Jan 2024 50 degrees.
  9. Next headline Foreigner launches deformation proceedings
  10. A lot of posts here blaming the victim. The Thais are the ones conducting affairs that are In no way Ethical. There should be a recourse through the Police from these bar tramp scammers, but the police do nothing and this often results in frustration and anger. It's actually lucky it was a foreigner (only a few items knocked over) because if it was a Thai scammed the result would likely end in gun violence and bloodshed which we have all become accustomed to. Time the police step up and start investigating this fraud. Otherwise this will continue with ever increasing and dire consequences
  11. RIP Ubon Joe. Thankyou for sharing your considerable knowledge which has helped so many including myself over the years. Will be missed by so many! Condolences to family and friends.
  12. How is it legal to sell property in another person's name without their consent?
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