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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 49 minutes ago, stud858 said:

    Well, what do you want Trump to do?

    Haters are saying he's caving in to North Korea.

    When he stands up to them again the argument reverses. Have trust that in the very least, he won't allow US to be bombed.



    Here is what I want Trump to do: shut up!

    Don't brag about ....stuff, that is not happening!

    Don't go around, celebrate results, that just do not exist!


    Am I all for getting Kim of his trip to kill his people and threaten to kill all people?


    Do I think, the bloated, idiotic, moronic know-it-all (when in fact he knows nothing!) has any idea, what he is doing, is right person to do so?

    No, not for a second!


    And all those "people" who are now applauding Agent Orange for his mission to save the world"

    you were the people who practically imploded, when Obama -back in the days- hinted, he could...maybe...just try to talk....


    And if you listen to what Trump is actually saying...maybe wake up and smell the coffee!

    He praises to opportunities in NK, to become "like Vietnam"!

    Vietnam took decades, to get where it is now and their starting point wasn't even half as bad as the Korean!


    He is a moron and I wish, he would leave negotiations to the experts!

    Unfortunately, non of THOSE in his administration so...that is that!

  2. I totally get it: for 4 years + , he had his personality show on Fridays, where he basically could spout all kinds of lies and propaganda, completely unopposed!

    He probably knows very well, that he would not stand a chance against A-N-Y-O-N-E with a tiny bit of political intellect and a basic knowledge of politics!

    Sad little man! 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Trump just doesn't get it.  He doesn't understand the priorities of Kim Jong Un.  It's not prosperity for all, or freedom, or even peace.  The number one priority, above all else, is regime survival.  Fat Boy wants to stay in power.  A "thriving" N. Korea may even jeopardize that.  I can't believe someone like Trump is negotiating on our behalf.  He's freakin dumber than a bag of rocks.

    Even if this would be a possibility: how long -with even the most optimistic outlook- would it take, to turn North Korea into something, even mildly resembling a "civilized" country?

    They go pitchblack at night, for God's sake!

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  4. 21 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Anyone remember 'recovered memory syndrome'? All the rage in Usofa about 20 years ago - screams 'n sobs, families broken up, accusations of adult children against their startled parents, law cases galore ... And then, after several years of hysteria, it all went away, as the lawyers & psychiatrists realized that an honest man or woman - even (or perhaps especially) a deeply traumatized one - may be mistaken & may fabricate all sorts of bizarre stories.


    I have no way of knowing the truth or falsity of the charges against George Pell. But the handling of the case by the Victorian Police and the media, & noting the peculiar repeat court proceedings, has all the marks of a witch hunt. It will be fascinating to follow the appeal process. Given the 22-year old events alleged, with no evidence to support, and given the small but sensible arguments against the very possibility of what is alleged, I think if I had been on the jury I would have found it difficult to find guilt BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.


    15 hours ago, Benmart said:

    Look up the definition of "pedo". Thirteen is generally post-pubescent if you can get past your mouthing the undereducated.

    What is wrong with you?

    Seriously: what the hell is wrong with you?


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  5. It is a constant rise from last year...and the year before that...and the year before that...and so on!

    Following this BS for some years (and being a member of the travel industry), I must say: in 2 years time, they will declare, that every person on Earth, has been to Thailand, at least once!


    Or as Paddy McAloon once said: "Guess these world needs it's dreamers! May they never wake up!"

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