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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Actually, she DID claim to be Cherokee. Look up her "contributions" to a book with the charmingly racist title of "Pow Wow Chow". She listed herself as "Elizabeth Warren-Cherokee". Also plagiarized her recipes- don't think too many Cherokees traditionally cook with crabmeat!

    Actually, I think someone already explained and debunked this, 2 or 3 pages back!

    Repeating the same BS over and over does not make it right!

  2. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    "There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage after she was hired."



    "I listed myself (in the) directory in the hopes that might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something, with people who are like I am," Warren told reporters 




    Just taking the quotes you used: she claimed Native American heritage!

    She did NOT claim to be a minority or to be Cherokee or anything else!


    I am sure to have Polish- ancestry...I am not claiming to be Polish!

    2 very different things!

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 348GTS said:


    Gosh, you're not very informed are you? Trump didn't lose anything. If you think that a DNA test that shows a purported result of 0.001% possible Native American heritage equates to "telling the truth the whole time", then I don't know what to tell you... That amount of ancestry is so insignificant, that it is alleged to be less than the amount found in the average American. When someone claims to be "part-Cherokee" and talks about how their mother had to elope due to her father's family "not liking that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware Indian", (which she talked about in her 2012 campaign ad... WHY?), or when that person identifies themselves in the American Law Schools Directory from 1986-1995 as "a minority", or when they are a "minority recipient" of the University of Pennsylvania’s Minority Equity Committee teaching award, or when articles mention them as being "Harvard Laws School's first woman of colour", then you would naturally expect their DNA test to show substantially more than a 1/1024th result based on those types of claims right ?? Surely!! If you did a DNA test and it showed 0.001% Eskimo, would you go round telling everyone you were a minority of Eskimo descent ?? I suspect not...


    The issue is that her claims lack any evidence or credibility. She said she self identified as part Cherokee due to "family stories she heard as a kid",  and that her grandfather "had high cheekbones like all the Indians do". When I was a kid I was told that little boys were made out of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails for heavens sake. She was a laughing stock long before Trump started taking jabs at her. The Cherokee nation was enraged by her claims a long time ago already. She just made it worse by doing the test because it basically proved what everyone (apart from her apparently) already knew. Fauxcahonatas indeed.


    How are people supposed to take her seriously as a presidential candidate after this major gaffe ?? That is the underlying point here.

    "How are people supposed to take her seriously as a presidential candidate after this major gaffe ?? That is the underlying point here."


    You wanna go down THAT road?

    Care to have a look at the current President!

    If he declared he was an Apache- chief, that would be the least of the BS he tells and does!

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    White people stole American Indians land, now She tried to steal their identity . 

    For real American Indians , it must be embarrassing for a Causation woman to pretend to be an American Indian to further her career or to make herself appear to be a minority 

    Except for the first 6 words...this is really grasping for straws and further manufacturing outrage!

    And while we are hyper- pc: American indians???

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I was asking for your opinion HAD the roles been reversed .

    I would suggest that you would have a different opinion had the roles been reversed .

    There are also a number of Felangs that do rent out their property , so, hardly a "strawman argument" 

    Ok...I there HAD been a number of cases, where the respective "felang" HAD fleeced his Thai- tennants and then WOULD be crying, if in one rare case, he WOULD have been "mistreated", I WOULD not feel differently!

  6. 54 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    What She says is true , if a Thai doesnt pay his rent , he would be forced, one way or another to leave the property , this guy is getting special protection because hes a Westerner .

      Surely they could sort this issue out , without such a fuss ?

    How do you know that? Taking her word at face- value?

    How about the claim, he paid the rent and she didn't give him a receipt?

    I have been in exactly the same situation at one time and later was running after the deposit I paid for the apartment I rented, for 8 month and then had to "settle" for half of it, because I had no receipt!

    Every month, for over a year, I was asking for that receipt and it was always "Oh...forget...give you next time" and so on!


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Had Trump interfered with a law enforcement case, the same people criticising him for not getting involved in something that is nothing to do with him would probably criticise him for getting involved in something that is nothing to do with him.

    Yeah...hahahaha...attacking the "left" for dragging Trump into this, by dragging Trump into this!

    Grrrrreat point made!


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. On 2/2/2019 at 4:15 AM, Cryingdick said:


    Well at least we know there is no level of shame too great to avoid bringing Trump into everything. 


    The only thing that can really be said about this is sometimes a nutcase is simply a nutcase. RIP to those killed.

    Don't agree with you on many things, but 100% agree with you on (the second part of) this!

  9. 1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

    The smokers brought this on themselves. The hang around the doors, blocking people, tossing their butts and bothering everyone with the smoke. In plain language they are a nuisance. they want to smoke. Fine. They can go and smoke where they don't bother people or cause a nuisance.

    Care to elaborate, where you would like to see them smoke?

    Because it seems, there is always someone, feeling "nuisanced" by some one, smoking!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, InsertNameHere said:

    Why would it bother you unless you are the one affected by this? People on here are ranting about pollution 55555 but then get upset when they post new rules about smoking or drinking. If someone wants to smoke or drink let them. The fines should help the economy lol

    I a bothered because it is idiotic!

    I bet, smokers contribute to air- pollution in  a minimal way, compared to a bunch of other things, that go unpunished!

    And also: first smokers had to go outside, then away from the beaches (last time I checked: pretty much outside!), now away from buildings, but not too far, so they could end up in a park...

    It is just plain stupid and that's what bothers me!

    There are many fields, where fines would be helping the economy way more and no one bothers about that!

    But I guess, you have excellent points in favor of this madness?!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    We are talking about what She had previously claimed , NOT what she said AFTER the test had been taken .

       She spent her whole life pretending to be Native American to further her career and that must be rather embarrassing for real American Indians .

       *I'm a minority ,  I deserve special treatment *

    I still have to see evidence, that she ever used her ancestry, to gain any advantages.

    In fact, many have come out in her defense, stating she never did that! 

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I thought that was explained in the OP.

    Okay...listen, sweetheart: I can read and I saw, what was in the OP!

    Still: I DON'T GET IT!

    She didn't claim belonging to any specific tribe!

    She claimed Native American -ancestry!

    That was disputed!

    So she took a test to prove it!

    End of!

    I am not Native American, so I guess, I don't see the significance here!

    I don't understand, why anybody cares!

    I don't know, why everybody is so buthurt about these things!

    And I don't understand, why nowadays, you have to say "sorry" for every little thing, because some tribes member, religious person, sexually whatever orientated person...feels personally attacked by EVERYTHING!



    • Haha 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    She apologized for herself claiming to be Native American and using that  claim to be a minority for personal gain 

    Aha....and where did she actually say that?


    ""I am not a person of colour. I am not a citizen of a tribe. Tribal citizenship is very different from ancestry. Tribes, and only tribes, determine tribal citizenship, and I respect that difference," Warren said."

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    She apologised because the Cherokee's were offended that she took it- it's in the OP. They have always denied she was of their people.

    And I said: I don't get it!

    First of all: the test only confirmed that she has (a little bit of) Native American -ancestry!

    I do not recall any name of tribe being mentioned!


    But even if so:

    a) why is anyone offended by the taking of said test?

    b ) even if someone was offended...that is no reason to run around and give out apologies, left and right!


    • Haha 1
  15. 45 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    If tourism would account for 7 or 10 or 30 % of GDP, that would mean - ceteris paribus - that 7 or 10 or 30 % of the Thai labour force is employed in the tourist industry.

    That would not leave much for agriculture, manufacturing, services and government.

    I think, you are making one big mistake here: TOURISM and the money it brings in, is not only limited to hotels and tours!

    Cars are sold to hotels for transportation of goods and guests.

    Farmers deliver goods directly to hotels, as do fishermen.

    Hotel uniforms are purchased from factories.

    Laundry has to be done!

    Engineers repair buses and boats.

    Staff has to be hired.


    Tourism is a bit more than just "tourism", if you catch my drift! 

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