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Posts posted by mathias67

  1. biggrin.png a war on corruption, across the board or with certain notable exceptions ? wink.png

    When you hear of corrupt immigration officers and ranking police only being transferred and not sacked or taken to court then the corruption will continue. Use the full power of the law and put the corrupt in prison and NOT just move them around

  2. I have seen the same prices at the seafood restaurants on walking street in Pattaya.

    Go to restaurants on Walking Street and you WILL get charges tourist prices. Plenty of seafood restaurants in Pattaya where the prices are Thai prices and the food as good and sometimes better. But as someone said did you not look at the prices on the menu where you had a choice, pay or leave.

    I love seafood and there is a brilliant restaurant just beyond the end of Jomtien beach road. Go to the end of Jomtien beach road and turn left then right and about a couple hundred yards past Tarzan you turn down a sandy track and there is a resaurant on the quay where the boats come. Food great and prices much lower than Walking Street, fish fresh as you cjose from the live tank. When I was in the merchant navy on the old QE I always told new members of the crew NOT to eat on the seafront restaurants but go into the back street areas and if you saw a restaurant with lots of locals eating there it was a good bet you were getting genuine local food at local prices. Always worked for me and my friends

  3. 45 got sacked. I wonder what they did and how much they gained from it. Will they be prosecuted? Bring it out into the media. Many thousands corrupt ones out there. Publicity might convince a lot of them to change their ways.

    Only a fair chance of getting caught plus severe punishment can break corruption.

    Bet they have some fat bank accounts but they will NOT be checked and the people told to account for their wealth. Arrest , charge and if guilty given long prison sentences and that may deter some of the thousands of crooked officials out there

  4. That'll really put the frighteners on any other official considering becoming involved in corruption...

    I really don't get it in this country that an official, in this case Immigation Officers, just get moved so that can start a scam somewhere else which they will do. They should as a minimum be suspended while evidence is being collected but really should be sacked, charged and sent to prison if found guilty. This is why they do what they do because they know that little or nothing will happen to them

  5. Everyone else in Thailand is ripping of foreigners!!

    So why not the hospitals??

    As we all are aware "health-care" in Thailand is all about money!!

    Just read BP today, cover story about the local Florence Nightingales ripping of their own senior citizens!!

    No limits to the greed!!

    Seven years ago I got a hernia but unfortunately my health insurance had not kicked in. I went to Pattaya Memorial Hospital and yes they could take me in the next day for the Op at a cost of Bt50,000. A friend suggested I went to Sattahip hospital and again yes they could do the Op but for a mini Bt 7,800. Guess where I had the operation???????

  6. how about 'a get thais to use a toilet and not urinate and cr*p in the street day'?

    (yes, there is a TOT box near my place that thais squat behind to take a cr*p. bizarrely there is a public toilet 100 meters away and another one 300 meters away...)

    You have missed the point, the reason they don't use those toilets is that they are dirty. Well at least now one day out of 365 the toilets will be clean but bet they still won't use them as Thai's like to park their cars outside a shop, parking space or not as they don't like to walk. So now they park their bums behind the TOT box for the same reason

  7. Because they aren't fired. They keep their rank and paycheck in exchange for not ratting out the big fish.

    They are involved in the death so far of dozens of people and all they get is transfered. What is wrong with this country and it's laws. In the UK not only would they be fired but up in court for murder. No wonder the Poice feel they can do anything they want because they will never face a Judge and risk going to prison. This is why the Thai's have NO respect for the law in this country

  8. I hated the idea of 7-11 when I moved here.

    Then I noticed that 7-11 hired all types of people. Skin color or religion wasn't an issue.

    Prices are clearly marked etc.

    I know that maybe some of their prices are a little more than the big superstores but I still use 7/11 on a daily basis specially since the block across Sukumvit Road which adds at least another 5k to get to BigC on Pattaya Klang. I would rather pay a few baht more to a store that is 100m from my home. As for who they hire I really don't care so long as I get good service which I have always had at 7/11

  9. NIce round up of recent ladyboy crimes in Pattaya jamesjohnstonthird . I knew

    there was a lot ,but still amazing to see them all together. So the creature in yellow, attacks

    a tourist with in essence intent to kill by driving a high heel spike into his head,

    is let out after paying some minor fine and back on walking street looking for

    a new victim?? What the bleep is wrong with the justice system here ?? Prayut

    is trying to bolster the image of Thailand, and the Pattaya police are basically

    letting insane ladyboys go free to attack new tourists...... Hopefully some news

    story will come out about how much the creature in yellow paid to get out.

    We all know how much it costs them to get out, look at when they bring in the prostitutes etc from beach road - a massive Bt100 fine. What will happen to the ugly cow in yellow Answer" NOTHING

  10. How does a convicted sex offender make their way into Thailand ? whistling.gif

    "Hoffman was also ordered to provide a DNA sample to the national police registry and his name is now on the national sex offender registry." (source http://www.campbellrivermirror.com/news/114741954.html)

    Also been convicted of drunk driving in Canada https://justice.gov.bc.ca/cso/criminal/file/charges.do?fileID=1158010.0007

    And according to phuketwan his blood alcohol was .195 during this accident. I would say that this is the reason it is Hoffman's fault......

    On first reading this report I thought typical in that if a ferang gets involved in an accident it is ALWAYS the ferangs fault and how does the ferang get out of trouble Answer: Big money pay off.

    Well it appears this young man loves to drink and drive let only his other problems in the USA and I can only conclude that he is the guilty party and deserves everything he gets. Lucky he did not kill anyone and as and when he gets home he needs to go to AA and sort his drinking out

  11. Yes, the Germans are coming!!! 555

    Aldi, Lidl, .....

    Time they comes to Thailand too

    I worked for Tesco in the UK for 13 years and prior to my taking early retirement I could see the writing on the wall. Talk about tesco looking after their staff NOT it was penny pinching all the way. Cut down on Section Managers and pay regular staff a few pence more to do their job saving millions in staff cost. Even store managers were only allowed to spend I believe 50% of their time doing their job and the rest of the time be on the shop floor thereby reducing staff levels on the shop floor. Everyone including Store managers had to wear the same uniform so when a customer came in the store they did not know if they were talking to the Store Manager or the man collecting the trollies. Even my job as Security manager at a large store was not safe as they were making cuts in that area despite the fact that what I saved in lost/stolen property was more than 50 times my salary. Penny pinching all the way and look where you are now and all your own fault. At one time it was a GOOD company to work for but not now

    A further comment is that they are in Thailand and the standard here is so bad I am surprised Tesco don't pull out Out of stock items in the hundreds and I am talking everyday items. Their fruit and veg dept is total crap and ask an assistant where something is and they dont know or just point as they are too busy do their hair or make-up. Big C is better and I find 95% of the time I can get all I need and the service at the checkouts is far superior than Tesco Lotus. Think Tesco Lotus should be looking at sacking their senior staff and getting their act together.When I was Duty Manager in the UK I would not have accepted the standards they do here in Thailand. Come on Aldi and Lidl there is a big opening here for you if you do it right

  12. Yes, the Germans are coming!!! 555

    Aldi, Lidl, .....

    Time they comes to Thailand too

    I worked for Tesco in the UK for 13 years and prior to my taking early retirement I could see the writing on the wall. Talk about tesco looking after their staff NOT it was penny pinching all the way. Cut down on Section Managers and pay regular staff a few pence more to do their job saving millions in staff cost. Even store managers were only allowed to spend I believe 50% of their time doing their job and the rest of the time be on the shop floor thereby reducing staff levels on the shop floor. Everyone including Store managers had to wear the same uniform so when a customer came in the store they did not know if they were talking to the Store Manager or the man collecting the trollies. Even my job as Security manager at a large store was not safe as they were making cuts in that area despite the fact that what I saved in lost/stolen property was more than 50 times my salary. Penny pinching all the way and look where you are now and all your own fault. At one time it was a GOOD company to work for but not now

  13. Of course it was faulty brakes. It's ALWAYS faulty brakes, and NEVER anything to do with reckless, stupid Thai drivers who should never be allowed to drive anything but a buffalo.

    Or more to the point he had been driving for excessive hours and even the drugs he probably taken were not enough to keep him awake. As another person said in the UK and other parts of the world it is the drivers responsibility to ensure their car/truck etc is road worthy and would pobably find himself up on charges of manslaughter if not worse Oh well lets hope he can get Bt100,000 together and he will get off anyway.

  14. Will be grounded (or rather have been grounded) is what I want to hear.

    For me any airline that flies planes which are unsafe to any degree then the bosses of those companies should spend a long period of time in prison) 5 years + ) Somthing goes wrong at 30,000 feet start praying. As for not enough officials to carry out these checks or should I say enough officials getting big back handers Thai style to ignore the problems think that is more like the truth

  15. It is sort of like their understanding of water flow cheesy.gif

    Why in the world would you demolish the ground floor, it the problem is the 8th through 13th floors w00t.gif

    Taking it down from the bottom until they have the correct number of floors, I am joking of course. Seiously knocking out the ground floor first, just hope the other 12 floors don't fall across the road to other properties. Obviously the owner did NOT cough up enough money to bribe the honest????? officials

  16. When I am INSIDE a restaurant, a bar or a pub I already made my mind up about what I drink!

    I am not going "Ooooohhhh delicious orange- juice....oh...wait...there is a picture of a beer! Guess, I have to change my mind and get sloshed!"

    You can almost feel the intelligence level in this country sink on a daily base!

    I have never in my life heard of anything so stupid it is unblievable and I hope the appeal for this case is won by the owner. You can get stopped for drunk driving and not even get 10% of that fine. Oh well more money for the pockets of the crooked police

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