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Woke to Sounds

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  1. Absolutely. The same shenanigans happened in Canada and other Commonwealth countries involving the Roman Catholic Church and their abuse of first nations tribes. An egregious abuse of power by those in positions of power. Death penalty for all guilty parties would not be too harsh.
  2. Good to see. Why would the USA trust anything hosted by communist China? How many coal fired plants is communist China building? But your internal combustion engine is BAD for the earth. Climate change is a scam anyhow. It's all couched in touchy feely language to separate you from your wallet and make you feel guilty all the while. Carbon taxes come to mind.
  3. Indian air is revolting, as is Thailand's for half the year. I dare anyone to catch a taxi from Kolkata airport to CBD and not go mad. That said, insurance companies can SUCK IT.
  4. IMF runs in the same circles as the WEF. You gonna trust em?
  5. From now on, anybody doing anything exclusively for social media likes will be shot.
  6. Dammit! Just when I was about to open my illegal gambling centre! At least I still have my scam call centre in the pipeline.
  7. Purchasing property in TH is not for the faint of heart. Due diligence. I always advise my mates to rent for a helluva long time before buying anything in TH. I've said it before, and I don't lie, the only sure bet with owning real estate is in Canada, where the feds have your back and will bail you out every time with low interest rates, emergency loans and whatever else to keep the game going. Triple digit gains in Canada folks... Pro tip. Ditch the craptocurrencies and start shoveling your shekels into Canadian real estate while the gravy train is still running full steam. Not the case in LOS, however. Caveat emptor 😛
  8. Cloons is Hollyweird elite, but I liked him in the remake of Solaris (2002). At least he has the stones to tell it like it is.
  9. Questionable juice probably from communist China? I used to suck on the Turkish nargile (hookah) like there was no tomorrow, and I'm in better shape than a guy 30 years my junior. Much of what happens is genetics. Vapes, next to cannabis smoke, present the biggest dangers to lungs. If you must smoke tobacco try American Spirit. But overall ... Don't even start.
  10. Kudos to Truss, who at least has the guts to speak truth to the nefarious string pullers, the usual dark forces (i.e. W-E-F, deep state actors, Jesuits, Club of Rome, etc). The other Commonwealth countries can only dream of having someone stand up and tell it like it is. Only weirdos want men in women's bathrooms.
  11. Typical begpackers - Aussies no less. That said I'd throw it into the cougar for a few rounds. Fine, deport and lifetime ban. Thailand not fed up with the riff raff yet?
  12. I don't disagree that it's stupid, but it's plausible. The electorate have short attention spans, terrible memories and are in fact pretty dim. Since Trump's blustering about the 51st state, Canadians are spooked by anything with even a faint aroma of MAGA no matter how tenuous the connection. How is the MSM portraying P.P. and the Conservatives now? The Canada hockey win over the USA ices it for Team Liberal I'm afraid. PREPARE
  13. After Canada's hockey win against the States I wouldn't bet on it 😂
  14. Canada won the hockey game. Conclusion: Canada is united against MAGA and all its implications. A Liberal win under Carbon Tax Carney is virtually assured in the upcoming federal election. 🤣
  15. When that happened I said to myself 'That is something the CCP would do. That cannot happen in Canada.' But it did. And many Canadians saw nothing wrong with it. Maybe that's more worrisome?

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