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Woke to Sounds of Horking

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  1. Fauch always at the top of his game folks.
  2. Was thinking the same damn thing. Photoshoppped pics. Daily Mail proppogandah. #StayHome! #StaySafe!
  3. Driver is a POS. Terrible tragic story. Awful. Hope the perp rots in a jail cell after first being sodomised relentlessly. RIP and condolences to the devastated family.
  4. Probably died from the drugs distributed by those other two Canadian passport holder scums. Could've been severely laced marijuana? Maybe fentanol laced? M.J. is off the hook in TH, get it anywhere anytime. Easy peasy to lace it up. Best to stick with bottled beer folks.
  5. Obviously not real Canadians but just Canadian passport holders. Easy to get and respected everywhere.
  6. Still a nothingburger compared to the Belarussian maniac doing karate kid moves in his underpants last month.
  7. Someone told me them guys was crisis actors buddy, don't sweat it buddy. Cheers
  8. Same old same old. Who cares anymore? Burn it all to the ground. Idiots!
  9. So Mr Biden can pardon... but Mr Trump cannot? Okay. Got it.
  10. Fauch always said to wear the mask to prevent the spread and to take the vack seen (which is safe) to prevent getting Corvid. I think he also said he knew nothing about gain of function research in Wuhan. Or if he knew about the labb in Wuhan he didn't know about gain of function. Water under the bridge. Not sure why so many people are angry at him.
  11. Isn't the YMCA song about cruising the bath house for gay sex? Mr Trump has always been a friend to Israel and he proved it again today. My mates in Canada are crying in their Tim Hortons wishing they had a Prime Minister who could ...... ah. never mind.
  12. Send it to Mars on one of Elton's Sbace Ex rockits. Or sell it to the Chinese communists to burn for heating fuel. Or dump it into the Gulf when no one's looking...
  13. Thailand has legalised weed.... ...why not expand its production? Seems a win win win.

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