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Posts posted by skylar

  1. > The reason that Thailand wasn't targeted for colonization by Western

    > powers, was because it suited both the French and the British to have

    > an independent buffer state between the two empires.

    I alsays wondered about that. Was there ever really that big a need to have miles and miles of land in between bits controlled by England and bits controlled by France? In other places I've never seen such a need expressed.

    What I CAN see is something like "we don't take it if you promise not to either".. But then again it would be just as easy to imagine that they'd just carve it up and take equal shares.. it's happened elsewhere.

    But 'a buffer'.. really?

    Another, more important reason perhaps is that Thailand built up good diplomatic relations with England and France, in contrast to other Asian countries in the region during the Western colonisation period. Thai kings sent their sons to study at university level in both countries as well as the States to ensure that Western knowledge was being brought back to Thailand to enhance diplomatic relations and thus fend off enthusiastic would be colonial rulers. Western nations looked down on non-white nations as backwards and uncivilised, so it was in the monarchy's best interests to make Thailand appear modern and civilised according to Western standards so that colonisation would be avoided.

  2. As a rule, retailers NEVER put merchandise on sale in Thailand, at least not in any sense that is at all significant.

    If you thinking of something like the major sales traditionally held during certain seasons in London or New York, you can forget it. On the whole, retailers approach consumers here with the attitude that you are privileged to buy from them in the first place and that their relative status is far superior to yours so why would they do anything at all to induce you to buy?

    This simply is not true, but what can you expect from a male anyway? :o The best time to go discount shopping in malls is around Chinese New Year. I bought heaps of clothes from Jaspal at 80% off the marked prices. The way that the store was packed with girls pulling clothes in all different directions was incredible. It was clothes, clothes and more clothes for me.

    If you want to go shopping around July, the Hong Kong Shopping Festival is the main promo in Asia at this time of year. Malaysia holds their Shopping Carnival in March/April. Dubai's is in January.

    Have fun!

  3. Reading and writing opens up a new world - it exposes you to emerging contemporary culture and current issues. You're limited with the culture that surrounds you and the people you communicate with verbally. So sure, it's fine to be fluent and illiterate in Thai if that's all you need and that's what you are happy with, but I couldn't function in modern Thai society without the ability to read and write. I couldn't read or write Thai before I went to uni, and suddenly being able to read magazines and newspapers and write emails made me feel like I was more connected with contemporary society, rather than just hearing about something from somebody.

  4. I like the quiet exclusion approach to bad manners.

    It's interesting that you mention that. Denying someone's place in society is certainly an effective method of reining in a wayward member... however I wonder how many times this non-confrontational approach works. If it's a problem case where a child is consistently misbehaving then I would be concerned that the effect of such treatment would alienate them permanently from their community, which is not a good thing in Thai society since families are much more interdependent than in Western society.

  5. This is a very broad brush you paint Asian men with skylar. I have seen plenty of Thai men (and American Asian men) who are just as selfish and self centered as any western guy. And I have seen plenty of western men who value their family, friends and partners just as highly as any Asian guy might. I think it is perfectly possible to find a western man who values his family and friends and relationships just as much or as little as an Asian man.

    I didn't go looking for a specific look when interested in a man rather his ethics, personality and character were more important to me than his genetic makeup. I was, of course, initially attracted to my husband by his looks but that certainly wasn't what hooked me. What made me fall in love was what makes him a unique individual: his personality and morals.

    They are generalisations. They are precisely so because that's what bands them together as a group. of course not everyone falls into a category, but most do. And more specifically they pertain to Asian Australians, not Asian Asians or American Asians. Asian Australians, from what I've seen (yes! there are exceptions, but I am focusing on the average), experienced, and heard are generally more reliable in everyday life.

    They are more well balanced because their families support them emotionally and materially when needed, whereas caucasian Australian families distance themselves away from allowing their children to live at home, sharing household funds or pitching in when help is needed. Everyone is expected to be independent and to not rely on anyone emotionally or otherwise. This is the way of my family, and of every family of every other caucasian Australian guy I've gone out with. It's annoying. My last serious partner said that if I married him and had a baby, I would be expected to return to work immediately. This is how caucasian Australian men in Sydney think. Everyone has to pull their weight at all times, and woe betide you if you lose your job or are going through tough times. It's a little difficult to explain the white Australian mentality to non-Australians.

    I didn't go after a look or a unique personality or whatever- I was just so fed up with what Sydney caucs offer and saw that a few friends are having successful inter relationships, so there must be qualities there that people in Western culture see in those who do not belong, or only partially belong to that culture. My partner is sharing and caring and a very emotionally balanced and tolerant person and those things are rare in a caucasian Australian male, at least in Sydney. He's been brought up in this culture, so I can relate to him pretty well, but at the same time he does certain things the Viet way.

    Accuse me of being shallow, but this is the best relationship I've ever had. I am being criticised for not looking at the individual or looking beneath a skin colour when in my perspective it is nothing to do with either of these things. I don't see a skin colour and we are only individuals to a certain extent as it is.

  6. Ah, I see what you're looking for. สัญญา - promise is pronounced sun-ya, even though is yor-ying.

    Why the 'even though'? The original function of is to represent the sound of Spanish ñ, but the Central Thais have forgotten how to pronounce it (and never could manage it at the end of a syllable).

    Well, the 'even though' is because the same consonant has two different interpretations in contemporary Thai language. When ญ is hooked onto the end of a syllable, it's a n sound, an at the beginning of a syllable it is a y sound, being simple and untechnical. What was in the past is no longer the case.

  7. Thailand produces wine also.

    I'm sure the OP doesn't want his guests' teeth to fall out.

    Still better than getting your head splitt by drinking cheap autralian plonk that the OP paid at 5 times the autralian price.

    You mean goon? Oh, goon... I love you...

    Goon does this to you:


    Have a cask on me:


    Don't need the fancy box? Go straight for the bladder!


  8. Not that I'm saying it's wrong, but I don't understand it when people say they want to find a boy/girlfriend of a specific race, or even more general as is often the case in Thailand a 'farang' boy/girlfriend. Surely if you are looking for a genuine relationship, then it shouldn't really matter where they come from. I know in some cases strong religious beliefs, etc may play a part in developing a long term relationship, but in general terms I don't think race/culture should matter, especially in western (or relatively westernised) socieites.

    You don't understand because you don't understand what it's like with a Caucasian guy in Sydney. I have my reasons for wanting an Australian Asian boyfriend - they get on better with their families, and they value friendships and relationships more highly. They know how to save money as well as have a good time. They don't play stupid games like Caucasian guys do.

  9. Aren't we desperate here? Sorry no leng jai here if got also might be aqua :D

    Why is she desperate? I said something similar to my friend a couple of years ago about wanting her to find an Asian boyfriend for me, but I found one myself at work anyway. You have to get out there but get out and be in the right spots. So if you know where Chinese Thais hang out... by all means give her some help :o

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