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Posts posted by NordicMan

  1. There is a pill you can take from pharmacies over in Thailand that will make the THC leave your blood quicker... sorry, no idea on the details.

    This is a great example of why you should never make a decision based on things you read in this forum.

    What do you mean? Just ask any long-term bargirl, most of them pop it like candy.

    edit: I see I have to be extra careful with my words today. Ask any ganja-smoking, 'ex yaba addict i-only-smoke-ganja-on-tuesdays-coz-its-better-than-yaba' type bar girl and they will be able to tell you where and what to buy to assist the traceable elements of weed in leaving your system the faster.

    I don't do drugs in any country and nor should you, yadda yadda yadda.

    Last time my acquiantance got nicked with Special K, it cost 300,000baht in bribes to get out of the situation. I never do nor have done any drugs in my life and do not condone their use, it is illegal etc. etc. etc. In a lot of the after-hours parties in homes and hotel rooms I've been to in Bangkok, there's E, coke and/or K going around - with those wannabe hi-so chicks from Silom Soi 4, q-bar etc or with beer bargirls. Bring in the katoeys and I'd say drugs abound in absolutely every such party I've attended. Biggest worry is that some of the neighbours will complain to the police and the boys in brown will bombcrash the door and spoil the fun.

    Drugs are everywhere in Thailand, but it's still very illegal and if you're unlucky enough to get caught, you're seriously in the sh*t. Better get your wallet out and buy yourself out of trouble the sooner the better.


  2. My question is very simple, as diplomacy appears to have failed is it time / right to bring in the muscle in the form of a debt collector?

    The Filippina never intended to repay the loan. Never lend money to anyone in Thailand without the expectation of losing it forever.

    You can get your money back by using muscle. Understand that this is crossing a threshold, so if you have been living your life as a "nice guy" you may take some time to think about it.

    When you do decide to get it back, add interest to the amount for three years, say 100% (in total, not per year). In this world, you can make up any percentage you want. Offer the debt collector 50% of the sum for his effort. Therefore, make sure you add enough interest to cover his fees.

    Anyone can come up 80k baht to pay back, also in Thailand, if the pressure is high enough. Do understand that this is a third world country. If the woman really is poor and doesn't have the money, she will have to go to "work" or similar to get the money.

    No need to waste time on diplomacy, you'll come across as weak and get nowhere. Either just forget it, learn your lesson and never lend to people in Thailand again. Or, accept that she'll have a tough time, but debt must be repaid and she put herself in this position.


  3. The bottom line is, all the apartment buildings have direct contact details and descriptions anyway, so in the opinion of this forum, is the idea above a bit over the top or do photos really make a difference when home hunting on websites?

    In my opinion, photos are crucial. There are so many available flats, no way I will go and see them all. Everyone can write a nice text description, and I find that frequently it is quite misleading.

    For me, the additional things I want in an ad is

    - Floor plan

    - Floor size

    - Photos

    But hey, I'm living in UK at the moment. i could have a different opinion when I get back to Thailand. However I'm looking for a flat to buy right now, and I find most property websites plain annoying because they lack the critical information i need to decide whether to spend the time to view it or not.



  4. I goy my master at 32 from one of the best unis in UK (Cranfield).

    My thoughts...

    You'll find that as you are a bit older, you may be a lot more motivated than the younger ones. Depends of course on your motivation for doing it. I quit my job, brought my wife to UK and lived on our savings during the course. I was motivated as hel_l to do very well and get a top job afterwards. Ended up second in class. Top guy was a 44 year.

    As your motivation may be very different from the young guys, you may find that you don't have a lot in common with them. Your work experiences will put you in another league.

    Common question from young student: Which electives are the easiest?

    From mature students: Which electives will help me get a good job?

    If you sacrifice your salary and job for a year, I'd ensure I get into as good university as possible, because it does make a real difference to your employability afterwards. Not the most convenient uni or the cheapest one.


  5. What I find a bit uncool is to walk on the street with my 14-year stepdaughter, without wife being present. Being 32 myself, it doesn't take too much imagination to think what the situation could be. The amount of glances does vary with where we are, of course - walking around to rent some VCDs in Pattaya is different from looking for some street food near a central bangkok hotel. However, being 6'4" and 235 pounds with not much fat on my bones, few people will ever walk up to me and say anything.


  6. But why even walk up to a lady and say anything? That's the stuff I never liked. Guys trying to talk to women just to talk to women, becuase maybe they can get somewhere. Losers.

    Why can't men wait for the right time? Why force converison, if it happens it happens, right? Guys act like if they are not having sex, about to have sex, or working on having sex something is wrong. So, they always put themselves in postitions of stupidity for the sake of getting a phone number or dinner date. Isn't better to just go home with your self respect than make an ass of yourself?

    Maybe that's the problem? Men don't have self-respect.

    I went to bangkok zoo the other day with my very beatiful thai wife. We are both early thirties. As we were walking out, holding hands, I notice two white girls who kept looking at me. After a while, one came over, while I was still holding my wife's hand, and said "Hi, I just have to tell you, you look really handsome" (with british accent). Then she just walked off, without waiting for a reply.

    I must admit that it made my day... had to try my best not to smile too broadly, as my wife was mumbling something about cheap english girls who don't know how to behave blah blah blah



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