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About fusion58

  • Birthday February 22

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    Laniakea Supercluster

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  1. My transfer finally arrived after more than two weeks and after receiving nothing but the same old canned, generic responses to all of my inquiries. I will never do business with this irresponsible dumpster fire of a company again!
  2. I initiated a transfer to a U.S. account on 29 June, and, nine days later, the funds still haven’t arrived to my destination account. I’ve used Dee Money before with no problems, i.e., turnaround time for transfers has always been within 24 hours, so I’m a little alarmed. Contacted customer support, and this is the response I received: ”As checked with our related team, the reason for this unusual delay is related to a combination of technical and operational issue we're facing with our processing partner's end. They have already escalated it to the highest level. We do apologize and will revert back to you with the status as soon as possible.” That was two days ago. No response to my follow up questions. Anyone experiencing similar difficulties with this service?
  3. Because it saves me money, i.e., fees for transferring funds from US to Thai bank account.
  4. Just think: All the time and effort the previous regime spent courting wealthy expats and investors negated in one fell swoop. That's gotta sting if you're those guys. LOL.
  5. Darn it! My flight leaves on the 30th. Just missed my window by three days, apparently. However, I have no plans to return to Thailand, so probably a moot point.
  6. Fortunately, the (USA) card issuers in both instances detected the fraud, declined the charges and prompted me to secure my accounts. Someone attempted to use both cards for the same online purchase in the UAE. There was also an attempt to use one of the cards for a PayPal transaction (in Euros.) Now, mind you, I realize this doesn't prove anything, but here are the only things the two cards had in common: Both were saved payment methods on Lazada and Tops Online. Additionally, one of the cards was a saved payment method on Food Panda (I twice attempted to use the other card to make a purchase on FP, but it was declined for reasons unknown.) Make of all this what you will, but be careful: the bad guys are getting cleverer by the day.
  7. I'm planning to apply for the export license. The statue is too large to fit in a checked bag, so that wouldn't be an option anyway. The article in the Post references Buddha images; my statue isn't a Buddha image - it's a Burmese apsara or "nat." I'm not sure if that will make a difference where the age restriction is concerned. At any rate, if I'm denied a license, then I'll just have to find another way, I guess. I'm not going to let these jackals rob me of my personal possessions.
  8. Just another shakedown. I can't believe these schmucks are demanding I pay a fee to export a statue I've owned for 10 years and which originated in and was purchased in another country.
  9. Yeah, I opined in another thread recently that the whole 90 day reporting scheme made me feel kind of like a crook on parole. Judging from their responses, I think I inadvertently hurt some of the apologists' feelings. Oh well - boot lickers gonna boot lick, I guess.
  10. Was that one in the self-assessment? If not, then it should be.
  11. Are they sure 5K is severe enough? Gotta send a message to the rest of the farang community that you can't just sully Thailand's global image of chastity, purity and all-around virtue with impunity.
  12. Whew! That's what I thought. Thank goodness I'll be out of here before then. 😎
  13. Just to make sure I've got this straight: Tax on accessible income from 2024 would be due in 2025, correct?
  14. I'm more than a little concerned right now as I'm in the process of moving back to the U.S. and the contact person at my shipping company is telling me I need to obtain an export license for an apsara (not a Buddha) statue my sister purchased for me as a gift ten years ago on a trip to Burma. The statue is definitely older than five years. My father in-law is convinced that the statue is, in fact, hundreds of years old. I just hope these clowns don't tell me I can't export the statue as it's one of my most precious possessions. The fact that (a) the statue came from Myanmar and (b) is an apsara (or "nat") image - not a Buddha image - doesn't seem to make a difference to these geniuses.
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