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Posts posted by fusion58

  1. 4 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Sorry, I do not know the exact procedure currently being followed at CW when people file a TM30 there in person.

    >> Other TVF members will be able to answer that question.


    But since you have all the required documents, why don't you simply register on the IO TM30 website and do your TM30 filings on-line.

    For sure that will take less time, than having to go to CW and doing it there.

    When you need info on how to do register on-line, just PM me and I will send over a step-by-step instruction to register and file your TM30s online.


    I registered for the TM30 website (FN Hotel) back in May.


    My registration was approved three months later, but I never received username and password.


    Regularly checked spam folder - nothing.


    I tried starting over from scratch, resubmitting documents, etc., but received  "this address has already been registered" error message.


    Tried Section 38 app also. Registration failed.

  2. Started a topic to ask for advice, and my thread was promptly removed, so I'll try asking my question here:


    I was advised by Thailand Elite that the owner of my condo would have to submit the TM30 report for me at CW.


    The owner has already provided me with all the required documents.


    The TE rep stated that I would need a signed power of attorney form in order to file the TM30 at CW myself.


    I would like to know how the advice I'm receiving jibes with TVF members' personal experiences at CW.


    Thanks for any input.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ratt Thai said:

    ever considered to try online 90 day reporting yourself ?
    No need to bring your passport to TE and picking it up again, just stay comfy on your keyboard...



    I used to do all my 90 day reports online when I was on a retirement extension.


    Since I received my Thailand Elite visa, I'm no longer able to submit the reports online, i.e., never make it past the first page.

  4. I'm a renter, and Thailand Elite is advising me that the owner of my condo must submit the TM30 report at CW for me.


    The owner has already furnished me with all the required documents.


    The TE rep states that in order to file the TM30 report myself, I would need a power of attorney doc signed by the owner.


    Just wondering how the advice I'm receiving jibes with TVF members' own personal experiences at CW?


    Thanks for any input.



  5. I can't help but assume CW must be getting MORE hardcore about enforcing the TM30 requirements.


    When I received my Thailand Elite visa this March, TE was able to do an initial 90 day report for me without a TM30 receipt. Prior to obtaining my TE visa, I had never done a TM30, and I still haven't.


    However, when I inquired a few days ago about doing another report, I was advised by TE that the TM30 was mandatory and that I should be prepared to pay an 800 Baht fine.


    Sounds like, protests from business groups, et al, notwithstanding, TI is doubling down on the stupid.



  6. On 11/19/2019 at 5:19 PM, Thainesss said:


    I have no idea how your brain works. One minute your[sic] shifting the goalposts to what conservatives do, next minute your[sic] flailing the other way like your[sic] having a panic attack because someone had the audacity point out liberal hypocrisy in a statement made by liberals.


    And now the nexus of your last post is that some liberals don't say it, therefore it negates the ones that do? 


    You are really very sensitive about this whole thing aren't you. 

    The bold part is where you jumped the shark.


    That is, you’re trying to make the case that there’s something specifically “liberal” about ageist attitudes toward boomers when, in reality, the fact that some millennials who express such attitudes happen to be politically liberal is incidental (otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to cite examples of conservatives who hold the same attitudes.)


    As for “sensitive,” that’s how I would describe your response to being called on your broad brush tactics and faulty logic. So, add projection to the list of your infractions. 

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  7. On 11/18/2019 at 6:26 AM, Thainesss said:




    The hypocrisy is the point, bud. I can make the statement "OK Boomer" (Which I would never do because its dumb) and not be a hypocrite because I'm an American right-wingnut who is free to dislike people/opinions/attitudes as I see fit. 

    Oh, there's ample hypocrisy on the right as well, Bubba.


    For example:


    Conservatives: "The baby boom generation is to blame for everything that's wrong with America today."


    Also conservatives: "How dare you disrespect our Vietnam vets?"




  8. On 11/18/2019 at 6:26 AM, Thainesss said:


    Its not anecdotal - the term was literally coined by and used by and made into a 'thing' by millennial liberal crybabies. The whole point of the thread is the phrase "OK Boomer".



    Now here is where you change the statement and intent of my post into something you just made up that has nothing to do with what I said. 


    Liberal millennials[sic] coined and use the phrase "OK Boomer" yet are the overbearingly loud proponents of Tolerance™ Inclusion™ and Diversity™ unless it's of course anyone who's older, makes more money, or disagrees with them. Then its name calling and disrespect. Be the same as saying "Ok Jew" or "Ok Asian". 


    The hypocrisy is the point, bud. I can make the statement "OK Boomer" (Which I would never do because its dumb) and not be a hypocrite because I'm an American right-wingnut who is free to dislike people/opinions/attitudes as I see fit. 


    The question of who coined the phrase is irrelevant.


    You argued earlier that ageism, specifically ageist attitudes toward boomers, was the exclusive province of liberals. In other words, you made a blanket statement which was not confined to the discussion of the phrase ("OK boomer") in question.


    Your "supporting evidence" for this claim is, by necessity, purely anecdotal...unless you've interviewed every man, woman and child in America who holds negative attitudes toward baby boomers and have ascertained his or her political affiliations...?



  9. 49 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Actually you do not have to be very clever to understand the god delusion: a non existent entity created by cowards,  fools, cynic and charlatans....end of.



    Even less cleverness is required in order to understand that “you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of ‘x’” isn’t a valid argument for the existence of “x.”



  10. On 11/16/2019 at 6:43 AM, canuckamuck said:

    Only if you think something cannot be infinite and outside the rules of time and space.

    And there is no way you are certain of that. Even though it is easy to say you are.

    “There’s no way to be certain of that.”


    Thanks for making my case for me.

  11. On 11/14/2019 at 6:13 AM, canuckamuck said:

    It is amazing that Dawkins has worked out with certainty, what God must be. What a clever chap.

    Dawkins is simply stating the obvious, i.e., that invoking a designer god to explain organized complexity requires an infinite regress of teleological "proofs."


    At least it's obvious to those readers who traffic in logic, at any rate.



  12. On 11/4/2019 at 2:38 AM, beautifulthailand99 said:

    She is not Buddhist which requires as a minimum observing the 5 precepts. This is the case for most 'Thai Buddhists'. I suspect her religion may be to show face to her friends , family , community , monks she is a 'good person' and/or has a belief in supernatural powers that praying to the Buddha could give such as luck and good fortune. Unfortunately when offered temptation she fell back to the default religion of most Thais which is a love of money. You haven't said what is your relationship is with her but I would forget the religious element of her hypocrisy - she may be in real need so her theft may be her way to surviving. What has been your dialogue with her to date and her response if you don't mind me asking. 





    Many Thai Buddhists I know who view themselves as "devout" have never heard of the Five Precepts or even read a single sutra.


    Their sole focus seems to be on "merit-making" which, in this case, translates to providing support to the monastic Sangha in the hope of attaining a favorable rebirth. Sadly, that's where Buddhism ends for these people.



  13. On 11/4/2019 at 2:54 AM, PatOngo said:

    Good post. Buddha would cry under his bodhi tree if he could see how the precepts have been convoluted in this country. The religion here is Bahtism,

    they worship Lord Baht!



    Aside from the fact that there are scores of temples and Buddha images, I've yet to find anything Buddhist about this country.

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