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Everything posted by Pulpeddoes

  1. Sorry to sound silly but I have been hearing in the last months that the location to renew has changed. No one has given substantive evidence, but I am getting confused. I need to go tomorrow (deadline is Thursday) and I want to make sure I go to the correct place. Please forgive me if this sounds asinine, but better safe than sorry. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. I have tried to use my bank's app to pay for items before, and it just does not work. I went to the bank and the lady called up her QR code, no problem. She said that maybe there was a problem with my wifi. (??!!?!***). This was 2019. Fast forward to 2 months ago, and the place where I go for physical therapy no longer accepting cash, due to Covid. Again, I cannot use the scan function; so I had to ask them for their banking info, and transferred payment to them. Everyone else just scanned their QR code. Since I was able to pay, I kept it moving. Transferring is okay. Scanning to pay via QR code - maie daie! So last week I ordered items from Shopee and selected the COD option - the only one offered these days, it looks like. Merchandise is delivered, and actual cash is not good; need to scan. But it does NOT work!! Fortunately, the security guard saved me by using his bank app (twice in one week) and I immediately transferred the payment to him. So today I moseyed on over to the bank to find out what's going on. At first she said "it depends on the type of phone." I firmly stated and showed her that my phone is not an iPhone; but Samsung top of the line. She pulled out her phone and showed me that her scanning function works with no problem. She then said that foreigners are not allowed to use that function. I asked her if she was sure and it there was someone in IT, more technically equipped, with whom I could discuss the issue. She said it won't help because earlier in the day there was a "foreigner who also could not scan." She then said that it what it was "today." I could have tried to argue but you just know when you are getting nowhere, so I left with my dignity and quiet anger at being treated this way. * Is anyone familiar with this? * The bank is the blue and white one. Does anyone else deal with this bank and, if so, can you scan to pay for items? * If you bank elsewhere, does your app allow you to scan to pay with no issues? I need to move my THB if that is the case. I would really appreciate feedback on this. This is such blatant discrimination and I am so angry that I don't even know what to say. How am I supposed to pay for anything if cash is the only option, but not actual THB?? Thanks in advance for responses.
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