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Posts posted by ThePlant

  1. Envy? Envious of what? Do tell because last I

    recall, you actually confessed that your work

    permit was your most cherished possession.

    Why in God's name would I be envious of

    someone sad enough to think like that? xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_R4FJO4

    Envy at the fact we're not festering in a windowless grindhouse in Soi Ladyboy Spunk which mildly reeks of the stench of Chester's takeaway spaghetti farts, living off mama noodles, actually enjoying successful lives here, unlike losers who have to pretend to have takeaways, constantly looking over their shoulders for immigration officers.....still, carry on raging in your furious envy....

    • Like 2
  2. Nice write up MrWW. A much better read than the 'reporting' from the pattaya rags.....

    I am hearing more and more tales like this from pals down there these days. Shame the idiots seem to be pervading every area of Pattaya once again.

    I hope we're not heading back to the 'dark' old days of the late 1990s/early 2000s when the Euro Lager Louts first 'discovered' Pattaya and scraps of this nature were a nightly occurrence in the sois and one couldn't find a 'quiet' area to sit and perve without some shirtless tattooed shaven headed Euro 'warrior' wanting to have a pop at you or someone else

    Total rubbish

    never was any dark days.

    Pattaya was a much more friendly place back then.

    for all.

    Comment from someone who wasn't even there 'back then' Ill be bound....6 month heros need not comment


    Could be a new sideline for the pikeys....

    A whistle and a torch down the end of Soi Ladyboy spunk is a lot cheaper than huddling around a 10 year old Acer in the grindhouse doorway.....


    55555555 @ good ol' Darth Bilious. There wasn't

    even anyone to argue with on this thread but

    there he sits, seething, railing and foaming

    at the mouth while bitterly mashing keys in his

    perpetual McCarthy-style crusade against

    "the enemy"....

    How sad, how pitiful

    Really ,Yeah Siam ,stop talking about yourself like that,though i must say an accurate description.

    He can't help himself. He has no income. no job, no woman, al he has is his instant, incansescant rage at those who do oh so much better than he does.

  4. Nice write up MrWW. A much better read than the 'reporting' from the pattaya rags.....

    I am hearing more and more tales like this from pals down there these days. Shame the idiots seem to be pervading every area of Pattaya once again.

    I hope we're not heading back to the 'dark' old days of the late 1990s/early 2000s when the Euro Lager Louts first 'discovered' Pattaya and scraps of this nature were a nightly occurrence in the sois and one couldn't find a 'quiet' area to sit and perve without some shirtless tattooed shaven headed Euro 'warrior' wanting to have a pop at you or someone else

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, let's not pussyfoot around and get all PC; there is an issue in that area with these types peddling drugs. The dodgy Thonglor police would be better served pissing the 'right' people off in this area... why don't they, you may ask? Have a think about it.

    Well put Dave.

    Luke, a serious well meant piece of advice. Have nothing to do with any of them in that area. They are up to no good to put it lightly, be they flogging drugs, pimping African women. They're not the type of folks you want to be associated with or have the authorities see you with especially given the naivete you have shown in some of your postings in your time here thus far.

    For a couple of years the 'Powers' seemed to have them 'under control' staging periodical 'clear outs' and ID checks on the Africans - a popular policy for the local Thai business owners in the area, some of whom had even posted 'No Africa man sit here[sic]' (or similar) signs on their businesses. Compared to recent years (and compared to other places in Asia) their numbers seem well down at the moment.

    Be careful young fella!

    • Like 1
  6. First of all this is not a troll topic. So please serious replies.

    Anyway so, whenever I go to soi 11, which is basilcally everyday, alwys 2-3 black guys smile and say how are you doin, whats up etc while I'm walking from one end of the street to the other.

    Are they just overly friendly, or is this like some secret code to sell something?

    Maybe they just want to help you get a taxi to the floating market?

    • Like 2
  7. Shouldn't there be an official announcement from a mod or something?

    er..............yes, there shouldn't.....I think.....

    This is not an official Thaivisa sponsored meetup but a member's initiative. Several years ago they used to have these often in Bangkok & Pattaya. They were called pissups then but Smokie seems to have become more eloquent referring to it as a party. wink.png

    And in Manchester and Liverpool with Mr Boj and The Scouser (before they were mods I think).....

    After the first Manchester one I woke up in Didsbury and couldn't find me pants but I lived a 'double life' then, such is the power of Heavy Metal music and my Manchester based harem....

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