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Posts posted by callipposhots

  1. in a two horse race, 56% would normally be thought of as being a pretty comfortable margin, even if 2% of the votes weren't invalid as they were in this referendum.

    for example, Sarkozy only won the French Presidency with 53%, but nobody said that it was a close result. On the contrary, it was widely seen as a pretty easy victory.

  2. decent take. If he'd faked the plates and that motorcycle is history, all he'll have to do is lie low and then after the initial furore has died down - which won't be long, a few weeks or a month, because it it'll only be a few nanoseconds before some other serious crime grabs the cops attention, then he'll want to leave the country. His biggest danger in the meantime is keeping is keeping his mouth shut, if he's an idiot, or from any partners that might be tempted by the reward. These jobs are better undertaken solo.

    Cambodia is probably his best bet - he can reach Europe via Korea or Malaysia, or China, or anywhere from there. He should avoid KL and Singapore overland, because it's closer and that's where they'll be looking most.

  3. Are there couples who BOTH agree on having a Mia Noi....joining together in a more or less pleasant relationship, or a so-called 'threesome' ?

    A few years back I tried to bed a Thai married to a Swede. She was over here to see about the construction of their house in BKK. She was telling me that when she comes over here with her husband, she often picks out a bargirl for him to sleep with. Her reasoning was that if she selects a girl for him then he wouldn't think of (or need to, I suppose) going behind her back being unfaithful. :o

    I mentioned this to my wife (omitting various details for safety reasons) thinking perhaps that she might agree to something similar. Her replies contained the keywords of Knife, Cut, Cock, and Duck. :D

    I've mentioned it a few times since, and also to GF's(having a 3some with their friend not my wife) but I think it's going to remain a fantasy just a little while longer. :D

    you still could always sneak out to soi cowboy for a threesome :D

  4. hi,

    I am 21 and carry a german passport.

    the question: if i had my 90 days of 30 day visa-run stay (30+30+30=90) and got a tourist visa for another 60 days, which i extended for another 30 days (60+30=90 days), is it possible to start with the 30 day visa runs again for another 90 days? (90+90+90=270, there must be something nice about that country... :D )

    I think, that this should be possible, according to the description of the new rules on this site. I just ask to assure it in order to plan my travels...

    thank you very very much! :o


  5. That rhetoric sure sounds like a military government to me. Could we be looking at another Burma? I have said in other posts that this is the first time in all the years I have lived here that I have been worried. The military throws out the constitution and deposes the democratically elected leader. I for one do not take this lightly.

    neither do I ,


    He Resigned ...................................... :o

    Some tough talking, they better be sure Singapore behaves.

    If it does - no one else would dare to host Thaksin.

    you're dancing with the fairies, mate. Singapore has a GDP for every man woman and child of 28,000 dollars. Thailand struggles to get 9.

  6. I'm going there in a couple of weeks, flight's already booked. Does anyone know what the walk in rates are compared to booking online ? I've also read that they usually have a representative at the airport to meet incoming flights.

  7. I've been chatting to a Thai woman on the web recently, and she posted me the website of an orphanage in Sangklaburi, which is in the link below.

    While I'm encouraged by a born and bred Bangkokian taking an interest in the welfare of poorer Thai and other children, I've a feeling this place isn't all its cracked up to be.

    I may very well be mistaken, but I think this is the same place I visited about 15 months ago. It looks great from the website, but several people staying in the Burmese Inn nearby said the place was run by a cult, based in the US, that had actually been banned from operating in the State of Nevada, if I remember rightly. They were also said to have run into problems in India.

    There was talk that a lot of the orphans weren't orphans, but were in fact given away by their desperately poor Thai and ethnic minority parents, in the hope of improving their chances in life.

    The regime seemed pretty draconian to me. Up at 5, Yoga, chanting, strictly Vegan - seemed a bit doctrinaire to say the least.

    The owner of the Burmese Inn refused to take their flyers to display in the guesthouse - he took a dim view of them, and as a former fairly high ranking UN official his opinion maybe shouldn't be dismissed. He must have seen all sorts of bent charity and aid organizations in his time.

    Can anybody fill me in with some more information about these ? What is the organization that they are a part of ?

    Here's the website of the place.

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