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Posts posted by Vogele123

  1. Some interesting replies, however, the facts remain the same. The Thai brewery has secretly changed the alcohol content of their "Chang Classic" Award winning beer from 6.4% to 5.8% without telling anyone, surely FRAUD? DECEPTION?

    It is no longer the same thing. It is like selling Lemonade and labelling it as Coca Cola!

    Then they hike up the price....<deleted>!

  2. Our land/house is in the children's name so have some experience with this.

    You cannot make ANY changes to the land or use off without a court order.

    Have you had the land surveyed before the papers were transferred to your child's name? If so this survey should find all the markers with the correct numbers in the right place, except for the ones your neighbor moved. sad.png

    If they cannot find all the markers and have to place new ones with new numbers this will mean a change on the land paper and a court will have to approve it.

    If your neighbor changed the number on the marker or "lost" the marker the land office will have to issue new markers with new numbers and a court will have to approve it.

    As the owner of the land your child will have to be present at the survey. Depending on the age of the child, wife says 18 or over, the child is old enough to understand what is going on and can sign the necessary papers.

    Young children who cannot write properly can use thumb print and the Thai mother can sigh on their behalf.

    As in all things here different offices have different levels of interpreting the regulations so one person may have an easy ride while another in a different district will be given a hard time.

    Best is to contact the land office before the survey date and explain the situation about school exams and see what they say.

    Good luck and be sure to secure the new markers before they get moved again whistling.gif


    I had no dispute about the actual borders. There are 2 chanotes that mark out the boundaries. The problem is they are 200 metres apart and not visible by line of sight. The new owner comes along and sticks a concrete post in the land which I believe is ours, without any notice or even asking us, rips out one of my electric pole and throws it on the ground.

    All I wanted was a straight line between the 2 chanotes. Today we finally got this. We were wrong and he was wrong. the electric poles were in our land, and the markers he made that I ripped out at the other end of the land were correct, so "MY BAD and HIS BAD!" All is smoothed over and everything looks to be sorted.

    Cheers for your input.

    Land is a hot issue where I am and they don't want to give an inch - neither would I!

  3. Cheers for the replies.

    Here is how it goes.

    If you put the land in your kids name (Under 20) they address the notification to the named child, however, it appears that the child is neither needed or required to be present to sign the papers, it falls down to the mother of the Thai child, the father (Farang has no say in it whatsoever)

    I would say though, that that the guys from the land office spoke very good English and made sure 150% that I agreed that the line they drew was straight, even though I was not requested to sign, my wife had to do that. (Out of some sort of courtesy, they asked me to agree that the line was straight and asked me to check the papers and sign my name - but never gave me a pen - they just gave it to my wife - face saved, everyone happy - I cannot complain, they were fair, which is all I asked for, I don't want an inch of his land and I don't want him taking an inch of my son's land.

    So, all is rosy, the guy ballsed up on his measurements at the top of our land, which was the point I disputed, however it was only 60cm rather than 2.6m. and we ballsed up on our measurements at the bottom end by over 2 metres.

    All is well that ends well!

    Thanks for all the advice.

  4. Ok, following on from our disputed land boundary issue. The Land Office is coming out to survey the chanotes and the proposed fence.

    We received a registered letter from the land office stating this and the day they will arrive.

    Does anyone know what the situation would be if the registered "owner" of the land is not present? i.e. he is a minor and will be sitting exams at school.

    Can we agree as his parents or will we need his signature? (The registered letters were addressed to him but the land registry do not know that he is a child)

    What is the situation if the registered owner doesn't show? Bit of a dilemma as he really needs to sit these exams, and we were not given any choice for the date of the visit.


  5. One thing I would suggest is to try and find a "switchable" live wire - something that is only live when the ignition is switched on. You could probably take it from the live to the headlight or similar. Also, you might want to make sure that you put a fuse in line with the live wire just in case.

    I expect the power adapter will only have 2 wires, usually black and red. Black being ground and red being live. The black wire should be connected to your frame or ground terminal of the battery.

    Any half decent bike shop should be able to hook this up for you.

    The main thing is to make sure that the live is switched off when you turn off the ignition.

    Check this video out - it is useful.


  6. Ok i have a better idea of the problem . Is the nut a "nylock" or a castle nut - used with a split pin .

    Nope, we have adjusted this a few times before, there is nothing, no threadlock, no castle or locking mechanism, it is a normal nut and bolt. I have had this slackened off half a dozen times before, adjusted the chain and reset everything. This time the damn thing is rock solid.

    It was retorqued just using a foot long socket wrench, (not cross threaded as the nut was only loosened not removed) now an 8 foot lever will not loosen it, truly, never seen anything like it, seized solid.

  7. From what I can gather it should just be a long straight bolt with a washer either side, (From the Honda manual) however this has 3 washers on the nut side and two on the bolt side - doubt that is making much difference but a bit weird)

    Tried WD40 but like I say, an 8 foot bar with me on one side and my 100KG son and the concrete floor on the other for leverage and we cannot budge it!!!)

    Checked the thread and it is not a left handed one, just completely stumped.

    I cannot let him ride it like this, I need to try to get it fixed.

  8. Hi . The axle shaft is basicly a large bolt , with the nut on the opposite end to the shaft head .Yes ? .Are you saying the bolt / shaft will turn / spin in the swing arm whit a socket on the bolt head , but you cant slacken the nut in relation to the shaft ? .

    Yes, exactly, not with a 2 foot Stillson wrench on the 14mm side and an 8 foot bar on the 19mm nut! I have rounded off the 14mm bolt head, unbelievable.

  9. Here is a weird one - any ideas?

    My son's MSX needed the chain tightening and we loosened the rear axle with a couple of half inch drive 19mm and 14mm sockets as we usually do.

    Adjusted the chain and re tightened the axle, by hand with the same sockets. I checked the chain and it felt a little tight so decided to slacken it off a touch.

    Now here is where we hit the problem, the rear axle bolt will simply not loosen off!

    I have tried a hammer on the wrenches, nothing, we even put a set of 2 foot long Stillsons on the bolt and an 8 foot bar on the nut, simply cannot budge it!

    It has locked solid, tried lube tried hammers tried everything I can think of except heat as this will probably screw the paint on the swing arm, anyone had this problem with this bike before?

    The bike had been ridden in sand prior to trying to adjust the chain, do you think sand could bind the nut?

    Seems strange that the axle bolt can be turned with one hand with a socket (just spins) but cannot be unloosened. (i.e. The axle bolt is no longer tight and the axle can be slid forward and backward - do you think it is safeish to ride about 5 km to the repair shop only using the chain tension nuts)

  10. It has lost what was 40.32ml Alcohol for 50 Baht to what is now 36.54 mL for 53 Baht. It is a very significant change.

    Wow. If getting the maximum bang for your buck is your major concern, have you considered meths?

    I believe meths is purple, wood alcohol and deadly, however, I liked the original taste of Chang! They have for me, spoiled what I considered to be a decent brew. Besides, I have never seen a bottle of meths here, only "rubbing alcohol" is that any good with fish?

  11. Has anyone actually done a blindfold test on whether that 0.2% makes any difference whatsoever?

    Still, it always entertains me when people start debating the tastiest Thai beer. It's like a tallest dwarf contest.

    I have done the very same test, and you can certainly 100% without a doubt taste the difference between the old 6.4% to the 6%, the 6% to the 5.8% is very dependent on how many beers or cigs I have before trying it.

    I can tell the difference side by side at the same time, it just lacks the taste it used to have.

    If you try the 6.4% next to the 5.8% it is a totally different beer.

    People seem quick to mock Chang, I have been a beer guzzler for more than 35 years, I have drank some of the best German beers and some of the worst English beers, but I would not knock the Classic Chang. Who on earth would rather drink Carlsberg, Heiniken or some of these other beers here amazes me. I have never ever found an international brand beer sold here that tastes remotely like the same beer brewed in its home country.

    Ever tried a Chinese can of Guiness or a Chinese can of Tiger? Not even remotely equivalent.

  12. So anyway, because it's lost point 6 of 1% of alcohol and it has 10ml less beer and is 6 baht more expensive than some beer no ones ever heard of, you won't drink it anymore?

    Indeed, I will be rethinking my preferred beer.

    It has not lost 0.6 of 1% (you cannot work in those terms with a percentage)

    It has lost what was 40.32ml Alcohol for 50 Baht to what is now 36.54 mL for 53 Baht. It is a very significant change.

    I gave up the Singha when it went the same way a few years back, it used to be somewhere similar to Chang then suddenly dropped to 5%, a totally different drink.

  13. Well, (I should have titled it "The Death Of Chang Beer - Classic" (as there a few variants that may have not changed and I expect a lot of people that drink the others will be still quite happy)

    after my last post about Chang Beer "Classic" I am pleased to say I will no longer be buying it. They have ruined the beer that made them famous. (Should have started one of those online petitions from Change.org or something - "Stop molesting Chang Classic")

    The "Classic" Beer has changed at least twice over the past few months from a starting point of 6.4% alcohol, to 6% alcohol to now a measly 5.8%, and the original "Classic" flavor has completely gone.

    A poster here on TV mentioned a beer called "RED HORSE" (I had never seen or heard of it before, despite living here for over 10 years.

    Well, today, thanks to Tesco Lotus Home Delivery, I managed to get a hold of 6 bottles just as a try out. Whilst it does not have the "head" or creaminess of Chang, it does indeed offer great value.

    Chang is now 5.8% Alcohol and costs 53 Baht for a 630mL bottle, whereas the Red Horse offers 6% Alcohol and is in a 640 mL bottle costing 47 Baht a bottle.

    It tastes OK, but no it is not Chang Classic, but neither is Chang a classic anymore.

    So, beer mongers and booze lovers, maybe give Red Horse a go......I am having great difficulty however finding any local shops that stock it.

  14. Isn't it amazing eh? The amount of ranting and raving about these three "stupid pricks" who were idiotic enough to possibly ruin their career's after allowing themselves to be filmed poking some Thai girls. Did it actually harm anyone? Is it not just a few feminists (Who probably never get any male interest) or some jealous reporters and the usual TV trolls that are outraged?

    The biggest outrage in football at the moment is FIFA! Those filthy scum have done more than anyone to disgrace football, that DOG Blatter should be held fully accountable for what he and his filthy lackies have destroyed with their disgusting greed and corruption.

    I am not letting the 3 players off the hook, they need to answer for any criminal offence committed, but come on "RACIST?" - Hardly, and paying girls for sex? Are Thai really "outraged" by this? Of course not, just the usual "Them and Us" double standards, Jesus, get real, get over it and get on.

  15. Got to agree, in that last 3 or 4 months our bills have risen from what has been typically 1700 - 2000 Baht / month to almost 4K!

    We have no aircon, shower is on 3kW setting, a couple of TV's and 3 fans. We use a microwave and 2 fridges, all lights are the energy saving fluorescent, cook on gas. The only thing I can think of would be the two PC's have been on 24/7 and a PS4, but it does seem like something has changed.

    I am on a 15/45 meter.

  16. Weird, it must be a local thing.

    I have been driving here for almost 15 years, everytime I come upon a checkpoint they take one look at the "Farang" and simply wave me through.

    I have been stopped on a motorbike, it wasn't legal, it was night time and they didn't know I was a foreigner, there was a debate as whether to let me go, however, I got what I deserved. (It cost me a few grand, but I knew I was asking for it driving that bike - I had also had a few beers and they asked me if I had been on the whisky, I replied honestly that I had not and had only been drinking beer) They confiscated the bike but made some poor fat kid take me 35KM home on the back of his bike!!!

    I was stopped once in the truck for having the front number plate on the dash - just a warning, no asking for money.

    Got pulled on the highway near home by the traffic / highway cops, asked for my licence which was at least 5 years out of date, told them I left it at home. They asked my 11 year old son a few questions in Thai, where we lived etc. looked at the Durian on the front seat and told me to go!

  17. The "purple passport" was discontinued years ago for bikes.

    I presume you are taking the bike out and bringing it back? (You are allowed 6 months otherwise the fines start mounting up)

    You need the green book in your name and you should be able to get any additional paperwork at the border.

    If the green book is not in your name you will need to have authority from the legal owner, I think you need a copy of their i.d. and house registration.

    I believe it is pretty straight forward to take a Thai bike to Laos.

  18. Since markers have been moved you'll need to cough up again for a fresh survey sad.png

    This time when they're positioned concrete the little bu99ers in position and get your own boundary fence in place. The land office chap can also help in determining if any of the new structure is on your land and what you can do about it.

    Boundary disputes can quickly become acrimonious so it's always best to negotiate with the neighbour but it seems he is the type to ride roughshod over anyone who gets in his way.

    What's your relationship with the local puyaibaan (village head)? They can have a lot of power in situations like this.

    We get on pretty well with the Kamnan here, two of the locals that have been doing some work for the guy who bought the land both agree that he has moved the boundary, so it could be positive. At the moment all building has stopped, so we are just waiting to see what his next step will be.

    I am a bit annoyed about him moving the chanote, the land office told me when they did the last survey that anyone moving them would face jail.

  19. A proper land survey will cost peanuts and will be correctly marked with official markers, then there can be no argument.

    But of course up2u.

    I agree with Crossy...it's not expensive to get a land office surveyor out, and an extra 1k baht will get them out very quickly.

    The Chanote will only show the piece of land covered by that Chanote, (There may be extra indications of waterways)

    In the mean time, get a piece of re-bar and prod around where you think the concrete boundary markers are, you might just find them. You can then check their id with the Chanote.

    Just a suggestion...

    I have already had the land survey from the Land Office, it costs 4500 Baht, (I have found the two markers from the chanote, however he has moved at least one of them.)unfortunately, it consisted of marking out the 4 corners of the land, it did not go as far as to actually bother putting a string between the points. Pity! Due to the size and layout of the land it is not that straight forward to get between the two points in question, not impossible but not line of site.

  20. Moving to Real Estate, but I agree with the above sentiments, YOU get the land office in to re-survey the boundaries, maybe pay a little tea money to get them out before the other party.

    Understand what you mean, but all I need is for them to string a straight line between the two points, I will be happy whatever the outcome, fair is fair! I don't want anything that he owns, it doesn't bother me that way, I just want what we bought to be ours.

    The funny thing is when I showed my wife (who can never get angry ) When she saw it she went "BALLISTIC" It shocked me really, I had never seen her go into one of those fits in 15 years of marriage! Guess one thing a Thai will stand up and hold their ground is their land.

    (This is why I think the guy is trying to pull a fast one, he isn't really "fighting" - but if we are correct about 30 of his Lam Yai trees are virtually planted on our border which means they can basically be cut down the middle of their trunks - and will die! - The previous owner even apologized for having them come into our land - They lived 40KM away and never really came here, they had other locals plant and look after their trees)

  21. the boundaries will be clearly marked on the land title, especially if chanote. if it is from post to post, then a straight line will be drawn between them, if it is not, there will be a third point shown representing the pole he put in.


    Both your land title and his land title should be in agreement.

    Thanks for that, your chanote is interesting! Mine only shows our land, it shows nothing of the land next to it. Our piece is however clearly a straight line between the chanote numbers. The only reference that our papers show is a reference to the centre of the Nam Ping river!, about 300 metres across another piece of land. (Out of curiosity, is your chanote showing two pieces of your own land or is it showing two separate owners? - I have another 2 chanotes and they are the same as the first, they only show the one plot with reference again to the centre of the river)

  22. TV forum judges won't know as it's a specific situation. Go talk to the Lands officer or get a solicitor involved, he will know what to do to protect your land.

    I had hoped that we could resolve it in an amicable way - I already told them that all they needed to do was to put a straight line between the 2 chanotes, and if I am wrong and my poles are in their land I will remove them, however they seem reluctant to do this and want to measure from 1 chanote to this pole that they put in. I have no problem accepting chanote to chanote, but the pole they put in is what we dispute, over about 170 metres, it takes a fair chunk out of what we believe is ours.

    The main worry I have is that the guy is "well connected Hi So type" and might be able to manipulate the Land guys. (Going from past experience though, the Land Office here have been first class and take no cr@p from anyone - hope this is the case here. (We have now found out that he intends to develop the land as another bloody "Homestay".......fantastic! (Rooms full of whisky sodden Thai drunks playing guitars and wailing like castrated cats into the wee small hours)

  23. I saw a recent post in "Ask the lawyer" regarding a boundary wall that has touched on a bit of a problem we have recently had - Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge might be able to shine a light on the problem.

    We bought a block of land here back in 1997, it was next to an adjacent plot with no boundary or fence or any markings at all. It was owned by an old Thai couple and they planted Lam Yai trees (pretty much on what we thought to be the boundary line.

    In 2010 we had the Land office check locate and mark the boundaries, which they did by locating and marking the chanote markers at all 4 corners.

    Earlier this year, the old couple sold the land to some Hi So from near the city.

    He came to let us know that he planned to put in a small "Cha" hedge to mark the boundary (This was going to be 1 foot high and made up of the privet like bush "Cha" that they sometimes use here)

    However, we discovered (without asking us or even letting us know) he had workers come in when we were out and they put in 2 metre concrete pole 2/3rds of the way along our land, (No idea what they used for a reference point as it is impossible to see from chanote to chanote as it is in trees and is over 200 metres in length)

    As far as we are concerned the pole is in our land (going by past reference points and memory) by about 2 metres.

    Next they put a straight line in to mark the position of the wall (Yes, now it has turned from a small hedge to a 2 metre high concrete and barbed wire affair) However, instead of clearing a straight line between the 2 chanotes, he has ran a straight line from the furthest chanote to the new pole, this now puts three of my electric poles that I bought INSIDE HIS LAND! - so what did he do? He ripped my poles out!

    So there has been a bit of a "ding dong" and the building has stopped - I have told him to get the Land Office in to check.

    So, can anyone tell me if he actually requires a building permit or any other formal documentation to put up this barbed wire and concrete fence?

    When the guy on the other side of us put his land up for sale and wanted to mark it out for chanotes, we received a letter from the Land Office to attend a meeting with them and him on the land before the chanotes were placed. We all signed a piece of paper saying that we agreed to the boundary, is this still the case or has something changed?


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