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Posts posted by MJKT2014

  1. The most interesting line from this amazing movie : Kim does not have a butthole, he work so hard so he has no time to pee or poop.

    Dude, in the interests of not misquoting this masterpiece of a movie the actual conversation about buttholes is listed below from the srt file.


    00:37:34,918 --> 00:37:36,686

    I heard he doesn't pee or poo.


    00:37:36,786 --> 00:37:40,390

    He works so hard,

    he burns the energy from inside.


    00:37:40,490 --> 00:37:42,690

    You-You're telling me my man

    doesn't have to take a poo?


    00:37:42,726 --> 00:37:43,960

    Does-does he have

    a butthole?


    00:37:44,061 --> 00:37:45,896

    He does not have a butthole.


    00:37:45,996 --> 00:37:47,999

    He has no need for one.

  2. To the guy who said said like the worst movie ever ... oh please, you must not see many movies!

    For me, maybe the worst this week (because usually I view based on quality rather than curiosity and controversy).

    But I liked This is the End!


    Well I was one of the people who said one of the worst movies, I have seen.... It up there for sure! bah.gif

    It might suit American sense of humour.... it's a wonder they did not put a phoney laugh track in it! tongue.png

    I am about 30 minutes (25%) of the way through watching this 'comedy', I have not laughed once or even broken a smile.

    Does this show anything about the British sense of humour?

    Oh come on, any movie where the lead poos his pants after listening to Kate Perry deserves some kudos.

    • Like 2
  3. tvaddons.ag seems to have been down for a day or more now?


    but fusion still seems OK.

    Wanted to ask a question about some non working MX news channels like Sky News on the forum, but guess I'll have to wait.

    Ask me here if you want as I am in Bangkok .. (me being the author of the MX addons) The reason the channels are down is because the server they are sourced from is no more and the add-on is being updated and tested now for release next week.

    Jonc, any reason you abandoned the MX addons for Thai and World News channels? What do you suggest as an alternative?

  4. Well in my experience water rucks tend to be rather large and brightly coloured, many have powerful illuminated signs that show arrows regarding which direction one should take to avoid ramming said truck.

    There's a video of the aftermath on FB showing your assumptions to be wrong. The water truck probably had little in the way of warning signs on it for such a hazardous operation. Warning the content is graphic as the driver passes the minivan.


  5. One would look a right plonker cycling around with a sawn off golf driver sticking out the front of a bike, I'll clue ya? wink.png

    I cycle about 5 or 600 km a month and may encounter an aggressive dog about once or twice a year! If you pick your cycle routes well and ignore the mutts, they'll not usually give any trouble. In the odd case I have just used my extendable tire pump that clips neatly to the frame and wacked a mutt on the nonce. That mutt respected me on the return trip, and did the owner who let it out the house to chase me did too.

  6. Been trying for a couple of weeks. Is it me, or is it the MX thai addon does not work. From oz no a go?

    Hasn't worked for me in Thailand either. That along with MX World news both useless. I have switched to uPlayHD addon for similar as MX is proving too hot and miss. BBC and RTE MX services still work tho. Wonder if the author will ever fix this?

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