The country in which I reported a data breach to a major developer run by a certain now prime minister, and ended up in criminal court for computer crime. Yes it was laughed out of court and I am counter suing for false charges and civil damages. But it destroyed 3 years of my life, cancelled my workpermit and cost me millions of THB in legal fees.
Hub my arse.
As landlord I have no idea about the comings and going’s of my tenants. They have a lease and a POA and become “house master”. As such they need to report their and any other foreigner’s arrivals at the property.
If there is an error or omission or fraud on the reporting form it would be criminal document fraud which I don’t want to engage in. So no, as landlord I absolutely refuse to file TM30 but I give the lessee the documents they need to accomplish the tasks
That is the risk riding a race bike on public roads and without the required skill and safety awareness.
an R1 with race slicks is all we really need to know about the character riding this bike and likely the group genus riding with.
So many things wrong here.
„Big Bike“ means people thinking they are on a race track. Slicks have no business on public roads. It tells you all you need to know about the mentality. Race mirrors and pilion riding with some mad kid weaving around traffic at high speed. Balancing is quite awkward as these bikes aren’t really meant to carry passengers like GT and GS style bikes.
There once was a man named Bob,
Whose wife's cooking skills did hob,
With credit cards swiping,
And friends out gallivanting,
Perhaps Bob should learn to cook corn on the cob!
You surely realize that as a foreigner you can only hold 49 percent of a Thai company unless you have permission from BOI otherwise.
the other 51 percent must be held by Thai. It’s often some shady lawyer’s gardener’s sister in law or similar with a house book in Chiang Nowhere with already signed transfer documents to be acquired at will by another Thai later.
the cheaper your legal fees the less likely your nominiere will ever be known to you.
it is also illegal to use a Thai nominee shareholder structured. .
Doing business since 2006 in Thailand (mostly under BOI).
„Talking to the press after a cabinet meeting at the Government House, Srettha said it is not appropriate to verbally amplify this incident as people in Thailand should live in peace with this small issue already being managed.“
Is this the same Srettha who drags foreigners through criminal court based on false charges over some tweets, including one where he was rightly called a „bully“ for doing exactly that? Can’t be!
I saw many many large black sewage pipes being laid around Laguna lately. New developments.
Banana beach has them bypassing the waterfall and ending in the sea around the cliff where most people don’t see it.
just across the bridge on the mainland side I saw black sewage pipes running right along the hotel property across the beach into the ocean. Yum
If the court accepts the case you will have a criminal defamation suit on your hands. Loss of workpeemit if you have one. Visa will be changed to court visa and you will need to relinquish your passport.
you might just have to settle this for an amount acceptable to the plaintiff. Legal fees can easily run into the millions and no guarantee. Even if you win the case you aste 3-5 years of your time. Good luck. Google JTJB law if you need a good lawyer. Prepare to pay big bucks.