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Posts posted by mlmcleod

  1. The requirement to carry 20,000 baht in cash is ancient.  Most people, especially women, have never had the equivalent of $600 on their person in their lives.  If they want to abuse the tourists it would be nice if there was an ATM machine between the gates and immigration.  For westerners it is a safety issue.  We all use credit cards and ATM's for everything.  If you are carrying that much cash you are a target the minute you leave the airport.


    How about coming into the 20th century at least if not the 21st century.

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  2. I suggest that you try to get accommodations as close to an immigration office as possible since you will be visiting there frequently as an ex-pat.  The easiest way to get a retirement visa is to put 800,000 in a Thai bank and forget about it forever.  Right now there is no prohibition on online work however please keep tuned since the immigration rules change here frequently and not necessarily logically. 


    I am curious?  Why not Portugal or Spain for retirement?  They are both top 10 places for retirement.

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  3. 6 hours ago, daoyai said:

    Fake? most of the participants attending this meeting have been deplatformed, banned or or otherwise censored on youtube, FB, google etc. ... this is real.

    That is because their views make the Nazis look like boy scouts!  There is a limit to free speech.  You can't shout fire in a packed movie theatre. You can't deny the holocaust!  They are the biggest pack of Nazi's, KKK members, liars and loonies that the right can produce!  My father fought in World War II because of these kinds of people.


    The last thing that Trump really wants is free speech anyway.  Like Big Brother he only wants his message pasted everywhere.

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  4. This is Thailand.  As the demand goes down the prices go up! I am sure the mega-millions that the Chinese, Indians, Arabs and Pakistanis are spending here will save the day!  The Europeans, Australians and Americans that have been run off by shady immigration practices are spreading the word!


    I suspect that in the long run Thailand is just going to be little China! or maybe little India.

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  5. On 7/9/2019 at 2:00 PM, newnative said:

    I hope the management is at least offering steeply reduced rent--or no rent--to hold on to the remaining stores--and thinking of ways to relaunch this sinking ship.

    This is Thailand.  The lower the demand the higher the price!

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  6. I see a lot more work for the Army Special Forces.  They found prostitution in Pattaya and I am sure they will find the games.  


    I just think that with all that is wrong with Thailand the emphasis on curbing smoking and the elimination of these games is such tiny potatoes.


    The highways are where most of the carnage in this country happens.  Active enforcement rather than photographic spies are the way to curb the deaths.  Of course, that means that the traffic police will have to do more than set up shakedown roadblocks.

  7. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    What is the number to call when foreigners encounter RTP/IO's soliciting illegal bribes?

    That is easy. You can call and will be required to give all of your details and arrange to meet with the offending officer at the police station while surrounded by 20 armed officers none of whom speak your language.  SInce you did not record the bribe attempt it will be your word against his/hers.  If you did record the attempt you will be arrested and imprisoned for shaming a Thai official.


    It seems to always be Catch-22 here! ????  How many good outcomes in the scenario above?

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