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Posts posted by stonycan

  1. When i was in thailand i respected thai people and embraced thier culture.i tried to learn thier customs and language.i took thailand as it came.everything is smooth as silk.i didnt expect it to be like home . Every system has flaws. We have corruption .poverty.gangs .drugs.and all the rest of the garbage that comes with it...when im in thailand in sept im sure ill have the same possitive expirience i had this year.

  2. Love papaya salad. And when i think of a woman washing everytime they use the toilet is amazing. Walk around any canadian city at night and watch the rats run and garbage piled in the alleys.i admit i wasnt parting on the walking street .nor there on a big drunk. I shared food with the rich and the poor .and avoided the russians and i felt safer and more at ease then in vancouver. Maybe its a matter that i didnt play tourist i played guest. And felt it was a gift to enjoy the thia culture.

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