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  1. If you are not particular about the country and don't want to deal with visa hassles, take her to Turkey. Thai people can stay there for 30 days without a visa.
  2. The switch to taxing global income is just a proposal at this point, if even that. As of now, remittance still matters.
  3. But don’t they achieve exactly the opposite if this comes to pass? Those with substantial wealth will be the first to leave. They have the most to lose and also the resources to relocate. Perhaps to Singapore, which by the way doesn’t tax foreign income.
  4. I don't believe this will actually happen but if it did, do they really think that they can tax foreigners on worldwide income and not give anything in return (i.e. health care, social security etc.)? At least in Europe, generally speaking, if you pay taxes you are entitled to same benefits as native citizens.
  5. It is probably similar to multi-entry Schengen visa in EU. The days stop counting when you exit EU and then it restarts from the same number of days when you come back. So if I'm correct, with this new visa you get 180 days (or 360 days if you extend) that can be used during a period of 5 years.
  6. You are just trolling. I’m from Finland which has one of the most lenient justice systems. This would be a second degree murder any day with a 10-13 year sentence (though only half served with good behaviour). Could be also 1st degree because one of the criteria is persistent intent to kill (IIRC the killer chased the victim down a few km’s). That would be an automatic life sentence with parole after 15-20 years with good behaviour.
  7. It would be good to have Daily Mail and the likes cover the laughable sentence. At least it would (once again) paint Thailand in a bad light.
  8. Holy <deleted> this country is <deleted> up. You shoot someone on the street and get basically a slap on the wrist 😡
  9. Do you automatically get a bike license in NZ if you have a car license? At least in my home country (nordic) that stopped in 1990, if I remember correctly. Nowadays many folks just have a car license but no bike license. If you want bike license you have to take a separate course + tests.
  10. The a**hole got lucky that the plane didn’t divert back to bkk. I know a guy from back home who went crazy soon after take-off (bound for bkk, no kidding). The plane turned back and had to dumb a lot fuel to be able to land. The guy had to pay over €80k in damages.
  11. Yes, unknown concept in most European countries. You can be released to wait court proceedings but it is solely a decision made by police and/or prosecutor.
  12. I have a feeling if this Move Forward party gets into power it will be very bad for most of us so called falangs in the long run. I predict taxes, taxes and more taxes, increasing regulation, p2p scene outlawed over time etc. all this of course to make Thailand more "equal and progressive". I hope I'm wrong but they call themselves social democratic. That has been one of the leading political movements in my home country since ww2. I get a little puke in my mouth when I hear those words. They drain all fun out of a country and make citizens slaves in a golden cage with their high taxes and overreach.
  13. There is a shuttle bus going from DMK to Mo Chit. Bus number A1, if I remember correctly. 30THB per person. It stops at the bus terminal too. I once went to Pattaya from Mo Chit by bus, if I remember correctly the Mo Chit station was a bit disorganized and finding the platform for Pattaya buses took some time. Edit: Here is information about the bus: https://thaiest.com/thailand/bangkok/a1-bus
  14. I don't think that will happen. Thailand is not a very important country in the grand scheme of things. If they start harassing citizens of other countries too much someone will take offence.
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