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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Drew:

    I would like to ask you a question. I have been searching many websites over the last few weeks and the one thing I have noticed is that most websites show units that are no longer available.

    I do realize that it takes time and manpower to update these sites but I do get a little peeved that they show photos of rooms available but when you contact them it's always the same answer - it's gone but we have others.

    I only mention this because of your thoughts about putting photos on Mr Roomfinder.

    What would be really helpful to everyone would be to come up with a site that lists all current openings which are updated daily.

    In particular, what about a site for condo owners to list their available units.

    Surely, owners would line up and pay a small fee for a website that offers current listing information to apt seekers? As an apartment seeker, I bet this would be very popular. It would also cut out the middle men that make apartments more expensive. I would be willing to pay a samll fee to get the list emailed to me daily, it would save me so much time.

    Over the years here, it's amazing to find that owners are willing to negotiate a little when you speak to them directly but I am not so sure that property agents are that willing to go to bat for you, even though they get a commission equal to one month's deposit minimum.

    I am sure I am not alone in this opinion.

  2. What I would like to know is why doesn't immigration offer some sort of id for those of us that have work permits. They put the stamp in the back of your passport identifying this fact.

    Surely for a fee they could provide us with a photo id. Have they not thought of this idea. It would be worth millions of baht a year I would think?

    I don't carry my PP or WP with me except when travelling throughout Thailand.

    It is not practical to go out in the rain to meetings etc. with a plastic back stuck in my back pocket.

    When I was travelling here for a few weeks at a time I didn't really mind carrying the PP with me (for my own piece of mind), but living and working here day to day it seems a bit over the top.

    I have other id such as Thai medical card, tax number, Thai credit cards. Surely this should be enough.

  3. Hi Everyone:

    As someone who has visited both Phuket and Pattaya in last couple of weeks I tend to agree with the original poster.

    A walk down Patong (Beach Road - shops side) is not pleasant. On my right I get a constant earfull of "want a taxi" from the Thai tuk tuks (non stop from one end of the road to other). On my left I get an earfull of "buy a suit...good suit sir" from the Nepalese tailor crew. I could not wait to leave the area.

    Although Patong is nicer, you don't get the constast harrassment in Pattaya.

    Another thing that bothered me was the new so-called OTOP market. I went in there looking for actual OTOP products and found nothing but 100 Nepalese filled shops selling the same crappy t-shirts and trinkets. Not one OTOP product to be found.

    However, some people love Patpong but that's why I stay in Kata.

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