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Everything posted by fanof3d

  1. Very true, nothing to laugh about but "where" do they get it? Smuggled in, allowed, homemade? These are the real issues to address, not just talking about it. Thais LOVE to talk but as I mentioned, haven't seen any programs / tasks forces / classroom education that I know of to aggressively get at the issue. It's no different than encountering idiots on ya ba and trust me that drug embraces anyone....even inside gated communities where you think it's safe. They simply don't care. You'll hear the news story when SHTF but little more in the way of solving the issue. I know that on a micro level, locals in certain areas do try but really starts at home with loving parents who care enough to educate and look after their young ones who will understand to stay far away from any of that crap......rich or poor.
  2. Complete BS. Nice story though. 699 in 7 days....WOW...must have been extremely busy. Where did they house all of these criminals. Obviously underage smoking and especially vaping with illegal substances is bad but Thailand really has nothing in place to really combat it other than these glamorous stories about over the top arrests. Don't worry though, we'll hear the same story again in 2 months where the same amount or more were arrested. Same crap. Instead of dealing with real problems, they love these headlines about issues they have no real control over. Go into any 7-11 or cigar shop and see how many cigarettes are sold. The # of brands are endless. Not only that, it doesn't take a rocket science to learn how to do yourself. Thai people are ingenious when they want to be. Crackdown is one of their favorite words to use for any topic they wish to talk about. Laughing gas is the only thing the RTP ingests in reality.
  3. Why do they do this? Acquiesce or something else? Now you understand that they are looking for fighter jets and whatever. Can't operate them or take care but they DO understand that the region is hot and they can't sit idle anymore. A country (who knows who) will ask them to commit. Then what will they do? Stupid people in government......so it won't be good. Brace yourself because they will have to make a decision and I don't think the u.s. will come to help if they agree to anything with other countries.
  4. Everyone that has a brain or actually does some research will know that the Thai government would eventually concede to this craziness. Thailand loves to play neutrality but it will come to bite them in the ass. IF they allow this, then they will allow anything and especially against foreigners....don't panic but keep you eyes and ears open. This isn't good for anyone. All of you foreigners with a pension sitting on your ass and don't care.....now is the time to at least look at what's going on in the world.
  5. Anyone who laughs about this is delirious. Don't laugh, speak your mind.
  6. They continue to rely on the fact that most Thai people don't care, don't speak, do nothing and it will work again. Until Thai people actually stand up and demand justice, the government will continue to make promises that they know won't come to fruition. It's sad but true. And honestly what is a Thai person to do with 10,000 baht? Are you serious? Good people will pay towards debt or give to their children or grandchildren, bad people will drink free for 3 months. Dumbest idea ever. Want to help, address driving - top 5 in the world for traffic related deaths, alcohol abuse and government manipulation over the populace. Do something that actually benefits Thai people. This government doesn't care but we already knew that once they stole the election.
  7. You do understand that it was all in the plan to begin with. Most people don't study or research but it was always set in stone for China to be the next #1 super power and that's why you are seeing very strong agression. The U.S. has already cemented their demise thanks to crime, political craziness and policies that the rest of the world won't accept. If Russia was killing children at the rate Israel was, the u.s. would condemn but knowing what they do and acting as if all is well...hmmm. The u.s. has helped so many countries over the years but they never really understood the notion of taking care of your own. If your own nation turns on you, Game Over. What does the future hold? Who knows but China is taking advantage non-the-less. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  8. What about delivery? How can they easily forget how they ruined thousands of businesses (small and large) during COVID by banning delivery of alcohol. Now we can have ganja delivered but still not a single bottle of wine/beer/spirits? What a bunch of idiots.
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