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Bird on the Wire

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Posts posted by Bird on the Wire

  1. I'm interested in your motivation for starting this thread.

    Having shagged so many pieces of poxed-up totty, have you got that little seed of doubt in your mind about whether you are HIV+, and you can't bring yourself to confront your demons, so you invent this nice little cosy theory that it's not so bad after all and big, strong, virile blokes like yourself just don't catch such nasty things?

    I hope you've convinced yourself, because your outbursts on here serve to convince no-one else.

  2. [i don't see anyone here complaining about batman and robin, they don't issue visa's do they. The whole debate is about the crappy, unpedicatable and at some times seemigly spiteful service from the 'public servants' at OUR embassy in Bangkok. They are the ones to blame and the unfair system they have to work within, not people giving advice here, even if they do support the system as it is with all it's failings.

    I don't see how the system can be unfair when it would seem that 90% plus of folk get their visa with no hassles. Hey, obviously you're pissed because your wife was refused but in the greater scheme of things that's just a piss in the ocean.

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