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Posts posted by kennyro

  1. I am now 72. About 8 years ago I had my first psa test, which was over 100, I had another in case of a mistake in the reading, but it was even higher. I felt ok, but hadn’t been able to eradicate phn pain (shingles) which came and went over the previous 5 years. I think now maybe metastatic pain.

    I refused treatment but finally succumbed when I could no longer pee – a turp procedure solved the problem. A biopsy from the turp gave a gleason score of 4.3. I ignored advice and continued enjoying my lifestyle, taking medication for pain, mainly in lower back.

    12 months ago I passed out and awoke in intensive care where I had been for the last 5 days. Undischarged urine had poisoned my system causing sepsis. I was not expected to live.

    X-rays confirmed cancer had metasised. I was put on hormone treatment and it gave immediate relief from pain. Due to mounting costs I discharged myself after 2 weeks with a wheelchair and an oxygen cylinder, prepared to die.

    That was 12 months ago. I have an implant 3 monthly and to date no other pains – and although my energy levels are down I believe for the moment the cancer is under control – but the 3 monthly cost of 50,000 bht for the treatment, and the hospital bills are a huge burden for me – but I know I will stay much happier in Thailand than returning home – where hospital bills may be free but living costs far in excess of those in Thailand.

    I am not writing this for sympathy – if there is anyone out there with doubts or fears maybe I could answer a few questions or compare experiences. It is not an easy subject to bring up and I applaud your letter.

  2. A scenar or a DiaDens PCM machine works like magic. I don't know if you will find one in Thailand but easily ordered from the net. Many countries (I am Australian) have clinics set up, but it is easier and more convenient to treat youself. You will see when you search they were invented for Russian astronauts and either cure or relieve many problems.

  3. This pair have a different history to the normal tourist caught smuggling drugs to another country. They were the organisers and convinced 7 other gullible teenagers to strap heroin around their bodies to become rich. The other 7 are still serving time - why is no one trying to free them who were just stupid, not cold, calculating and manipulative criminals.

  4. Only you can decide what you should pay for rent. I am on a similar budget to you and pay 17,000 bht for an 1 bedroom apartment right in the heart of Central Pattaya, with a kitchen. The complex has a pool and I am happy to spend a normal life mostly at home, preparing my own meals like I would back in Australia, but something similar on the Gold Coast would take my whole pension. I know I can get cheaper and newer at but would never have the "I am at home feeling" that I have now. At my age I don't want to just survive - a comfortable well located home is well worth the money to me.

  5. Maybe rabid old goat if you ever return to Gods Own Country you could apply for a position with the ABC. Your stupid comments would make an excellent reference, as your opinion is in line with their staff requirements. Labor were trying for years to confirm trade deals with China, but it was the Liberals who had the success. Just because Shorten and Co share the communist beliefs it does not make them automatic trading partners.

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  6. Congratulations on getting your possesions to fit into two suitcases - if you manage that in Mexico why should it be any different here in Thailand. Thailand caters to expats of all countries - some items will cheaper and some more expensive - but why have the problem of extra baggage until you are actually settled. Shorts, sandals, underwear, a few t-shits, toothbrush and a laptop are more than enough, until you decide where you are going to stay.

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