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About 1happykamper

  • Birthday July 24

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    Chiang Mai

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    In a condo

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  1. An excellent time to visit Da Lat. Vietnam 😎✌️
  2. Daniel has been a naughty boy and wants to interaction with Thai government... Hospitals.. Police. Find this guy! What's he hiding?
  3. So do is foreigners avoid popular areas in Thailand? Or just where.. Chinese hangout? Or? Danger in Thailand is everywhere. Riding my motorcycle... crossing the roads... taking a boat ride. So it's just another day in paradise for you and me. Thailand.. you fkd up again.
  4. An employee shouldn't need training to understand that dumping trash in the river is wrong! However this is a great example of the Thai education and mentality! Pathetic.
  5. So turned in by his Thai neighbors. Mind your own business! Again!
  6. Who exactly are these "netizens"? A couple Aunty's in Issan with nothing better to do than hit that big red complain button?! Thai used to just mind their own business... a mi pen ri thingy. Now they are tripping over themselves to point out how awful farang are. They may live to regret all this moaning.
  7. Thai are really not liking ANYTHING that foreigners do nowadays. Geeeeez. We can't win with this moaning attitude about everything we do. Respect is a two way street!
  8. I resemble that remark!
  9. About 5 years ago these double decker bused were banned. Yes? Very sad that so many died, due to what was very preventable... Better driver skills or a driver that was awake or a bus that wasn't overloaded....52 people seems like too many πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
  10. He lived in the city center! Twenty five years here illegally! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ All those millions of photos and silly forms we've all been filling out.. and for what reason? TiT🀦🀣🀣🀣🀣 Happy Wednesday. What used to be known as Happy Hump Day.
  11. Well the other day we all learned that Thailands biometric system had failed for all? of 2024... and they just found out 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣. Add this no visa entry.. BOOM... Crime ya nut jobs!
  12. Well I enjoyed Roosters posts. He popped by a week ago... and the negativity towards him was shocking. So I don't think it's a lack of "interesting posters" rather a lack of interested and intelligent readers.
  13. Absolute rubbish. πŸ€¦πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Storage for data is cheaper than sum tam
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