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Posts posted by inaktive

  1. And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

    The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

    Then perhaps the EU MEP's will understand that a serious court case, which is in progress might influence the decision to allow the defendant to travel.

    Or do they consider politicians to be above the law too?

    Based on some of the actions from the EU quite probably they do.

    It seems Germany is rife with corruption - Siemens bribery, VW blatant lies and forgery, Politicians forced to resign after plagiarizing their PhD's. Wonder what has suddenly made these two obscure veteran CDU federalists want to meet Yingluck there? Never heard of video conferencing or Skype - no doubt Yingluck could educate them on the latter.

    Yingluck was never actually the leader of PTP - but that won't worry them any more than everyone knows she was only a proxy either.

    Perhaps they did believe in Stuff like "Innocent until proven Guilty ?" If she is out on bail she should be able to travel since with her resources skipping the country would be easy anyway if she wants to run.

    And we both know that Germany (who is far from perfect !!) is so far above the Bribery and co. that you find in Thailand that even to compare them is a sure sign of a complete loss of reality.

    And back to Yingluck: She is still the last elected PM of Thailand and as far as i know no European Country so far recognised the Junta as a legit Government.. So who should they invite ?

    But also i am sure if the Thais not let her travel that "two obscure veteran CDU federalists" who happen to chair not only the "European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs" but also the "ASEAN Delegation" will make sure the EU will use that as a pretext for some not so fun economic measures long planned like perhaps banning the Fish and Seafood from Thailand from EU markets

  2. the question is a bit unspecified ... i am very sure there is a high risk of a terrorist attack but not sure it from out of country.

    every week there are bombs going off in the south and i am still totally surprised the "idiots" fighting there didnt long ago go for the tourists to <deleted> up the moneyflow and perhaps make the government let them go for the cash they stand too loose

  3. They are exchanging 2-4 week staying "Quality Tourists" from Europe/Aussi/etc. with over the weekend Chinese tourists .

    Sure the number of arrivals is up but the number of nights spend by tourists is down and the nights they spend are in "as cheap as possible" hotels either in in Chiang Mai or close to/In Bangkok.

    Even the officials in Phuket are saying the number of ARRIVALS there is down about 2 Million this year and many stay shorter than before.

    Most other beach locations will be the same with only the small and remote ones still getting some growth from the "stay away from the masses" Tourists.

  4. Do i read that Numbers right that if i take the 1066 Gays (no wife or at least not sexually active because then they would not be gay but bisexual) and the 162 IV Druggies out its 543 case left and about half (259) is wifes who say they did get it from their husband ?

    Somehow i dont believe the total numbers ( BKK has less new HIV cases per person and year than Germany ? are they trying to bullshit me ?) anymore than the other stats they publish.

    All the girls say its from the husband because as a good Thai wife cheating it not possible at all ( why do i KNOW for a fact that most are very available for a fling if you treat them nice ? And why do i know that if i dont bring the rubbers the cheating wifes for sure dont bring any even if they KNOW the date will end with sex for sure ? ).

    But most likely as long as they teach their girls in school that they can only get STD's from going with foreigners and not from Thais (i did see big Side of the Street Ads about that in Phuket about 8-10 years ago) they will never get that problem under control ;-)

  5. a bit later they did go after Tourists of the Banyan Tree in Laguna for the same offense.

    None of the Army spoke English and a Reporter had to translate

    I somehow think they will not get more Quality Tourists that the people there paying 300+ Euros a night ;-)

    i do only have a German language version of that event


    The last sentence does say it all "The Tourists did say they will look for another destination the next time they go for a vacation" !

  6. my Mother in Law is having problems with her Blood Sugar levels and we need some decent Doc in KKC to check that out and manage that.

    She was 2 nights in Hospital where they diagnosed the High Sugar but then send her out to get that managed by her local Doc.

    The 2 she did try so far have not really any Idea what they are doing except give her some pills that clearly where not the right dosage ( one was massivly to strong and the other much to weak ) and both didnt even bother to check the blood sugar levels.

    Does anyone have some tip how to find a decent Doctor that can help her getting used to her Sugar Levels and medicate it so they fit ?

    thanks in advance

  7. why does Thailand not grow their own apples - in fact there are probably many fruits and veg that Thailand could be growing rather than importing as they have the climate

    what are you talking about? Thailand is much too warm for growing apples just like say Switzerland is too cold for growing coconuts. Each country produces what they have a competitive advantage in. And frankly with the exception of this outbreak American grown produce is generally very safe and trustworthy. Unlike most thai fruits and vegetables which are pumped full of hormones or laced with formaline to prevent decay and increase shelf life.

    i am quit sure you could grow some kinds in the Chiang Mai area . But is it worth the trouble when you can import them for cheap ?

    I'm not so sure about that. Chiang Mai is still too warm, there's not enough winter chill and I'm not sure if apples would survive the brutal heat of March to may not to mention the the tremendous amount of rain during the rainy season. Even if highland areas could grow them the problem is lack of available land; most of what isn't located inside a national park has been set aside for tea and coffee production. Also china is a cheap source of apples - they are the world's biggest producers these days and not far away from Thailand.

    Your can grow some kinds of apples even on the Bahamas so i think Chiang Mai would work as well ;-)

    The same as Southern Spain and the Middle east where it gets 40+ Degrees C in Summer too

    But i do think its not worth the effort because they can make more money growing other stuff.

    also unrelated to if you can i am very sure how the thinking of the officials is now:

    We will get our Money back from the US Salescompany because they recall them AND we sell them .. double the Profit !

  8. why does Thailand not grow their own apples - in fact there are probably many fruits and veg that Thailand could be growing rather than importing as they have the climate

    what are you talking about? Thailand is much too warm for growing apples just like say Switzerland is too cold for growing coconuts. Each country produces what they have a competitive advantage in. And frankly with the exception of this outbreak American grown produce is generally very safe and trustworthy. Unlike most thai fruits and vegetables which are pumped full of hormones or laced with formaline to prevent decay and increase shelf life.

    i am quit sure you could grow some kinds in the Chiang Mai area . But is it worth the trouble when you can import them for cheap ?

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