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Posts posted by FloridaExport

  1. Rather than a minimum daily rate, it would make much more sense to lay down an hourly rate. E.g. here in Isaan getting workers on the farm, 7:30 start, eat rice first, drink 1 or 2 Lao Khaos, actually start 8:30 to 9. Break for lunch at 12, more Lao Khao, sit chatting, start again 2 pm finish 4:30 or 5:30 if seriously pushed and a good meal and drinks promised. Actually not an 8 hour day of work, plus the expense of buying food and drink !

    In fairness the neighbours operate a "you help me and I'll help you" system which works well, but if you need extra hands 350 baht per day is far too much for what work is actually done.

    Unfortunately, you can also make your point in an opposite way as well. Burmese worker, gets in truck with 30 others before dawn, stops at construction site when the sun is up, works until dark, and then repeat this 6-7 days a week.

    Either way, an hourly wage makes more sense.

  2. Notorious drug gang smashed in Bangkok

    Awesome, so you got everyone in the gang?

    Three leading figures and five other members of the gang were arrested and a number of articles of evidence were seized.

    Cool, sounds like a small gang, but glad you got them.

    They had also advertised the sale of firearms and narcotics online and one particular post showed more than 100 of its members partying with drugs.

    Oh, less than 10% and probably small fries at that. That sounds more like it.

  3. The Ministry of Public Health is also determined to promote a healthier lifestyle among people across the country in a bid to reduce the number of strokes occurring in the population.

    Why not start by educating people, particularly food stall operators, about how to reduce the use of sugar in cooking and how to prepare food with higher quality cooking oil? How about convincing people to stop buying those street vendor drinks that are basically pure sugar, and start promoting healthier drinks like ice tea without sugar and low-sugar waters flavored with fruit juice?

    This might have been a good time to also educated them on the easily identifiable signs of a stroke, such as a drooping face, weakness in the arms, slurred drunken sounding speech, or confusion.

    Never mind. I'm just a simple farang who doesn't understand. Probably best just give out the stats on a possibly preventable death with no other information. Let's keep ignoring the ambulances with the flashing lights too.

  4. In a 'normal' country wouldn't this all be very clear. "Do you have any proof that I received money to take these pics? - No? Well, I didn't and until you have any proof stating otherwise, stop wasting my time!"

    I guess the celebs also love playing this game to get coverage.

    Right, but in a 'normal' country she would have also been held in contempt of court for showing up two hours late, and possibly for refusing to answer the question about her friend. She might have even gotten a free night in jail.

  5. If i was the soldier i would have stripsearched those girls, maybe they wear a bombbelt under their skirts?

    More seriously, why don't they use sniffdogs? Oh well, this is thailand, solly i forgot.

    My first thought when seeing that picture was that the dog was just there for show. No real handler would allow his drug/bomb dog to be treated like a cute puppy by people passing by. That's utterly ridiculous but unfortunately par for the course in Thailand.

  6. The celebrities knew what they were doing, the booze company knew what they were doing....everyone should know that they all knew what they were doing.

    They did it becuase the publicity they have had, even negative is far greater for business than any punishment any of them are likely to ever recieve.

    Not sure what to make of the enormous Singha logos/advertisement which in the past have adorned entire facades of buildings, they may still well do, i just have not noticed them recently.

    They still exist. I saw a green Chang billboard the size of a soccer pitch yesterday. I see dozens of Leo advertisements hanging from roadside signs. They get away with it by not actually having a picture of the beer. Since all these companies sell other items, it is just an advertisement for their company. They just happen to use the same colors specifically found on their beer packaging because they are pretty... No other reason whistling.gif

  7. And what's shown in that video would clearly be non-alcoholic content as it's a freeze-dried powder and not a syrup (you can't freeze-dry alcohol)!

    If using Pat's instant beer (that I guess is the only brand today) it would be a whooping $76 (2400 Baht) for your first 12 beers...

    well you could put sugar and yeast into the powder....wouldn't be very instant as it would need a couple of days, but it would be a way to "have" alcohol in a powder.

    Actually everyone can produce alcohol with yeast and something sweet...that must really hurt the hypocrites.

    As mentioned earlier, a method of "dehydrating" alcohol was developed in the 60s. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with a hexagon shaped sugar or corn starch molecule that completely encapsulated the alcohol. The actual powder was kinda hard to mass produce, and there are regulations that ban it in certain locals. This was in a story from the states around 6 months ago, so it is hard for me to recollect all of it.

  8. The real news here is that someone in India is going to jail for committing rape.

    Uber isn't to blame for this. Taxi companies everywhere are scared to death of them, and try to bring their bad news into the light whenever they can't simply ban them from working. It's a ridiculous article. I would like to see statistics on taxi drivers in India committing rape.

  9. Cat,,State Owned ,A chairman ;; Saprang Kalayanamitr is a Junta General;;,So as far as I can see CAT is Run by the Government,That tells me the Hypocrites have done a turn around and Misleading the Whole Country.F<><><> A<> Holes.

    i just love my hypocritical 35mbit CAT internet connection. eat your heart out tongue.png

    attachicon.gifCAT Speed.JPG

    It's fairly widely recognized that flash based speed tests aren't gonna give you an accurate speed test. The ping time alone should give that away.

  10. This looks staged. The video is too high quality, too clear, and begins before the motorbike even encounters the elephants.

    Not to mention the guy was wearing a motorcycle helmet.

    But seriously, it isn't strange that someone would be filming a group of elephants on a road in Thailand, and lot's of Asians really like high quality cameras. I've seen people do plenty of insane stuff on motorcycles in Thailand. Trying to ride past a herd of wild elephants with babies in tow probably isn't on the top 10 of that list. I can see this being legit.

  11. What a joke! Ok, they are famous but they are taking pictures of themselves and some pictures include a drinks name. Are they actually putting a msg on saying drink Chang/leo/singha? Talk about trying to one's lives. They are also wearing brand name clothes, is that a crime also?

    Come on, you know that some celebrities make money out of advertising certain products. Alcohol, whilst you may admit it or not, is a drug, and it is illegal in some ways, to advertise it in many countries, including Thailand. What, some of these so called stars, superstar, famous people or whatever name you wish to describe them are doing, is making money by subtly advertising an illegal substance. They do this by being photographed holding the substance, such sending out the message that it's good for them to use, hence it will be good for any budding superstar to use also. Yes, they do it with brand name clothes also, but clothes are not considered an addictive drug. So if saving peoples health and lives, especially young gullible people, is considered by you as trying to control our lives, then I strongly suggest you revaluate your judgement.

    Since when is alcohol an illegal substance in Thailand ?

    From 12am to 11am and 2pm to 5pm every day ;). It is a controlled substance which makes it illegal in some ways.

    The law is stupid, but his point about the law actually makes sense.

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