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Posts posted by murraynz

  1. On 12/8/2023 at 11:15 AM, Holly Huntaway said:

    I have inherited a 48sqm condo in Pattaya and basically want to dispose of it a.s.a.p. to cover legal fees.  A solicitor is dealing with registering the condo into my name and I will probably instruct them to sell the condo as a hassle free option, with a percentage of the sale as their fee.  Is this a thing, and if so, what would be a reasonable percentage?  Please no nasty comments (just scroll on by), as I'm having a bad enough time with dealing with the fallout from my dads death as it is.  Many thanks. 

    Depending on the area, it may take years to sell. 

    Best way is to list it for sale with several good agents.. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. On 9/20/2023 at 6:26 AM, bluemoon58 said:

    Fellow members,


    I've done a search but can't find the answer I'm looking for. My annual extension is coming up and I use the 800K in the bank method. I can't remember if I read it or was told but I've always been under the impression that the bank letter and statement had to be done on the day of the renewal? Speaking to a friend of mine the other day and he says that's wrong and that you can get the letter and statement a day or two before you go to Immigration as he always does. Can the experts on here enlighten me as to what the correct rules are?


    Thanks in advance. 

    Bank letter with latest balance, must be done SAME day that you go to immigration

  3. 12 hours ago, lolex said:

    I need some good advice.

    I fear I might have "missed the boat" as far as making a move to Thailand. I had planned to move 7 or so years ago ...and I kept abreast of ThaiVisa and government requirements for retired folk living in LOS until about 5 or so years ago. ThaiVisa is AseanNow ....and, somehow, I find it more difficult to find the info I'm looking for....that's probably my fault !


    So some background. I'm 72. Australian. I have a luuk kreung daughter who is 11 years old and a Thai wife. We've never lived together but we get on well when I've stayed for a few months. I'm still working ( to generate money to help maintain my superannuation. )


    Now I could sell up in Australia...raise around B9m and get a pension of about B40,000 per month. But if I live another 15 years the capital might not last long enough to leave some money to my daughter

    I understand about the marriage visa and reporting requirements. That's ok. Two things I don't understand.


    First...medical insurance or self-insurance. I think you can self-insure by putting B1m in a bank account. But what happens if you need to use half of it for a heart attack? Do you have to replenish it? And will they chuck you out if you can't top it back up. (The prices for annual insurance over 70 appear exorbitant.)


    Second, the Government seems to have been becoming less and less welcoming and comfortable with ordinary farangs (as opposed to super wealthy ones) in the last 10 years. It could change with the new Government, but who knows which way? I worry that the government might continue raising the bar until I'm no longer able to stay (but I've burned my boats in Australia).


    Any good information and sound thoughts appreciated !


    You would need a lot more than 1mil baht, itself insure. 

    A heart attack would cost you far far more than 500,000baht,in a Thai hospital.. 

    Your 40,000 baht month income, would not be sufficient to support a wife and a child, as well. 

    Your 9mill baht savings may last last 20 years if you are careful and not buy house for Thai wife or family etc etc. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. On 8/31/2023 at 12:34 PM, Goat said:

    A business associate called me last week. Said he had a mate coming to Thailand for the first time and asked me to take him out and show him around.

    So i met the bloke and quickly realised that he didnt have the looks or game/personality/hygiene/style to pick up real girls.

    So i thought we may as well head straight for the gogos.


    After a couple of gogos he told me they were too noisy for him and he would prefer to just go to the beer bars he saw, which bore me, but I thought up to him.

    So I know if you buy these girls drinks they will usually give you a bit of a squirrel grip and allow you to fondle and grope them.

    Problem with this bloke is he started trying, and sometimes successfully, to start kissing them toungue down the throat style, much to the amusement and disgust of everyone else in the bars, mongers and hookers included.

    It wasnt just for a few seconds, he would go on and on for as long as he could like a teenager. I think a few of the girls who didnt reject him thought it would lead to a bar fine, but it never did.


    I mentioned a few things to try and put him off, like she had just done a blow bang with a van full of Indians etc, but there was no stopping this bloke.

    He was a bit tight with buying drinks and tipping which made it worse. 


    I know these girls do a lot worse, but that is in the rooms.

    Is it just me, or is this a bit off?

    I told his mate about him, who thought it was very funny.

    It depends what go-go bars you go to.. 

    Some girls enjoy passionate kissing.. Some not like.. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 8/1/2023 at 3:53 AM, GammaGlobulin said:


    My Dearest Fellow-Mortals of The Pub-Forum,


    Earlier this year, I decided to buy a second refrigerator so that I would have one refrigerator for the kitchen, and another refrigerator for my “office-computer-internet-conference–breakfast-lunch-and-dinner-at-my-desk-room”.


    The first refrigerator, bought several years ago, is protected by a 10-year warranty. I can sleep easy with the 10-year refrigerator-compressor warranty…And I have had no sleepless nights following this purchase.


    This past March, I did some research before buying a second 500-liter fridge-with-freezer for my office. After delivery, I waited 24 hours before plugging it in, and it seemed to be working fine. I even bought a freezer thermometer which told me that the freezer compartment stayed below negative-25 degrees C, which is what I require.


    Realizing that I seemed to have made a good purchase, and after filling up the freezer with many kilograms of chicken breasts, and several silicone ice trays, I began to feel proud of myself for being such a savvy consumer.


    However, my good refrigerator vibes were not to last long.


    After a few days, I began dwelling upon the fact that the salesman had talked me into buying a refrigerator with a 20-year warranty. This 20-year compressor warranty had not bothered me much while at the home appliance showroom…


    However, after about a month, sometime around the end of April, I began feeling uneasy at night. I did not have any night sweats or anything, just a feeling that something was not completely right with the fridge.


    It took me until about June before I realized what the matter was…and why I felt so unsettled.


    This salesman had knowingly sold me a 20-year warranty when he obviously must have also known that I would never live long enough to ensure he and his company would live up to the terms of the warranty contract.


    I mean, what will happen if the compressor fails in 18 or 19 years? If I am not around, will anyone force the company to replace the compressor? And how can I be sure? This is my main worry.


    But also, this past month, as I tossed and turned, often losing sleep at night, I have worried that my refrigerator compressor might perversely decide to outlive me. I have heard of refrigerators that can even last 30 years, or more.


    And then I begin to think: Well, what if I DO outlive the refrigerator? In this case, 20 years from now…Then what?  Because, twenty-years hence, wouldn’t I be faced with this same problem all over again?


    You know what I mean?

    Do you, too, wrestle with similar thoughts in the still, wee hours, waiting for the sunrise?


    Best regards,

    With so much to think about,

    And not enough time,



    My Opinion:  The New Yorker is no longer what it once was when Cheever was alive.





    \your life must be very boring, if you spend so much time worrying about frig warranty..omg.. 

    Are you realy serious about this.... 

  6. On 4/19/2023 at 8:31 AM, KannikaP said:

    If £20,000 is a pittance to you, then I am happy for your success. But I would rather import THB 65k per month to spend as I want/need.

    Interest on that money would be say 5% = £1000, about Bht 40,000 per year. Not life changing money.

    COL is cheaper in Thailand? Small Singha is Bht 38 here, same as in UK.

    You may be better back in the UK, where it's could and miserable.. 

    • Confused 1
  7. On 6/10/2023 at 10:58 AM, JimTripper said:

    Wish there were used bookshops around. Have not found one in Pattaya so far. I don’t think people like reading here much.

    There is Canterbury tales, but I doubt if he buys books, does trades though.. 

  8. 3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Bling is being re-modeled as a club i think, sign out front.


    XS on walking st is easy no 1 agogo for 100+ pretty girls, expensive asian focused but do 95 baht draft beer so worth a couple there.


    Windmill upstairs and downstairs open, many fuglies but busy as usual.


    Dollhouse\Electric Blue partly struggling due to quiet soi 15, opposite buildings closed


  9. 8 hours ago, MJCM said:

    I have no idea why you say the 12 month statement and bank letter are extremely difficult to obtain.


    I recently got a 6 month statement and the bank letter within around 20 minutes. The 1 year statement takes 7 days as it comes from the head office


    Maybe it’s your branch that is causing the difficulty?

    Me same same. No problem at Bkk bank

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