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Posts posted by jwongbkk

  1. Pro Language is telling students to expect only 30 days, *not* 90, when doing a checkin. What is really insane, is that after taking a test at the checkin, the Ministry of Education has to mail back your test results.. which takes about... wait for it... 30 days. Leaving *no* time to even make your next checkin.

    Are other school reporting this? This has been going on at Pro Language for over a month now.

    many walen students have got 60 days. apparently the news out there amongst students is that the school is on some blacklist.

    I believe Pro Language is also on the blacklist

  2. normally singapore customs doesn't really give problem to most Thai girls entering singapore.

    Unless, she has been blacklisted or has had some trouble with Singapore before.

    No doubt, there are tons of Thai ladies going into Singapore to work illegal, but, Singapore is a country which goes by the book, and will not reject a person's entry without a valid reason.
    There must have been some reason, some which you did not know.

    Anyway, if she has been denied entry, most likely she would have been blacklisted and so, don't try for at least a few years.
    Why waste your time in superficial Singapore? try kuala lumpur instead

  3. run, you dumb MF!

    once the family starts asking you for money, it's a clear harbinger of the things to come!

    run run run before they really milk you dry.

    All these Issan greedy pigs! showing off their power at your expense.

    if you don't go, you will end up as the joke of the town, paying and letting the family show off, at your expense

    been there, done that. it sucks and it's painful to know that you're nothing but a cow for them to milk

  4. endless squabbling between Thai kids

    Why can't the govt sit down and focus more on moving forward as a nation and trying to root out the rest of the corrupt people rather than concentrating on one?

    They should spend more time, effort and money to think of ways to improve the economy, create jobs, trade and not just thinking of impeaching an incompetent leader

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