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Everything posted by beammeup

  1. Could you elaborate on the 2 years seasoning. First I have heard of that. Maybe I am missing something?
  2. An obvious solution is to not co-mingle. Added complexity to my simple life
  3. No I am not an accountant. I get what you are saying but I have my doubts that the RD will see it that way. I can just imagine trying to explain that I am not transferring the income part from my co-mingles account just the savings part.
  4. if you make a transfer from that pot to Thailand how are you (or they)to determine if it is "old savings, new savings, new interest and other things" its all fungible.
  5. So income from assets outside Thailand.... You only pay tax on the income? Not the entire remittance? So if I have a bond generating 5% interest and I sell it and transfer to Thailand I only pay tax on the portion that was interest? Not the principle? How is anyone going to figure out what is what?
  6. She says bank transfers from personal accounts are not taxable? Really?
  7. or you can buy condos, houses, cars, and Rolex's in Malaysia, Singapore or Hong Kong. and just not bother with Thailand. OK maybe not cars in Singapore.
  8. OK so you bring in enough to live on say 800K or so. You pay around $2k tax. Not a big deal BUT! if you want to buy a condo, house, car, rolex etc... it will cost you an extra 30%. This is the problem.
  9. Exactly, this is very important new info. I am glad the dude made this video, it sums up what has been hashed out here plus adds this new info. Also there are new questions like if I was non resident and but became resident could I bring in earnings from 2 years ago or 3?
  10. good info. Looks like Malaysia is not much different. I am sure many of us were considering there as an alternative.
  11. I think it must be the place where he is from. Must be a big fan of Bell End.
  12. Well he said 200 pages of crap when it is only 114 pages of crap so he does have a trend towards exaggeration.
  13. So we are clear, that it is not clear that gifts remitted from offshore to a spouse are assessable?
  14. So theoretically if you wanted to buy a vehicle or condo, you could gift your wife the money (transferred from overseas) to do so as long as the purchase is in her name?
  15. Those gifts will need to be remitted. Is it clear that the remittance is tax exempt?
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