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Posts posted by beammeup

  1. They genetically modify the plants to be resistant to their herbicide so you can use tons of it to kill the surrounding herbage and everything else in its path. Not good for soil or biodiversity. They also modify the plants to be pest resistant. So the pests that are resistant to this survive and breed with the other survivors and create super resistant bugs and as someone else said you are then up sh!!ts creek.

  2. I thought this was about Thailand and Thai farmers protesting against a bill on GMO farming. Not Africa or india. I would think that even the poorest people in Thailand have access to vegetables so no need for the Golden rice is there. Besided Golden rice is a humanitarian project for countries with high vitamin A deficiencies. Thailand does not have this problem so would not be issued a licence to use it as you are saying.

  3. I have a 1 year non O visa and my first 90 day entry stamp will expire on Friday. I live near a border so I was wondering if a quick border run would be easier that going to Immigration and getting an extension or whatever it is I need to do there? Can I get another 90 day stamp at the immigration office? If so what is required? In the past I would usually leave the country for work so I have never run into this situation before.

  4. I think Pattaya might object to stopping smoking and drinking, put it this way, walking street might be a little bit empty peak season!!

    It won't be empty. Now that smoking and alcohol abuse will be curtailed, I may go to see what is so special.

    Why dont you go visit North Korea then, I hear they are opening up for tourism. Oh and by the way you wount find much special about Pattaya without people enjoying themselves having a smoke and drink

  5. That is a typical example of how insidious this is.

    Yes this happened because fats were demonized and food companies realized that foods that are low fat and low sugar taste horrible.

    So they added LOTS of sugars to replace the fats, and created delicious foods that people love to eat ... too much ... packed with massive amounts of added sugars.

    Then sell them as healthy.

    You couldn't make this up but that's the modern food environment.

    Oatmeal is a classic example of that very point. Plain old oatmeal has almost no sugar, in fact none other than the natural. But it's not sexy so it's now boxed up in about 30 different flavours, all with high sugar additives, all aimed at kids pressuring parents. The Australian varieties have 25g sugar per 100 grams...ie a MASSIVE sugar load, highly addictive . Add to that the sugars in milk, including low fat and it's extremely unhealthy for kids(and adults) . Cost is about 150 Baht per box, the plain homebrand no added sugar version is under 30 Baht.

    It's all about creating addicts and maximising profits

    People have a choice and should have a choice what they want to eat. The inteligent ones will educate themselves. I grew up on twinkies. wagon wheels, cookies, candies, chocolate, icecream, coke, mountain due etc... I am not overweight or sick. I wish everyone would just worry about themselves and stop saying to ban this and tax that and regulate the other. Mind your own freakin business.

  6. Sugar is the latest demon or bandwagon, to distract everyone from the fact that they screwed up on saturated fats and cholesterol (actually healthy). Its certainly not poison as most everything we eat gets converted to sugar for cellular respiration. Too much of anything is unhealthy, I would have thought that common sense would stop people from putting 10 spoons of sugar in their coffee though. White rice is just as bad if not worst. The thing that is killing everyone is all the oxidative stress caused by the polyunsaturated oils that they use here. I wish they would go back to lard.

  7. Did you not read what she said. She went out with 10 friends. She probably wasn't a lesbian before the incident but I imagine these kinds of things would push a girl in that direction. Smart girl for talking him down like that or she might have just been another missing girl. I hope they throw the book at this animal

  8. The pot heads are already here and always have been. Its just not visible because its illegal. If it were legal then it surely would be the land of smiles. I dont think much would change, maybe a few more Amsterdam type cafes or Rasta bars. More and better pizza places for sure. Legalize it! Put the tax revenue into schools or hospitals rather than the crooks pockets.

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