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Posts posted by Hostile

  1. I live on Koh Samui I have MYIPTV well over a 100 English speaking channels sports movies documentaries to many to mention however you need to have Internet in your house if not I also have CTH as a back up incase the Internet goes down better and cheaper than true movies which I had for 8 years before they lost the EPLnfootball rights

    I got TOT i think 10MBs

    I pay like 1000 month

    Would that work?

  2. Look at GMMZ, not the quite the selection of Truevison but much cheaper and better content in general and a whole lot less hassle.

    ROKU is a good choice if you have fast internet as this works off the internet.

    If you have space for a small dishs with GMMZ and another dish for free TV you would have TV 90% as good as TrueVisions at 40% off the cost in my opinion.

    It all depends on what channels you "must" have really.

    I will look at it

    The other option im thinking about is


    Any idea ?

    How thats works

    Need fast net?

  3. Ais and true move are phone companies...

    True does have cable company 'True Visions' which offer all the channels you mentioned above...

    Although do not think AIS offers any cable TV service(at least not that I have heard)

    Many don't like true but not a whole lot of choice out there for cable providers with a lot of foreign language channels..

    Which is why a lot of expats find ways to stream via Internet from other sources

    I thought its iptv not cable
  4. One of the stories is that it originated in battle against the French at Agincourt, who used to lop the fingers off archers.

    If archers still had two fingers, they supposedly flicked them at the cheese eating surrender monkeys as a gesture of defiance.

    I heard that many times in uk. Archers thing
  5. well thats five thai meals a day and a 10k baht month room. certainly doable, especially if you have confidence knowing you have ample savings for emergencies.

    i had an entire villa to myself for 15k and did not spend more then 100 baht a day on everything when i was in chiang mai, and was never hungry or needy.

    i would need to be in the $60 a month thai apt and $2 a day bracket for it to start to become not tolerable. i knew people who were kn this bracket (all thai).

    100 baht a day in Chiang Mai? Your diet must have been horrible if that is the case. Those 30 baht meals they serve are fine once in a while, but the cheap oils and high sodium are real killers. I live in Chiang Mai and I cannot imagine life here on 100 baht/day.
    actually its some of the healthiest stuff you can eat. chicken soup, fruits, vegetables, rice, smoothies from mango, watermelon, dragonfruit, fish all fresh and not processed with all the fats and chemicals added to every meal in the west.

    not sure where your eating, mcdonalds? some expat german food place?

    Eating at McDonalds isn't a health choice but would probably be healthier than the average 30 baht meal in Thailand, or even the average 100 baht meal for that matter. Most Thai food consists of large quantities of white rice, lots of MSG, lots of white sugar and very little in the way of substantial ingredients...how much chicken do you get in your Kow Pat Gai? Its tasty largely because of all the unhealthy stuff they throw in....not that tasty food has to be unhealthy. When i order certain Thai foods such as SomTam I ask for no sugar and just a little NamPlaa. People make some dangerous assumptions about Thai food being healthy. Maybe if those people do a little reading they might start to understand, and if they ever get a proper health check they may be in for a shock. And to all those so called minimalists thinking they are getting a good deal on 100 baht a day, factor in the future cost of poor health and they might realize its been a false economy.
    No way Mc Donald its healthier.

    Its toxic burgers that never rootens

    Iceland put its last sold burger in a museum with live cam. Its there for years and no mold lol

    Here u go http://bushostelreykjavik.com/last-mcdonalds-in-iceland

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