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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. could that be because they changed the was stats are collected? where as 'actual' crime has risen
  2. so you think the assassinations attempts were faked?
  3. but they are all legally living there, where as 20 million are illegal under Kamala, well Biden, but he's been ousted so, it falls on her.
  4. skipping war is skipping war, both the same
  5. so now he costs the UK tax payer 1000's per month forever, why not send him to live with one of the politicians that stood up for this type or stuff, or one of those civilian do-gooders
  6. so ignore Biden skipping Nam, butt butt butt Trump
  7. yeah, it says 'reportedly' ,not Trump said XYZ and we have video evidence. nowhere in the original Atlantic article, or the clip you posted is there any evidence offered to prove Trump said anything of the sort. it is basically a lie repeated by various msm outlets, using 'anonymous sources' in order to spread a story without any actual facts and fools like you lap it up, as always
  8. the name of the person the posted the link is nothing to do with the content, if you had bothered to look you would have seen it was video clips of Trump & Harris at different speaking events, both being asked the same question by an audience member, there is a stark difference between both answers. 1 gave an answer, 1 avoided giving an answer.
  9. here is the difference between the two.... https://x.com/DefiyantlyFree/status/1837869845117128820
  10. apology accepted. just listen a little better next time.
  11. he said body man, i presumed he meant bodyguard. should listen to things, save you looking foolish!
  12. check back through the anti Trump threads here and you will see many similar titles.
  13. so tell me what i am supposed to be listening to, where is the 'gotcha'?? at 35 seconds, the guy say there is no tape of this happening, so that means NO EVIDENCE trump said it, and he strenuously denies it. 2:35 minutes, the former 'bodyman' for Trump says he was with him the entire day, and it wasn't said. so, that leaves an un-named administration official, is that your proof right? an anonymous official? nothing on record, no video or audio, and an anonymous source? i think you need some councilling as you are way up on the acronym scale, its's probably affecting your blood pressure too. if you are referring to the bit about McCain, if you watch the full clip, he calls McCain a loser in reference go his presidential bit, NOT for his military service. he does diss McCain then, but that has been rectified since. they had both been disparaging to each other.
  14. but Harris wont, but she is 'sensible' when she declines, not 'scared' the double standards from the derangement posse is off the charts.
  15. and what do you call Tulsi, RFK or anyone else defecting from the war & open border party? it's the war hawks that are leaving because Trump wants peace, they want and financially gain from war!
  16. hahaha, they had to cut away. jesus wept, are you for real!! haha, what a frekking joke.
  17. another pathetic thread from the derangement squad. you're all clearly obsessed with the orange one that you cannot go a day without frothing about him in some way. Trump has done all the debates that have been arranged, he even let the Dems change the rules twice in their favour and didn't complain. he has done 100's of interviews compared to Harris' few, she repeats the same script in each one,and had to rehearse her lines for four days to be able to do 1 debate with Trump. (she reverts to her word salads if she goes off script) Trump debates on his own, Harris had a whole team backing her up, bias mods and live fake fact checking, that basically just quoted previous MSM lies. perhaps Trumps should demand his own rules Trump+ Harris + mods present only (+ camera crew) 1 left Mod, 1 right mod. fact checkers for both or none at all. Harris's hair up, no ear pieces or nova bluetooth earrings sealed questions so Harris cannot pre warned.
  18. what am i supposed to be looking at ? it's 3 minutes of absolutely nothing. so as i said above, anonymous sources and a fictitious article. you know the saying, fool me once...... how much of a fool do you feel? does it increase daily
  19. i dont have a position ion is because i'm not a obsessed deranged old git.
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