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  1. Ukriane 'pushes' ?? Russia has been ready to talk since the beginning, the US & UK stopped it, last months meeting Russia wasn't invited...how TF can you have a discussion about peace and the future of Ukraine without 1 side of the conflict being there?, well done for those that didn't sign or bow to the corrupted western countries trying to muscle it their way, and lets be honest, thats the USA!
  2. .org/wiki/Euromaidan why is it nonsense, because America wouldn't do such a thing?....so they haven't interfered in other countries politics for their benefit before?
  3. cracking chat. i got a few thing to do, sorry if i don't hang around
  4. she was yeah, but i wasn't talking about that, i was referring to the fund that her , hollywood celebs donated to that was for bailing out BLM pr..rioters. so no politician has ever used the term 'fight' before? when Trump recently said 'bloodbath' did you take that literally too? i think guys like you lost your mind the minute Trump won in 2016..and you've lost more braincell daily since!
  5. watch the first 15 seconds. trump said.... 'i read', i didnt even know about it, he didnt tell me'! i didn't watch any further, i don't think i need to so it would seem El' trumpo read the WSJ fake story too STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION!
  6. so the US wanted a pro Russian due out and a Pro western one in..... so dispite the guy being democratically elected..he had to go.
  7. how so?? not luck either, i made choices. i like the sun, sea and ease of Thai life.
  8. and then the orange one was conveniently banned from Twitter so he was unable to speak out against the dems & bais medias lies!
  9. Understandable back then with only limited news information, but in the internet age where you can find news from all over the world to get a more balanced opinion these guys here stick to the same few channels they've watched for 5+ decades, swallowing all the lies they're told without question. just look at the Elon musk story as an example. BS story made up by the WSJ..... so good he has bought Twitter so there is some fight back against the MSM MISINFORMATION and LIES. no doubt once Ukraine is over the same people will lap iup the next thing that comes along, covid 2.0, bird flu, or those pesky Chinese wanting to invade everywhere.....sheepy sheep sheep!..... rant over😎
  10. seems you have a goldfish memory as you forgot the critical part where Trump said 'peacefully'
  11. Harris is ok with riots, after all she helped to bail out those that got arrested at the BLM riots...or were they firey but mostly peaceful protests. remember all those shops boarded up in the run up to election day...Trump lost, AKA was cheated, but there still were not riots by MAGA, so i wonder who those shop owners were worried about.. left or right?
  12. do you really believe that MP was going to get hanged, and in public? get a grip man, this is not 1776!! when Trump said 'bloodbath', were you one that thought he meant for people to riot? do you think if these people got hold of Trump they'd actually feed hime to the royal families dogs?
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