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Posts posted by Dumbastheycome

  1. 3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Hard to believe that her diving "buddy" just upped and left the country. Surely he must have been the first one to notice her disappearance !

    From information as  given  it  is  strange. Especially when the  search seems  to be in the  Bay area she was  supposedly diving in  around  time last sighted. 

    "Due to return" may not  mean  actually will. 

  2. Some  really really funny  comments  here when a significant  number of parts in US  Military  weaponry  and  military  aircraft  are   made in China.

    And a  very significant percentage of  guns owned  by  Americans  are 100 %  made in China.

    A Thailand  based Weapons  Repair  Facility could  actually be a viable possibility.


  3. 1 hour ago, natway09 said:

    I have mentioned this before but a timely reminder.

    If you get a scratch (even a small one, wash as soon as possible with  warm water with 5% Dettol.

    Then apply Betadine 4 times a day unil healed.

    Any sign of colouring around the wound, get to a reputable hospital ASAP

    Sensible advice.

    I have to admit I  am a bit careless  about quickly treating minor cuts and scratches even in the  knowledge that  many parts  of Thailand  soil  contain some very nasty things such as  melioidosis  which is  widespread in  the  northeast.

  4. 53 minutes ago, robin hood said:

    Quite right too.

    But the  big  question is "what are the  human rights when being attacked  by uncontrolled  dogs in the public domain? "

    I think most rational people  can accept that  a burglar inside private  property foregoes legal consideration other than when dogs are deliberately set on them. Even in Thailand it is unlawful to set  dangerous protective devices inside a private property even  with  warning signs despite the appeal that might have. Can only wonder if guard dogs come under such a  law.

  5. 6 hours ago, Redline said:

    OK you are a psychologist.  "I can touch it, I can see it, but is it really real?"  "My dog talks to me!"  What you are prescribing for us to use is called perception, which each individual may own as their own "truth."  This works OK inside your condo, but not really in the current social structure.  It is good bar room talk, although I'm not sure the conversation would repeat itself with the same person twice.  So, I mean truth in the context of the definition of lie:

    • 1 :  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

    • 2 :  to create a false or misleading impression.

    Your original statement falls into definition number 2, which now, I'm sure you figured out.

    As  said. The psychologistic mind  bent derivations of truth do not compare well to the eventual outcomes of  rational observation of  the direction of preceding  events.

    What I  cannot remove  from my thinking is that there is  a great possibility that what is unfolding is  not a  glitch but a  very deliberate infliction and provocation by use  of  meglomania. Such a  concept in the  modern world infrastructurally  as vulnerable as it now  is nothing  short of  desperation.


  6. Personal opinion. Trump  will  prove  to be the  nemisis  of the totally  contrived  and  artificial assumption  of  global domination in this  era.

    He  will  not be the prime cause but he will  be the catalyst  of the inevitable.

    The  sad  aspect is that the  gullible  US population and servile associated policy  nations have  been so readily  led to upcoming  subjugation .  

    The  UN has  already  lost  credibility as an instrument of international consensus and now is  being shown to be the compliant  agent  of  devolving and  desperate reactive  policy to preserve the  control of  a  selective  minority.

    History  has  few  examples  of an outcome that  does  not  put the  general population  at  severe  risk, whether they  be  willing  or  not to  defend  what they  have  been  deluded to  believe.

  7. 3 hours ago, hdkane said:

    do you know how all the "conspiracy theorists" on TV are mocked for their unfounded statements?  ok...i used to live in a condo complex in bkk...turns out the condo committee was taking kickbacks from all the vendors who provided maintenance to the condo development...and we (residents who found out they stole 1 million baht) found the cctv footage of the condo security and management allowing a "repairman" from the elevator company purposefully damage the elevator mechanisms...it came to light because one of the idiot thai repairmen did such a good job in breaking the elevator that the intentional damage was obvious...anything can happen here, and thais know no limits to their lazy embrace of theft...

    WT..? I  am left at a loss in  comprehending  why have someone  deliberately  sabotage the  lifts? Was it in retaliation  for fronting them  for theft or????

  8. 17 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

    The dogs should be destroyed, they will harm someone again 100% as they have learnt this bad behaviour now.

    Mind numbing YES, anyone know Thai law regarding putting down vicious dogs ??

    If there was a law then it could be bypassed by brown envelope syndrome.

    I  know of  several incidence where the  Police  have  destroyed a  biting  dog. Whether  or  not  with the  "owners" approval  I  do not  know. In all occasions there was  also compensation  paid  for the  cost  of  hospital treatment  and the course of  rabies vaccinations.

    The law ? Probably based on  proven and/or admitted liability in proportion to financial outcome.

    Would be interesting to know if  in this  Criminal  case  the  Courts  can order greater  compensation than  what amounts  to  funeral  costs as well  as the  destruction  of dogs  that are  already deemed disallowed to be in Thailand.

  9. 11 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Again I am late to this particular thread, and I'm close to bedtime, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned but as far as I am aware, the majority of Thai vets will refuse to put down any animal, I have a friend with a bar, he has a large frontage onto a quite busy road, the stupid dogs like to chase cars and bikes, you would not believe how many get hit, he used to take them to the vet but not anymore, the vets will keep the animals in (at a charge) administer drugs (at a charge) and generally take care of them (at a charge) until they are either fit enough to leave or they die.


    He soon stopped that I can assure you. 

    Can sympathize  with  that. Once took a male dog to a  vet that had been hit by a  motorbike and learned  that  after 3  days was still unable to  move its back legs. Naively expected to have the  Vet  confirm it had a  major  spinal injury but he instead  suggested it was  suffering only  spinal  shock. He did  agree with  my opinion that if  it indeed  had a broken back it would  be kinder to euthenize but insisted on his  diagnosis. To this  day this  dog  has learned to  drag itself  about with   infected abrasions on various points that go to the bone!

    It  is not  my dog but if I had the opportunity I would put an end  to its  misery myself. But the  owner  seems  quite content that it still lives happily despite it defecating  and peeing on itself and  regularly being the  victim of  attack  by other dogs.

    Yet I am sure that if it was  human relative tolerance  for  the same outcome would  more likely  result in an alternative mindset.

  10. Other than  bananas and the strange inferences  about the sale of  them  I can agree that the proliferation of  small  business by the  roadsides in general  has  been  rapid. Ranging from cloth shanty  construction and upwards  to  quit large scale  commercial  structures.

    Perhaps  it is  the  recognition of the  fact that the  days of the  funny  munney and  the  nights of the  barking  dogs  are   genuinely over  so  the suggestion of  some  self  sufficiency  is being taken on  board?

    Nothing  ventured , nothing gained. 30.000 Bht is  no  fortune  but   should  at least  provide  a  reasonably  respectable commercial venue.

    Best  of  luck  to you and  yours.

  11. I  find it unbelievable  that these dogs have  not  mandatorily  been  put down as uncontrolled  proven human killers  in a location  well outside of their owners  territory.

    I know  of several  cases where the local police  have  destroyed dogs  that have  merely  bitten children without provocation !

    I hope the  criminal case has  an outcome that provides  a more secure and permanent  protection that the  best  efforts   of a  previously negligent owner.

  12. 7 hours ago, eldragon said:


    Care to tell us a bit about your wife and her family? Are they financially stable? Anytime a rich guy marries into a poor family, he's entering a situation where everyone will be looking to him for money. It's not exclusive to Thailand.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    No problem. All of them have  been and remain in a financially stable but perhaps in  various  states of  affluence as per usual in  rural Thailand.

    My wife had  been divorced  and  single  for  10 years when we  met. She had dismissed  suggested offers  of  marriage  in preference  to independence and for  many years held  the position of  P.A  to  a  very wealthy Bangkok business woman. 

    Our  meeting  was  incidental rather than opportunistic. My interest in her  was  treated  with  great caution initially .As  for  being a  rich  guy I am not  but  I have  a reasonable  regular  income  to  call on. To that point  my wife  has never  asked how  much I  might  have despite that  query coming to her from locals.

    I  have provided  her  with her own  business  which  she has with  indomitable  energy  made a success which in turn has  given her great  satisfaction . 

    Yes, she had one  daughter who now considers  me to be her  Father in the real sense and  who is  now also married  and has a  child.

    The  Mother  in Law, now  deceased, was  a wonderful old Lady  who only  ever asked  one thing..and that was  to never  leave  her  daughter !

  13. 13 hours ago, swissie said:

    I said it before and I will say it again: It's the "Baggage" that is the number 1 relationship killer. In this time and age, the expectation that a Farang Husband has to financially "carry" the whole Family- Clan indefinitely does not sit well with the Farangs.


    If it wasn't for the "Baggage-Factor", I am convinced, that the Failure-Rate concerning Farang/Thai relationships would easily be cut in half.


    A good time to remember: Most Farangs realize too late, that they haven't just married a Thai-Beauty but a Thai-Family.


    If that generalization is  correct then it is probably as  correct that  so many Farangs realize too late that after  presenting themselves as naive big spenders it is that  factor which led to marriage and the eventual problems.

    In my personal  case I had no difficulty in full agreement of my wife that I was marrying her and not her  extended family. 

    That position  was and continues  after 15 years fully accepted. At the same  time I and they readily do various favours for each other on a  non financial basis.

    What I have  never understood  is  why when there is  so much  debate  about the supposed unscrupulous wiles  of Thai  women/ families which should indicate good caution on behalf of a Farang . But almost invariably blame is placed  solely on the Thai/s !

    It seems  so often that the person  who rushes in to  buy a cheap second hand sports car on sight finds out  later it  is  just an old  Trabant  with a  racey car kit fitted and as for baggage failed  to ask if  previous credit was  still owed !

  14. On 3/3/2017 at 9:50 PM, swissie said:



    They go for the most gullable (most milkable) Romeo's that can easily be disposed of once the milking is completed.

    - Rinse and repeat.......

    Milkable Romeo...quite a concept !   

    Are you choosing to ignore the many  who  choose a   genuine  unmilkable  bull.  lol

    I guess  a herd  of cows requires regular  milking ! Providing   local  butter even. 

    Bulls on the  other side of the  fence  are  necessary  but  don't usually  receive the same public  attention.  lmao

  15. A  "fixed term " account is  fine so long  as whatever the term is if  not renewed by choice rolls into  the  nominal rate  at least. What is  more important is that the funds in the  account  are  available for immediate withdrawal even at the  loss of   any current  applicable annual interest. That plus that at  anytime during the  3 month period  preceding  an extension that the  account  number  remains the same. i  have seen a  refusal of extension because  funds  which never  left the   bank  were given a new  account  number for   renewed investment  term during that 3  months   so  were deemed  to be  new funds invested  for less  than 3 months !. 

    My Bank  Account  Manager  knows  very well  now  that I  wish to  retain the  same  account  number for  my  required  deposit and if  dealing with him  it is never in question. 

    However if attempting the same   outcome  with   Tellers or  more   junior  staff they  will insist a  "new term"  requires  a  new  account  and  number.

     Incorrect  but  explainable for and  by the  fact  a  "new" account probably  attracts a personal bonus for facilitating  it . 

  16. At  face  value  this  story  does indicate  a  very  sad  lapse  in the  system. 

    But to my thinking there  is something  missing  in the true  details. Probably  never  to  be  made  known despite the offered story  that  a policeman removed  from  active  duty  was  given leave to  take   " holiday  time"  to return  ( in uniform or  not???) to the location where his  activities leading to  the original cause  to  be made  inactive  whilst being under investigation.

    In  any event  this  definately is  a situation  that  deserves   very  very  much  public expctions.


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