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  1. What, Vibrant Offerings?
  2. Well, he won't do that again
  3. Yes a 200000 baht gold chain front an Indian, did the Police get it appraised.? Hmmmm
  4. A couple of Chubbys slapping each other like they are still in the playground
  5. Actually there was a US Forces hospital first, as well as some R&R. Heard that the location was near Soi Diamond, not verified though
  6. Oh Dear, absolutely shocking will not be able to sleep tonight.
  7. Plenty of tourists riding big bikes, shirtless, some with the bar fine clinging to the back seat, most I suspect with no license or more important, experience. Unfortunately there be more accidents with the innocent coming out worse.
  8. Sounds like he is very upset snowflake, God this generation, wear cheap flip flops in future
  9. No Commercial Value, could work or gift, and no charge. Any one tried.
  10. Not to bright an individual or mental problem's
  11. They (Police) can not enforce the blatant non wearing of underware in public, let alone beach food sellers.

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